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PIR Enhancment shaman V 0.4 1.0.0

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This is a profile i have tried working on, i find it to work quite well, let me know and if u have any tips on changing it i would like so feed back, thanks



What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


here is  a new one, with use of ghost wolf and nice rotation hope it works for you

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I'm not playing on retail atm. but how should some spells work if they look like this in your FightClass?

          <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionNumber">
          <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool">
            <Name>Healing surge</Name>
      <SpellName>Healing Surge</SpellName>

That means, the bot only casts "Healing Surge", if the buff "Healing Surge" exist on your character, but "Healing Surge" isn't a buff..

Here how it should look like:

          <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionNumber">
          <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionNumber">
      <SpellName>Healing Surge</SpellName>

You could also add a timer, change the priority and add some more conditions to it.

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im not sure haha, ill have a look later on, but it works lol, so if hp goes smaller than 85 the bot will heal, dont know what ive done but its worked for me.


like i said ill change it later to what u have said and see what happens, thanks for the feed back, this is my first ever fight class so im still learning :)

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1 hour ago, PIR said:

im not sure haha, ill have a look later on, but it works lol, so if hp goes smaller than 85 the bot will heal, dont know what ive done but its worked for me.


like i said ill change it later to what u have said and see what happens, thanks for the feed back, this is my first ever fight class so im still learning :)

It works, cuz you have "Healing Surge" a second time in your FightClass, where the needed buff condition isn't added.

Just the first "Healing Surge" won't work, which is at the current highest priority 19.

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