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Need Help With Pathing Method


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Hi y'all!

I'm trying to figure out the various methods WRobot has for finding paths.

I'm working on a profile to do the Tanaan Jungle "Tiny Terrors" and can't seem to put together a decent method for the bot to get as far as it can with the flying mount, but then using a (more) precise method to navigate to the NPC.

For example

string name = "Chaos Pup"
Vector3 location = new Vector3(3265.077, 394.3333, 116.3515, "None");
int npcID= 94638;

This NPC is in a cave. If I use...

List<Vector3> pos= wManager.Wow.Helpers.PathFinder.FindPath(ObjectManager.Me.Position, location);

...it generates a ground-only path to the NPC, which looks pretty bot-like, but does seemto actually navigate to the NPC.

If I use...

MountTask.Mount(true, MountTask.MountCapacity.Fly);

...the bot flies above the location and then smashes itself into the mountain repeatedly (which, obviously, looks even more like a bot and doesn't reach the desired location).

Is there a simple solution that I'm missing?

My current method for navigating is (and forgive me, this is cannibalized from somewhere on the forum)...

public static void GoTo(Vector3 position, float minDist= 10, float minDistFly= 100, int maxFlyTimeMins= 30)
	var dist = ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(position);
    bool canFly= Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return IsFlyableArea()");
	if (dist > minDistFly&& canFly)
		Log("Making a long move to "+position);
		MountTask.Mount(true, MountTask.MountCapacity.Fly);
		//LongMove.LongMoveGo(position, maxFlyTimeMins * 60 * 1000, minDistFly);
	else if (dist > minDist)
		Log("Making a short move to "+position);

...but I need to make this adaptable so it can handle the occasional indoor location...does anyone have any ideas (or, I mean, I have to imagine this functionality is probably already somewhere in WRobot(?)so perhaps @Droidz can point me in the right direction?

Sorry, I did try to find it in the forums (maybe I'm not using the right search terms?).

I've been coding for WRobt for awhile (still getting used to C#), but this is my first foray into Profiles (actually it's kinda my first attempt to make a full product that isn't a plugin).

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try to use vector3 type "Flying":

Vector3 location = new Vector3(3265.077, 394.3333, 116.3515, "Flying");

if npc is indoor, don't put npc position but try to put outdoor position near the door

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7 minutes ago, Droidz said:


try to use vector3 type "Flying":

Vector3 location = new Vector3(3265.077, 394.3333, 116.3515, "Flying");

ifnpc is indoor, don't put npc position but try to put outdoor position near the door

Awesome! I'll give it a shot once servers are back up.

Is there a way to check if a coordinate/npc is indoors (seems like there must be, since we can "Ignore indoor/outdoor nodes" while gathering)?

Because then I could do something like 

public static void TakeOptimalRoute(Vector3 position)
	List<Vector3> roughPath= wManager.Wow.Helpers.PathFinder.FindPath(Location);
	Vector3 transitionPoint= new Vector3();
	for (int i= 0; i< roughPath.Count; i++)
		Vector3 coo = roughPath[i];
		if coo.IsIndoors() //	Or however I would do a check to see if the destination is indoors
			transitionPoint= roughPath[i-1];
	if (transitionPoint != new Vector3())
		GoToTask.ToPosition(transitionPoint.IsFlying()); //And that might fix my orignal problem, too? Sorry, just looked into Vector3 properties


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You can check if npc is out/indoor but you cannot check position directly. 

IsFlying() and IsGround() return bool (you cannot use it in "GoToTask.ToPosition()")

Not tested, but you can try by distance (build are generally small):

    const float OutdoorDistance = 30;
    public static void TakeOptimalRoute(Vector3 position)
        if (position.IsFlying())

        List<Vector3> roughPath = wManager.Wow.Helpers.PathFinder.FindPath(position);
        Vector3 transitionPoint = Vector3.Empty;
        float distance = 0;
        for (int i = roughPath.Count - 1 - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            distance += roughPath[i].DistanceTo2D(roughPath[i + 1]);
            if (distance >= OutdoorDistance)
                transitionPoint = roughPath[i];

        if (transitionPoint != Vector3.Empty)


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