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/use 10,13,14 (a solution)


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Today I proudly presents : /use 10, use /13 aaaaand use /14 !!!
Okay, RunMacroText("/use 14") will work also, so why should you use a script ?

  • I want to use "use 10" if it's ready to use
  • I want it in fight only
  • I dont want to change timers

At first: If you are not rogue, ...

  • ... change idSinisterStrike=1752 to another spell that represents your fight range. I use it only to be sure, that I am near enough to fight. Sinister Strike are a level 1 spell with a range of 5y.
  • ... remove / change GetComboPoints to another check to be sure, you have the right target and you are in combat

What do I do?
At first I check if I am not in stealth, I have a target, the target is a bad guy, the fight has started and the range for a fight is good.
After this I check my slots, if there are usable items in 10,13 or 14. If they are ready to use, I will use it.
I made 3 sections (spells), because I want to be able to disable them once by once. Its also possible to make a loop to check/cast them once.
/use 14

      <SpellName>--use 14 (second trinket)</SpellName>
          <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionLua">
			local slot="Trinket1Slot"
			local idSinisterStrike=1752
			local ssname=GetSpellInfo(idSinisterStrike)
			if not IsStealthed() and UnitExists("target") and not UnitIsFriend("player", "target") and (GetComboPoints("player") &gt; 0) and (UnitHealth("target")&gt;0) and (IsSpellInRange(ssname,"target")==1) then
--[[			RunMacroText("/use 14")  ]]
				local slotId, texture, checkRelic = GetInventorySlotInfo(slot)
				local itemId = GetInventoryItemID("player", slotId)
				local start, duration, enable = GetItemCooldown(itemId)
				if (duration==0) then
					UseInventoryItem( slotId );
--[[ print("use "..slotId)	]]					
      <DescriptionSpell>/use 14</DescriptionSpell>

/use 13

      <SpellName>--use 13 (first trinket)</SpellName>
          <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionLua">
			local slot="Trinket0Slot"
			local idSinisterStrike=1752
			local ssname=GetSpellInfo(idSinisterStrike)
			if not IsStealthed() and UnitExists("target") and not UnitIsFriend("player", "target") and (GetComboPoints("player") &gt; 0) and (UnitHealth("target")&gt;0) and (IsSpellInRange(ssname,"target")==1) then
--[[			RunMacroText("/use 13")  ]]
				local slotId, texture, checkRelic = GetInventorySlotInfo(slot)
				local itemId = GetInventoryItemID("player", slotId)
				local start, duration, enable = GetItemCooldown(itemId)
				if (duration==0) then
					UseInventoryItem( slotId );
--[[ print("use "..slotId)	]]					
      <DescriptionSpell>/use 13</DescriptionSpell>

/use 10

      <SpellName>--use 10 (Engineer Gloves)</SpellName>
          <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionLua">
			local slot="HandsSlot"
			local idSinisterStrike=1752
			local ssname=GetSpellInfo(idSinisterStrike)
			if not IsStealthed() and UnitExists("target") and not UnitIsFriend("player", "target") and (GetComboPoints("player") &gt; 0) and (UnitHealth("target")&gt;0) and (IsSpellInRange(ssname,"target")==1) then
--[[			RunMacroText("/use 10")  ]]
				local slotId, texture, checkRelic = GetInventorySlotInfo(slot)
				local itemId = GetInventoryItemID("player", slotId)
				local start, duration, enable = GetItemCooldown(itemId)
				if (duration==0) then
					UseInventoryItem( slotId );
--[[ print("use "..slotId) ]]						
      <DescriptionSpell>/use 10 (good Engineers only)</DescriptionSpell>

based on WoW 5.4.2.


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  • 7 years later...
function UseItemInSlow(slotId)
    local SlotCoolDown = select(2, GetInventoryItemCooldown("player", slotId));
    local ItemEquipedName = select(1, GetItemInfo(GetInventoryItemID("player", slotId)));
    if SlotCoolDown == 0 then


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