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[FISHING REQUEST] Anglers Fishing Raft

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Is there any chance you might be able to add the "Anglers Fishing Raft" to the config setting options available in Fishing please?  It's an incredibly useful tool when wanting to fish out of the sight of other people.  Perhaps implement it just like you have done with a lure.


Thanks for considering it :)

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This was suggested on the tracker a while ago, its a feature coming eventually, hopefully soon :p Im also moving this as it is not a reequest for a profile. Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2

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Is there any chance you might be able to add the "Anglers Fishing Raft" to the config setting options available in Fishing please?  It's an incredibly useful tool when wanting to fish out of the sight of other people.  Perhaps implement it just like you have done with a lure.


Thanks for considering it :)


Can you try and tell me if now you can?

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OK, tried it and it works but may I suggest a change please?


By using "Anglers Fishing Raft" in the lure entry box it will cast it but the first thing your character does is aim for the nearest shoreline and stand there to fish, which means the raft doesn't get used.  Also, if we use the Lure box to enable the raft then we can't use a lure at the same time (it's then one or the other, not both) which is a shame because it ends up with a lot more junk when fishing.


Is there any chance we could just have a tick box option for Anglers raft so it can be used at the same time as a lure?  Also, could it not try to stand on the shoreline if you're using a raft, just keep the character still, exactly where you are when starting to fish?


Cheers Droidz :)

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Thanks Droidz. Using the above I was able to get it to work - almost!

Using the above but changing the command to RunMacroText ("/use Anglers Fishing Raft") I can get it to work - but - it casts the raft, wonderful, and then proceeds to sail merrily back to shore and stand on the land to fish :( Can we stop it heading for land when you're on a raft and just make it stay exactly where it is and fish?

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