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Wrotation with tbc operator plugin


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Hey there,


I was just about to set up a former wrotation based party bot without movement, as I used to do years ago.


Running on a clean tbc client I'm using wrotation with the operator plugin - which sadly was discontinued a while ago as I just saw.


My two slaves work just fine - bot hooks up and loads the rotation, waiting for input - but as soon as the master is trying to start the Server to communicate with the slaves, the game instantly crashes with exception: 0x80000004 (single step)

If I launch the master via Wrobot without DX Hook, only the Wrobot Client crashes and WoW keeps running. Gets me wondering if something has changed regarding the wrobot client over the years and if somebody knows a workaround or might have a similar plugin at hand.


Would be lovely to get a response, cheers.

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