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Hello everybody, I'm trying to connect to exist wow window and manage it but i ran into a problem. 
I read process memory by id, and try to read data from memory, but when i try to use Lua.DoString(cmd); it doesn't work, what did i miss?


            var process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("Wow").FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id != wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.ProcessId);
             if (process != null)
                Logging.Write("Open process id = " + process.Id);
                Logging.Write("current ProcessId = " + wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.ProcessId);
               var realmname = wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.ReadStringUTF8(0x00C79B9E); //work

                Logging.Write("realmname = " + realmname);
                Lua.LuaDoString("print('123'"); //it does not work


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You are missing the hook that droidz uses….. you need the hook to execute functions on the main thread….. you should read ownedcore.



ps : reading the memory address is easy, you just need to open the process and use ReadMemory from kernal32. 

injecting lua requires a hook to a function that allowed execution on the main thread. Which droids I think hooks the games Endscene then write assembly code with his own detour . 

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