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How to decrease mob target range?


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I am trying to create a grinder profile for instances. I want the profile to run the instance, kill all the mobs inside and run back to the beginning. I don't need the bot to reset the dungeon, I just want the bot to farm it once. I'll then handle the selling and resetting manually and will start it again in a fresh dungeon.


So I created a profile, recorded way points throughout the dungeon (e.g. ragefire chasm), added all npc ids to the target list and tried to run it. The problem is that at the start he seems to be trying to get to the npcs up near the 2nd boss. I think that happens because those are technically the nearest npcs. So what I need to do is to reduce the scan range and modify the bot to only attack npcs within let's say 30 yards of its path. Is there any way to do this? 

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