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quester création d'une quête


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j'ai crée une quête cache du fief pour faire une récolte automatique avec un gatherer, l'objet est le N° 236916, mais lorsque je lance le boot il me met ce message

Merci pour vos réponses rapide et plein d'enseignements




D] 13:52:41 - [Quester] Create instance of : AssaultonMokgolWatchpost
[D] 13:52:41 - [Quester] Create instance of : Cachedufief
[F] 13:52:41 - Loading Fight class: D:\Annick\Desktop\WRobotsav\FightClass\[Ohren]Destruction Warlock.xml
[E] 13:52:42 - SpellIdByName(string spellName): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager.SpellListManager.SpellIdByName(String spellName)
[D] 13:52:42 - Spell(string spellName): spellName= => Failed
13:52:42 - Start Quester Complete
[D] 13:52:42 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Summon Voidwalker, Id found: 697, Name found: Summon Voidwalker, NameInGame found: Invocation : marcheur du Vide, know = True
[D] 13:52:42 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Corruption, Id found: 172, Name found: Corruption, NameInGame found: Corruption, know = True
[D] 13:52:42 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Shadowburn, Id found: 17877, Name found: Shadowburn, NameInGame found: Brûlure de l'ombre, know = True
[D] 13:52:42 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Dark Soul: Instability, Id found: 113858, Name found: Dark Soul: Instability, NameInGame found: Ame sombre : Instabilité, know = True
[D] 13:52:42 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Chaos Bolt, Id found: 116858, Name found: Chaos Bolt, NameInGame found: Trait du chaos, know = True
[D] 13:52:42 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Immolate, Id found: 348, Name found: Immolate, NameInGame found: Immolation, know = True
[D] 13:52:42 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Conflagrate, Id found: 17962, Name found: Conflagrate, NameInGame found: Conflagration, know = True
[D] 13:52:42 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Chaos Bolt, Id found: 116858, Name found: Chaos Bolt, NameInGame found: Trait du chaos, know = True
[D] 13:52:42 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Rain of Fire, Id found: 5740, Name found: Rain of Fire, NameInGame found: Pluie de feu, know = True
[D] 13:52:42 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Incinerate, Id found: 29722, Name found: Incinerate, NameInGame found: Incinérer, know = True
[D] 13:52:42 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Revive Pet, Id found: 157863, Name found: Revive Pet, NameInGame found: Ressusciter le familier, know = False
[D] 13:52:42 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Korroxios => Failed


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Je pense que le problème vient de ta fightclass.


En cas de bug bizarre n'hésite pas à redémarrer le bot, il est possible que de start/stop beaucoup de fois cause quelques problèmes.

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