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Has anyone indepth knowledge and experience using this program for a longer period of time? I do have some questions


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It would be great if I can contact you via PM and ask you all kinds of questions related to making the better for smoother backtracking of the path/unstuck, using buffs with fightclasses, how to properly blacklist/block, server hopping, etc

I greatly appreciate your support and I am looking forward to getting in contact, thank you!

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17 hours ago, KnightRyder said:

Define longer period of time. I use to run the bot for 48-72 hours at a time.

PM sent. For everyone else, the questions were:

  1. How do you make the mesh better, for example in caves? When the bot detects nodes and runs up to them, if the terrain is not even, he gets stuck. I have manually drawn a path up to certain very valuable nodes and added very small detection radius - the bot runs up close to the node and would actually be able to grab it, but then returns to the given mesh by the developer, runs back down and attempts the node from another angle and gets terribly stuck and then abandons the process. Totally frustrating. Can I fix this myself and somehow add my path and replace the mesh by the developer, continously getting the bot stuck?
  2. Can you run 2 or more processes together, for example Gatherer and Grinder?
  3. I ask this because apparently Gatherer is lacking proper features. Features like blocking certain mobs and not attacking them entirely. How can this be done? There is a Blacklist but when adding certain mobs to this list, nothing happens. The player attacks them regardless (yes, having looked in all of the features like Not attacking first, etc). Can you somehow add names of the mobs to a list, the player totally ignores?
  4. Mainly this is asked because when farming and mobs aggro and the bot (is mounted and can loot during being mounted) then dismounts (is Not dazed! or anything) and attacks the mob. As written one above, the option to Not attack first, was checked. I can only imagine this has to do with the Click-to-Move feature, where by the bot then clicks one step away from the node after having looted it and this click then just lands on the incoming mob. The bot is able to loot while being mounted (stirrups item). The perfect solution would be to totally shut down combat mode, not being allowed to attack anything. How can this be fixed?
  5. And most importantly would be: How can the Realm Hop plugin get to work? I have downloaded the necessary Server Hop addon, but nothing happens when activating the plugin and setting it up properly. How can server hopping be added to Gatherer? This must work and if it does (and all of the above), the bot is perfect.
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