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Need Help: Wrotation infight macro spam doenst work for me


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I have an issue using wrotation. i just want to press 2 buttons via the macro system every few seconds but this only works when im out of combat.when im entering combat he just doesnt press the macros anymore.'press key only if not in combat' is on false.still doesnt work.

Anyone got an idea whats the problem?


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i dont really get the point of your answer. i want to use 2 spells in my actionbar (1 and 2) by using the macro system and wrotation. i usually do this for disenchanting.but when i do this in combat the macros wont trigger. i cant figure another way out to just do this simple rotation with wrobot.

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using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using robotManager.Helpful;
using wManager.Wow.Class;
using wManager.Wow.Enums;
using wManager.Wow.Helpers;
using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager;

public class Main : ICustomClass
    public float Range { get { return 30; } }

    private bool _loop;
    public void Initialize()
        _loop = true;
        while (_loop)
        Lua.RunMacroText("/cast Flash Heal");


    public void Dispose()  { _loop = false; }
    public void ShowConfiguration()   {}

Ok this is stripped down custom combat class. Take all of that copy to notepad and save into fightclass dir with .cs on the end. Then Replace that Lua.RunMacroText("/cast Flash Heal"); to anything you want you can make 2 comands or any other number like

Lua.RunMacroText("/cast Disenchant");

Lua.RunMacroText("/use Item:43433");

or whatever idk what you want achieve.

You can put normal spell there too.

For pause in between add


Where 15 is in miliseconds so to get one second write





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