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Help with continuation of plugin


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Hi! Im trying to add a function in the plugin: 


Basically i want to add a function or replace one so it hops when there isnt a living mob close by, eg. The warbringers in pandaria. If i kill mob, i want to check next realm, if it isnt there i want to jump to next and so on. 

For now my function looks like this: 

private List<WoWUnit> GetNPCNearMe()
        return ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit()
                            .Where(p => p.GetDistance <= RealmHopSettings.CurrentSetting.DistanceBeforeHopping).ToList();


However, i think if its there but dead, it still thinks there is a mob. So what can i do?



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Hello, i would replace it by this:

    public bool NpcExist(string name)
        foreach (var unit in ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit())
            if (unit.Name == name 
                && !unit.IsDead
                && unit.GetDistance <= RealmHopSettings.CurrentSetting.DistanceBeforeHopping)
                Logging.Write("Unit found.");
                return true;
        return false;


        if (NpcExist("Warbringer"))
            //your code




or if you want the ordered npc list by distance:

    public List<Npc> GetNearestNpcs(string name)
        return ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Where(i => i != null
                                        && !i.IsDead
                                        && i.GetDistance <= RealmHopSettings.CurrentSetting.DistanceBeforeHopping
        ).OrderBy(i => ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(i.Position)).ToList();

Usage to get closest WoWUnit:




I couldn't test it but it should work :)

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It's almost the same ;)

        public List<WoWGameObject> WoWGameObjects(string name)
            return ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWGameObject().Where(i => i != null
                                            && i.Name == name
                                            //&& i.GetDistance <= RealmHopSettings.CurrentSetting.DistanceBeforeHopping
                                            //or other arguments
            ).OrderBy(i => ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(i.Position)).ToList();




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Thanks, however my game plus wrobot crashes with this. I tried using the first method instead (warbringer) then it doesnt crash but its doesnt work either. 

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@Pelle now i could test it more, that should work:

        public List<WoWGameObject> WoWGameObjects(string name)
            return ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWGameObject().Where(i => i != null
                                            && i.Name == name
                                            //&& i.GetDistance <= RealmHopSettings.CurrentSetting.DistanceBeforeHopping
            ).OrderBy(i => ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(i.Position)).ToList();

        public List<WoWUnit> GetNearestUnits(string name)
            return ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Where(i => i != null
                                            && !i.IsDead
                                            && i.Name == name
                                            && i.GetDistance <= RealmHopSettings.CurrentSetting.DistanceBeforeHopping
                                            ).OrderBy(i => ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(i.Position)).ToList();


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        public List<WoWGameObject> WoWGameObjects(int mobID)
            return ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWGameObject().Where(i => i != null
                                            && i.Entry == mobID
                                            //&& i.GetDistance <= RealmHopSettings.CurrentSetting.DistanceBeforeHopping
            ).OrderBy(i => ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(i.Position)).ToList();

        public List<WoWUnit> GetNearestUnits(int mobID)
            return ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Where(i => i != null
                                            && !i.IsDead
                                            && i.Entry == mobID
                                            && i.GetDistance <= RealmHopSettings.CurrentSetting.DistanceBeforeHopping
                                            ).OrderBy(i => ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(i.Position)).ToList();

May for your understanding:

.Where({condition for every single object})
In this sample "i" represents a single object from the list, thats why you have access to its properties like Name or the Entry(ID)

The result will be a list of all items that are equals your condition.

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