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Well there is a bug with pathfinder and if you are near node but is somewhere off the path and pathfinder don't have enough time to calculate proper path before you arrive to the path point ( because is quite slow and uneffective ) it will pass the ore and go to the  next path point. For me what is working that make a perfect path around using some kind of traveling salesman solution, each time where you over the ore make a descent in gathering profile 5yards over it and reduce the search in general setting to 20 yards. Just to disable the crappy pathfinding module and make the bot work like a bllind old lazy bot. But that is working quite nice. Other thing is sometimes even if the bot is flaying over the ore it will still not get it you must open the profille and manually add id of the ore/herb in the fourth tab and disable the gathering  options completely in general settings. This is working for me.

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