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ArgentumDailys Help


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Hello I'm currently working on my first DailyQuest Profile and need some help since I'm getting frustrated because I can't find codes to work with.

I am working on Alliance Champion Dailys on a 3.3.5 version. (Should be untouched in Legion)
Special note: The Quests changes Daily. U can always accept 2 out of 5 from Savinia Lehrensang (Questgiver) and 1 out of 3 from Savinia Loresong (Questgiver).

Quests which I am working on in the profile:

Quest1: 14090 http://www.wowhead.com/quest=14090 (Gormok Wants His Snobolds)
Quest2: 14096 http://www.wowhead.com/quest=14096 (You ve Really Done It This Time, Kul)
Quest3: 14077 http://www.wowhead.com/quest=14077 (The Lights Mercy)
Quest4: 14070 http://www.wowhead.com/quest=14080/ (Stop The Aggressors)
Quest5: 14112 http://www.wowhead.com/quest=14112 (What Do You Feed a Yeti, Anyway?)

1. I need something to check which Quests he accept so the bot goes to Step X and skipps the not needed steps
2. ATM there is 14090, 14096,14077 acceptable on my Server but he does not accept 14096. Yesterday when I started with the Profile and Quests (14096,14080,14112) it worked completly,
3. "You ve Really Done It This Time, Kul", you have 2 collect keys from Mobs and use them on Cages, now you need to free 4 normals and 1 special NPC but the GameObject on the Cage is the same.
Using Gatherer he is not stoping opening Cages with normal NPCs in it... He also continously gets new keys from Mobs around the Cage so this goes for Hours. I tried make a "RecordPath" or "InteractwithNPC" after he gets 1 or less key but this will never happen.

Hope there is someone who can help me a bit, I really want this to get done. Also big thanks already to eeny, who helped me a bit. You can also add me on skype "feek1337".

ArgentumDailys (CHAMP) 1.1 .xml

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