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How to not attack grey mobs

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Hi. how to set bot to NOT attack mobs, which was attacked by someone else. they becoming "Grey" mobs. with No Exp. but bot wasting whole time on this mob instead of run away and grind someone else.

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Click General Settings. Then at the bottom right of that screen there is "Enter advanced settings...

In this window make sure the "Can attack units already in combat" is unchecked. The bot should no longer engage mobs that are already tagged by someone else.

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10 hours ago, Zickefoose said:

Click General Settings. Then at the bottom right of that screen there is "Enter advanced settings...

In this window make sure the "Can attack units already in combat" is unchecked. The bot should no longer engage mobs that are already tagged by someone else.

Nope. i have unchecked this checkbox, he's still attacking grey mobs. He attacks mob only if he wanted to do it before. Looks like : You are resting. then targeting mob in range. running to it. and while you running. someone engaging this mob. but Your bot still running to this mob even if he's grey. and then wasting mana all spells etc in rotation to kill this mob. instead of just swap target and go away.

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