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Bleesin of sanctuary ( Ret pal buff )

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Bonjour, je n'arrives pas à trouver un moyen de faire fonctionné " blessing Of Sanctuary " ( Instantly removes all stun, silence, fear and horror effects from the friendly target and reduces the duration of future such effects by 60% for 5 sec ).

J'aimerais pouvoir:

-le lancé automatiquement sans changer de target

-et seulement sur un Stun, fear, silence ou horror

Pourriez-vous me venir en aide ?

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quelque chose de ce type peut être ??

local spell, Asphyxiate, Hammer of Justice,  castID, 108194, 110698,  = UnitCastingInfo("party1");

local usable, nomana = IsUsableSpell(" Blessing Of Sanctuary ");

if spell then if castID == 210256 and usable then

RunMacroText("/cast  Blessing Of Sanctuary ");



plz :)

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i try this but don't work

local idBuffs={8122,5782,5246,5211,22570,19577,119381,853,408,1833,89766,107570,15487,2139}

for key,value in pairs(idBuffs) do for i=1,40 do local name, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, spellId = UnitBuff("party1", i) if (value==spellId) then result=1 return; end end end result=0

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maybe this ?

local spellid=210256
local spellname=GetSpellInfo(spellid)
local idbuffs, i = {8122,5782,5246,5211,22570,19577,119381,853,408,1833,89766,107570,15487,2139}, 1; --[stun,fear, horror,silence spell]
local buff = UnitBuff("party1", i);
if UnitExists("party1") and UnitAffectingCombat("party1") and #buff >= 1
then RunMacroText("cast Blessing Of Sanctuary");

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Disclaimer: OP messaged me in private, and I didn't test this:

local spellTable = {8122,5782,5246,5211,22570,19577,119381,853,408,1833,89766,107570,15487,2139};

hasDebuff = false;
for i=1,40 do
	local name, rank, icon, count, dispelType, duration, expires, caster, isStealable, nameplateShowPersonal, spellID  =  UnitDebuff("party1", i);
  	for k,v in pairs(spellTable) do
    	if spellID == v then
      		hasDebuff = true

return var is hasDebuff, search value is true (could also make this 0 and 1).

Then the code is

RunMacroText("/cast [@party1] spellName")

Both the check above and this spell need to be Lua code. 

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