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hi i posted on anther thread but i wanted to make a topic...

hamstring just spams no matter what condtion you put


  On 6/6/2016 at 5:26 AM, Runaro said:


this dont work...

i even went to development tools and did a Player/Target Buff/Debuff check on target

hamstring dont show up as a buff/debuff at all

i also tryed 

wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff(69369) <---i replaced for hamstring ID and target instead of me and added the !
  • Replace "69369" by your buff/debuff ID.
  • Replace "Me" by "Target" to check buff/debuff on current target (you can also replace "Me" by "Pet" to check on the pet).
  • Add "!" before this code to check if not have (de)buff ( http://www.tutorialspoint.com/csharp/csharp_logical_operators.htm ).
  • To get list of player/target (de)buff id, you can go to tab "Tools" > "Development Tools" > (if you want check your target (de)buff select npc in game) > click on "Player/target buff/debuff". <---even says to do what i did in development tools still no luck

dont work as well :(

did any 1 fig out how to fix this?

and plz let me know if im doing it wrong...


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after a bit more testing it seems none of the TBC debuffs are working for PVP

....it just spams any spell thats a debuff like Demoralizing Shout, Hamstring , Rend

and if target is casting (PvP) dont work

works on reg mobs tho

so im thinking this is a bot thing 

maybe @Droidz can look into it thanxDDroid

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