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The Site and Bot Community here are Ghosts.


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This bot and Forums seem to be very empty. 

I have been a member going on + a month now.

These are my findings. It seems that everything that someone may want of this bot, is going to have to make it yourself. (Nothing Wrong With That)

If there are solid profiles out there, you must pay for them. We already pay for a subscription. Why not some solid content to go with it? 

This may seem like a rant, and i hope it doesn't. Im simply just curious if this bot is dead or just have a skeleton crew keeping it alive.

And what are the goals and improvements that you guys are aiming for? More PVP? More lifelike ? 

I dont want to continue making profiles/quests/grinding profiles for my personal use if it seems as if no one else is going to either.


I hope im not alone.



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"I dont want to continue making profiles/quests/grinding profiles for my personal use if it seems as if no one else is going to either."

Let me ask you... if you don't mind making profiles for yourself as you indicate, then why does it matter what anyone else is doing??

I don't follow your logic even slightly.

Droidz is one person, who specifically keeps membership to this site low.

Detection avoidance is the main goal here, as always.

If you're looking for a social networking site, I'd suggest facebook or twitter??

Most of the legit profile developers have stopped making profiles for retail and started focusing on private servers, as that's where the money is and there's far less risk associated with their time spent developing.

There are still a LOT of good, functional, FREE profiles on this site, you simply have to look.

'Lifelike' botting is nearly impossible without a level of randomization, which will also get you stuck.  Even then, I don't think it looks 'lifelike' at all.

PVP botting is just asking for a ban, the only exception being using a rotation bot while you control character movement.

What exactly is your issue??

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