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How to get id or name of item from bagslot

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Lua.LuaDoString<string>("itemId = GetContainerItemID(1,2);", "itemId");

Isnt working ;(  I want to send items by mail,  can send one item per cycle using Bag.GetItemContainerBagIdAndSlot, but it is very slow, because I have to wait 5 sec (antispam system). 

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Do you want to send items by item name / id?

Hey, yes, prefer by item name. Some items have same Id but different names: Tanzanite pendant of the Gorilla/of the Monkey, etc. 

The code will be used in a plugin (burning crusade).

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In my other post, i've written a method to interact with the items: https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/7064-check-distance/?tab=comments#comment-32142

You can also use this to right clicking your items to the mail attachment.

I've rewritten abit, so it returns the left stacks:

    /// <summary>
    /// Interact with all listed item names.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="itemNames">The itemNames to interact with.</param>
    /// <param name="interactions">The amount of interactions.</param>
    /// <returns>The amount of itemNames / stacks blocked by "interactions".</returns>
    /// <remarks>Bug at links with "-"</remarks>
    public static int InteractItems(List<string> itemNames, int interactions = int.MaxValue)
        if (!itemNames.Any())
            return -1;
        var execute = 
            "local counter = 0; " +
            "local leftStacks = 0; " +
            "for b=0,4 do " +
            "if GetBagName(b) then " +
            "for s=1, GetContainerNumSlots(b) do " +
            "local itemLink = GetContainerItemLink(b, s) " +
            "if itemLink then " +
            "local _, stackCount = GetContainerItemInfo(b, s)\t" +
            "if string.find(itemLink, \""+ itemNames.FirstOrDefault() + "\") ";
        if (itemNames.Count > 1)
            execute = itemNames.Where(obj => itemNames.FirstOrDefault() != obj).Aggregate(execute, (current, obj) => current + "or string.find(itemLink, \"" + obj + "\") ");
        execute = execute + 
                  "then " +
                  "if (counter < "+interactions+") then " +
                  "UseContainerItem(b, s); " +
                  "counter = counter + 1; " +
                  "else " +
                  "leftStacks = leftStacks + 1;" +
                  "end " +
                  "\tend\tend\tend end end return leftStacks;";
        return Lua.LuaDoString<int>(execute);

    /// <summary>
    /// Sends a mail to a recipient.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="recipient">The recipient.</param>
    /// <param name="subject">The subject.</param>
    /// <param name="itemNames">The items to send as names.</param>
    /// <returns>true if successful ; false if no mailbox available or stacks are left.</returns>
    public bool SendItems(string recipient, string subject, List<string> itemNames)
        var mailBox = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWGameObject().FirstOrDefault(i => i.IsMailbox && i.GetDistance <= 5);
        if (mailBox == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(recipient))
            return false;
        if (subject.Length == 0)
            subject = "-";
        if (mailBox)
            const int delayMs = 800;
            var timeOut = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(40);
            Lua.LuaDoString("RunMacroText('/click MailFrameTab2');");

            var leftStack = InteractItems(itemNames, 12);
            Lua.LuaDoString($"SendMail(\"{recipient}\",\"{subject}\",\" \");");

            while (leftStack != 0 && DateTime.Now < timeOut)
                leftStack = InteractItems(itemNames, 12);
                Lua.LuaDoString($"SendMail(\"{recipient}\",\"{subject}\",\" \");");

            if (leftStack != 0)
                return false;
        return true;



        SendItems("Reapler", "items for you", 
            new List<string>
                "Super Healing Potion",
                "Heavy Netherweave Bandage",
                "Super Mana Potion",


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Works fine as charm, hell thanks. Dont know why but i had to replace .

Lua.LuaDoString($"SendMail(\"{recipient}\",\"{subject}\",\" \");");


Lua.LuaDoString("SendMail(\"" + recipient + "\", \"" + subject + "\")");


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7 hours ago, sowelu said:

Can it be rewritten for full bags disenchant? ( no mater which item is).  Unfortunately I dont understand well what is going on in code above :(

Yes, it's also possible. You need to change ""local _, stackCount = GetContainerItemInfo(b, s)\t" +" with GetItemInfo, add your conditions and return a list with a struct of the bag position & its slot.


The struct:

    public struct BagInfo
        public int Bag;

        public int Slot;

        public BagInfo(int bag, int slot)
            Bag = bag;
            Slot = slot;

        public override string ToString()
            return "Bag = " + Bag + " ; Slot = " + Slot;


The disenchant list:

    /// <summary>
    /// Used to get a list of all disenchantable items as bag and slot position.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="maxItemLevel">The maximum item level.</param>
    /// <param name="interactions">The amount of interactions.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static List<BagInfo> DisenchantList(int maxItemLevel = int.MaxValue, int interactions = int.MaxValue)//parameter list can be extended
        var execute =
            "local counter = 0; " +
            "local leftStacks = 0; " +
            "local bs = {}" +
            "for b=0,4 do " +
            "if GetBagName(b) then " +
            "for s=1, GetContainerNumSlots(b) do " +
            "local itemLink = GetContainerItemLink(b, s) " +
            "if itemLink then " +
            "local itemName, itemLink, itemRarity, itemLevel, itemMinLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemStackCount, itemEquipLoc, itemTexture, itemSellPrice = GetItemInfo(itemLink) \t" +
            "if itemRarity > 1 and itemRarity < 5 " +
            "and itemLevel <= " + maxItemLevel + " " +
            "and (itemType == 'Armor' or itemType == 'Weapon') ";
        execute = execute + 
                  "then " +
                  "if (counter < "+interactions+") then " +
                  "table.insert(bs, b); " +
                  "table.insert(bs, s); " +
                  "counter = counter + 1; " +
                  "else " +
                  "leftStacks = leftStacks + 1;" +
                  "end " +
                  "\tend\tend\tend end end return unpack(bs);";
        var bs = Lua.LuaDoString<List<int>>(execute);
        var list = new List<BagInfo>();
        for (var i = 0; i < bs.Count; i += 2)
            list.Add(new BagInfo(bs[i], bs[i+1]));
        return list;


The final method to execute:

    /// <summary>
    /// Disenchant all items depend on the itemLevel.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="maxItemLevel">The maximum item level.</param>
    /// <remarks>AutoLoot must be enabled to work properly.</remarks>
    public void Disenchant(int maxItemLevel = int.MaxValue)
        var disenchant = new Spell("Disenchant");
        foreach (var bagInfo in DisenchantList())
            Lua.LuaDoString("UseContainerItem("+bagInfo.Bag+", "+bagInfo.Slot+");");

Not fully tested, but it should work.



9 hours ago, sowelu said:

Works fine as charm, hell thanks. Dont know why but i had to replace .

Lua.LuaDoString($"SendMail(\"{recipient}\",\"{subject}\",\" \");");


Lua.LuaDoString("SendMail(\"" + recipient + "\", \"" + subject + "\")");

I think you let it compile by WRobot or using a lower framework version, so new additions over the course of the years like this example doesn't support it.

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