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Darkflight usage in Custom Profile


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Here is a snippet of my Custom Profile: 

public static Spell StampedingRoar = new Spell(106898); 
public static Spell Darkflight = new Spell(68992);

if (ObjectManager.Me.WowRace == WoWRace.Worgen && Darkflight.KnownSpell && Darkflight.IsSpellUsable)
	Darkflight.Launch(false, true, true, true);
if (ObjectManager.Me.WowRace != WoWRace.Worgen && ObjectManager.Me.WowClass == WoWClass.Druid &&
	StampedingRoar.KnownSpell && StampedingRoar.IsSpellUsable)
	StampedingRoar.Launch(false, true, true, true);

My Worgen Druid is not using Darkflight. It is instead using Stampeding Roar which it shouldn't because it is a Worgen.  I use similar conditions in my FC and my Worgen Druid uses Darkflight when it meets the conditions in my FC. It's just not working when I put it in my Custom Profile. Any ideas?

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