Flowerdude 0 Posted November 27, 2017 Share Posted November 27, 2017 My bot worked great, now i start it as i did the other times and it does nothing... just stands still, i have no add-ons active, fighting class chosen, grinder profile chosen and it does nothing. Log 15:54:01.421 - Session statistics: Elapsed time: 00h:00m:34s XP/HR: 28482 - 42 min Kills: 1 (105/hr) Deaths: 0 (0/hr) Stucks: 0 (0/hr) Farms: 0 (0/hr) Loots: 0 (0/hr) Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C) Honor/HR: 0 (0) [D] 15:56:48.614 - [Grinder] Profile used: Tanaris 48 - 51.xml [F] 15:56:48.749 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\taram\aaa\WRobot\FightClass\Warri_edit.xml [D] 15:56:49.333 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Idle already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:56:49.333 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.MovementLoop already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:56:49.333 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Grinding already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:56:49.333 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Trainers already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:56:49.333 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Talents already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:56:49.333 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.FlightMasterDiscoverState already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:56:49.333 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.ToTown already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:56:49.333 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.FlightMasterTakeTaxiState already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:56:49.333 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.ProspectingState already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:56:49.333 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.MillingState already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:56:49.333 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Farming already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:56:49.333 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Looting already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:56:49.333 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Regeneration already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:56:49.333 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.BattlePetState already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:56:49.333 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.IsAttacked already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:56:49.333 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.MyMacro already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:56:49.333 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Resurrect already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:56:49.333 - [FSM] State Grinder.Bot.MikoebaihiIfeo already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:56:49.333 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.BattlegrounderCombination already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:56:49.333 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Pause already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:56:49.333 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Relogger already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:56:49.344 - [Spell] Bloodthirst (Id found: 23881, Name found: Bloodthirst, NameInGame found: Bloodthirst, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True)) [D] 15:56:49.345 - [Spell] Execute (Id found: 20660, Name found: Execute, NameInGame found: Execute, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True)) [D] 15:56:49.356 - [Spell] Charge (Id found: 6178, Name found: Charge, NameInGame found: Charge, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True)) [D] 15:56:49.356 - [Spell] Rend (Id found: 6548, Name found: Rend, NameInGame found: Rend, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True)) [D] 15:56:49.357 - [Spell] Heroic Strike (Id found: 11564, Name found: Heroic Strike, NameInGame found: Heroic Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True)) [D] 15:56:49.357 - [Spell] Battle Shout (Id found: 11550, Name found: Battle Shout, NameInGame found: Battle Shout, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True)) [D] 15:56:49.373 - [Spell] Bloodrage (Id found: 2687, Name found: Bloodrage, NameInGame found: Bloodrage, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True)) 15:56:49.830 - [Grinder] Started 15:56:49.830 - [LootFilter] Loading. 15:56:49.830 - [LootFilter] Loaded. 15:56:55.724 - [Logging]27 nov 2017 15H50.log.html copied on your desktop. [F] 15:58:43.809 - [Spell] Cast Charge (Charge) [F] 15:58:43.893 - [Spell] Cast Charge (Charge) [F] 15:58:43.975 - [Spell] Cast Charge (Charge) [F] 15:58:44.059 - [Spell] Cast Charge (Charge) [F] 15:58:44.142 - [Spell] Cast Charge (Charge) [F] 15:58:44.225 - [Spell] Cast Charge (Charge) [F] 15:58:44.308 - [Spell] Cast Charge (Charge) [F] 15:58:44.392 - [Spell] Cast Charge (Charge) [F] 15:58:44.485 - [Spell] Cast Charge (Charge) [F] 15:58:44.939 - [Spell] Cast Charge (Charge) [F] 15:58:45.072 - [Spell] Cast Charge (Charge) [F] 15:58:48.080 - [Spell] Cast Charge (Charge) [F] 15:58:48.168 - [Spell] Cast Charge (Charge) [F] 15:58:48.242 - [Spell] Cast Charge (Charge) [F] 15:58:48.334 - [Spell] Cast Charge (Charge) 15:58:54.668 - [LootFilter] Dispose. 15:58:54.678 - [Grinder] Stopped 15:58:55.340 - Session statistics: Elapsed time: 00h:02m:05s XP/HR: 7747 - 151 min Kills: 0 (0/hr) Deaths: 0 (0/hr) Stucks: 0 (0/hr) Farms: 0 (0/hr) Loots: 0 (0/hr) Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C) Honor/HR: 0 (0) 15:59:00.802 - [Grinder] Stopped 15:59:01.318 - [Grinder] Stopped 15:59:01.318 - [Grinder] Closed 15:59:01.318 - [Gatherer] Loaded [D] 15:59:01.326 - [Blacklist] Added, 12 uniques Npcs, 9 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True). 15:59:02.618 - [Gatherer] Stopped 15:59:03.135 - [Gatherer] Stopped 15:59:03.135 - [Gatherer] Closed 15:59:03.247 - [Fisher] Loaded [D] 15:59:03.257 - [Blacklist] Added, 12 uniques Npcs, 9 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True). [F] 15:59:08.149 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\taram\aaa\WRobot\FightClass\Warri_edit.xml [D] 15:59:08.694 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Idle already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:08.694 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.MovementLoop already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:08.694 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Trainers already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:08.694 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Talents already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:08.694 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.FlightMasterDiscoverState already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:08.694 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.ToTown already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:08.694 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.FlightMasterTakeTaxiState already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:08.694 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.ProspectingState already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:08.694 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Farming already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:08.694 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Looting already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:08.694 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Regeneration already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:08.694 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.IsAttacked already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:08.694 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.MyMacro already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:08.694 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Resurrect already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:08.694 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.BattlegrounderCombination already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:08.694 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Pause already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:08.694 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Relogger already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:08.710 - [Spell] Bloodthirst (Id found: 23881, Name found: Bloodthirst, NameInGame found: Bloodthirst, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True)) [D] 15:59:08.711 - [Spell] Execute (Id found: 20660, Name found: Execute, NameInGame found: Execute, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True)) [D] 15:59:08.724 - [Spell] Charge (Id found: 6178, Name found: Charge, NameInGame found: Charge, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True)) [D] 15:59:08.724 - [Spell] Rend (Id found: 6548, Name found: Rend, NameInGame found: Rend, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True)) [D] 15:59:08.724 - [Spell] Heroic Strike (Id found: 11564, Name found: Heroic Strike, NameInGame found: Heroic Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True)) [D] 15:59:08.725 - [Spell] Battle Shout (Id found: 11550, Name found: Battle Shout, NameInGame found: Battle Shout, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True)) [D] 15:59:08.758 - [Spell] Bloodrage (Id found: 2687, Name found: Bloodrage, NameInGame found: Bloodrage, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True)) 15:59:09.293 - [LootFilter] Loading. 15:59:09.293 - [Fisher] Started 15:59:09.294 - [LootFilter] Loaded. [D] 15:59:12.142 - [Spell] Fishing (Id found: 7731, Name found: Fishing, NameInGame found: Fishing, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True)) [F] 15:59:13.057 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing) [F] 15:59:15.940 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing) 15:59:18.291 - [LootFilter] Dispose. 15:59:18.301 - [Fisher] Stopped [F] 15:59:18.307 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing) 15:59:18.875 - Session statistics: Elapsed time: 00h:00m:09s XP/HR: 0 - 0 min Kills: 0 (0/hr) Deaths: 0 (0/hr) Stucks: 0 (0/hr) Farms: 0 (0/hr) Loots: 0 (0/hr) Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C) Honor/HR: 0 (0) 15:59:21.107 - [Fisher] Stopped 15:59:21.628 - [Fisher] Stopped 15:59:21.628 - [Fisher] Closed 15:59:21.639 - [Grinder] Loaded [D] 15:59:21.647 - [Blacklist] Added, 12 uniques Npcs, 9 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True). [D] 15:59:29.025 - [Grinder] Profile used: Tanaris 48 - 51.xml [F] 15:59:29.053 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\taram\aaa\WRobot\FightClass\Warri_edit.xml [D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Idle already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.MovementLoop already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Grinding already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Trainers already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Talents already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.FlightMasterDiscoverState already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.ToTown already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.FlightMasterTakeTaxiState already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.ProspectingState already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.MillingState already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Farming already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Looting already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Regeneration already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.BattlePetState already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.IsAttacked already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.MyMacro already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Resurrect already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State Grinder.Bot.MikoebaihiIfeo already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.BattlegrounderCombination already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Pause already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Relogger already launched, ignore it. [D] 15:59:29.566 - [Spell] Bloodthirst (Id found: 23881, Name found: Bloodthirst, NameInGame found: Bloodthirst, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True)) [D] 15:59:29.566 - [Spell] Execute (Id found: 20660, Name found: Execute, NameInGame found: Execute, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True)) [D] 15:59:29.574 - [Spell] Charge (Id found: 6178, Name found: Charge, NameInGame found: Charge, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True)) [D] 15:59:29.574 - [Spell] Rend (Id found: 6548, Name found: Rend, NameInGame found: Rend, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True)) [D] 15:59:29.575 - [Spell] Heroic Strike (Id found: 11564, Name found: Heroic Strike, NameInGame found: Heroic Strike, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True)) [D] 15:59:29.575 - [Spell] Battle Shout (Id found: 11550, Name found: Battle Shout, NameInGame found: Battle Shout, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = True)) [D] 15:59:29.591 - [Spell] Bloodrage (Id found: 2687, Name found: Bloodrage, NameInGame found: Bloodrage, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True, IsInActionBar = True)) 15:59:30.065 - [Grinder] Started 15:59:30.065 - [LootFilter] Loading. 15:59:30.065 - [LootFilter] Loaded. 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Matenia 627 Posted November 27, 2017 Share Posted November 27, 2017 Restart your bot entirely, it's clearly bugged from you spamming start/stop too fast. "[D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Idle already launched, ignore it.[D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.MovementLoop already launched, ignore it.[D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Grinding already launched, ignore it.[D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Trainers already launched, ignore it.[D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Talents already launched, ignore it.[D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.FlightMasterDiscoverState already launched, ignore it.[D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.ToTown already launched, ignore it.[D] 15:59:29.555 - [FSM] State wManager.Wow.Bot.States.FlightMasterTakeTaxiState already launched, ignore it" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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