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weird mining behavior with my mage


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hey, sometimes my mage heads to the ore, dismounts, casts an elemental, which is hotkeyed to "C", mounts up and just flies away... or he flies a bit to far and instead going to the ore by feet he mounts up and flies away... he does it 1 out of 10 ore. I use LUA movement and have set up x to sit and so on...

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Untick "Detect nodes stuck" found in general/advance settings/ looting and farming. Wouldn't recommend it but should easily fix that error unless you have a log to show me can't really think of any other reason.

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hey merry christmas guys... :) so I tried out not using a profile and I didnt see that happen again so I assume it has smth to do with some kind of a check the profile performs after he lands and unmounts. It probably checks if the condition of having the water elemental is true or not and with the lag in the game or what ever I believe that in the very second right after he unmounts it checks if the elemental is up but sometimes it just takes one or two seconds more til it gets visible and maybe thats just the reason the profile sometimes calls the elemental pet. Dont know why it still shouldnt harvest the ore?! Maybe it will help that u give the toon 2 seconds after unmounting until anything gets called... The problem with not using a fighting class is if u gathering areas with mobs on ur level and u pull a mob than the toon wont attack just autohits with its melee weapon and this scks with a caster class... so long... have a good holidays

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