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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, what is log debug log lines when the spell should be cast?
  2. You need to run this code once (before the quest or when the profile starts).
  3. Hello, this post is reserved for the users with WRobot subscription
  4. Hello, https://wowdl.net/fichiers/clients
  5. Hi, I'm sorry, I won't update the auction bot.
  6. https://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/wrobot-stürzt-nach-ca-5-10-min-ab-wow-wird-dann-beendet-r1508/
  7. And with the shortcut "WRobot (DX hook)" ? Do you have an error in your log ? (if you can share few log files where the sessions crashes)
  8. Hello, Disable all Wow addons, all WRobot plugins and share your log file please ( https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ).
  9. Hi, look github : https://github.com/droidzfr/WRobot_Packages/tree/fccc740c611b6447361d401c2aa35bb401d6f638/Old paid files/[DTN] Zerokx/[N] 55-58 Death Knight (search in https://github.com/droidzfr/WRobot_Packages/tree/master/Old paid files )
  10. In quest names avoid using the Cyrillic alphabet.
  11. Hello, your problem should solved
  12. Hello, I replied to your ticket. Try to launch the bot with the shortcut named 'WRobot (No Lock Frame)'. Cordially,
  13. Hello, you should use events : robotManager.Events.FiniteStateMachineEvents.OnRunState += (engine, state, cancelable) => { if (state is wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Resurrect && ObjectManager.Me.IsDead) { // you code here cancelable.Cancel = true; } };
  14. just restart bot
  15. Thanks, support added
  16. Hello, it isn't possible with the defaults WRobot features.
  17. It's caused by your plugin AutoSelectFoodAndDrink
  18. Hello, You can use "Task.Run" to call "SpellManager.CastSpellByNameOn" (and others synchronous methods) and make your asynchronous async. But, CastSpellByNameOn cast the spell and return (it doesn't wait that the spell was cast, for that, you should use "Usefuls.WaitIsCasting()")
  19. Hello, check if wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.ToTownTimerActivated is disabled, but it's easier to help you with the full log file.
  20. No WRobot doesn't have an API for that. You must use Lua code, it is not possible to have a value return from Lua (to the bot) when character is not in game, which makes things more complicated. It's poorly documented, you have to read the game's interface code to find the functions to use https://github.com/tomrus88/BlizzardInterfaceCode/tree/bb430dbf9511eae926219d9548398f58b0012497
  21. Here : You don't have to put a space in 'Action Parameter', use the name as it appears when you click on the drop-down menu.
  22. Hello, if it's not done try to install this file https://wrobot.eu/files/file/276-seus-journey-to-the-center-of-the-earth-pandaria-archaeology-100-complete/
  23. You are in the good window, but you don't click on the good button :
  24. Can you target Training Dummy and share here result of "Target info" (in "dev... tools", you can found it tab tools). Same for Lazy Peon. If you can also share your log and profile (or bugged quests xml code). On UseScriptOn, you must use Lua code, and not Lua macro, but in any case, maybe they block RunMacroText. Try to use the Lua code : TargetUnit("Training Dummy") or RunMacroText("/target Training Dummy") I found a sample for your second quest. https://github.com/droidzfr/WRobot_Packages/blob/fccc740c611b6447361d401c2aa35bb401d6f638/Old paid files/enraged/001053_Horde[01-12]Vanilla(Durotar).xml#L2498
  25. I am not sure to understand all. But you can get current questlog on this window : https://youtu.be/NitpaJkOQeg?t=40 (button "current quests memory info")
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