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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello; use product "WRotation"
  2. Hello, you can edit regen start/end % and food/drink name in advanced general settings. Can you share your log file please ( https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ).
  3. Hello, can you read this: https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1381-repairinstall-wrobot/#comment-966 (install required software)
  4. Hello, in fightclass if you use option "in combat only" wrobot will not casts spells. You can try to dispose figthclass wManager.Wow.Helpers.CustomClass.DisposeCustomClass(); wManager.Wow.Helpers.CustomClass.LoadCustomClass();
  5. Hello, Can you share your log file please ( https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ).
  6. Hello, Winifix method can be detected easily, and I have check darklinux method, I never see game change this value, I prefer to be careful (because if the game does not change this value it can be detected easily too)(and this don't resolve direction problem, it just improves the fluidity of movement)
  7. hello, try to use another fightclass
  8. Droidz

    Happy New Year 2018

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  9. To celebrate new year, you can get 35% Off with discount code YEAR2018 (this coupon can then be entered on the checkout screen) (expires 01/01/2018, 6:00 PM UTC+1). View full article
  10. https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/7634-movement-follow-path-strafing-or-running-backwards/?do=findComment&comment=34860 it is better code to move back
  11. static Main() { wManager.Events.FightEvents.OnFightLoop += (unit, cancelable) => { if (unit.IsValid && ObjectManager.Target.IsTargetingMyPet && ObjectManager.Target.GetDistance <= 12) { wManager.Wow.Helpers.Move.Backward(Move.MoveAction.PressKey, 2000); } }; robotManager.Events.FiniteStateMachineEvents.OnBeforeCheckIfNeedToRunState += delegate (Engine engine, State state, CancelEventArgs cancelable) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(state.DisplayName) && state.DisplayName == "Regeneration" && ObjectManager.Pet.IsValid && ObjectManager.Pet.IsAlive && ObjectManager.Pet.HaveBuff("Feed Pet Effect") && !state.NeedToRun) { while (Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore && ObjectManager.Pet.IsValid && ObjectManager.Pet.IsAlive && ObjectManager.Pet.HaveBuff("Feed Pet Effect")) { Thread.Sleep(800); } } }; }
  12. Salut, Essaye un plugin comme: using robotManager.Products; public class Main : wManager.Plugin.IPlugin { private IProduct instanceFromOtherAssembly; public void Initialize() { instanceFromOtherAssembly = Products.LoadProductsWithoutInit("Tracker"); if (instanceFromOtherAssembly != null) { instanceFromOtherAssembly.Initialize(); instanceFromOtherAssembly.Start(); } } public void Dispose() { if (instanceFromOtherAssembly != null) { instanceFromOtherAssembly.Dispose(); instanceFromOtherAssembly = null; } } public void Settings() { } }
  13. Hello, 1. To drink use "party chat command" with setting like https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2834-command-to-party-by-party-chat/?do=findComment&comment=13014 2 You cannot change that
  14. Hello, you can select min/max hp % and food/spell name to regen in advanced general settings. Spells are managed by fightclass
  15. Hello, try code like (not tested): static Main() { robotManager.Events.FiniteStateMachineEvents.OnBeforeCheckIfNeedToRunState += delegate (Engine engine, State state, CancelEventArgs cancelable) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(state.DisplayName) && state.DisplayName == "Regeneration" && ObjectManager.Pet.IsValid && ObjectManager.Pet.IsAlive && ObjectManager.Pet.HaveBuff("Feed Pet Effect") && !state.NeedToRun) { while (Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore && ObjectManager.Pet.IsValid && ObjectManager.Pet.IsAlive && ObjectManager.Pet.HaveBuff("Feed Pet Effect")) { Thread.Sleep(800); } } }; }
  16. Ok, how many time he miss for you before blacklist?
  17. Changed Status to Confirmed Changed Version to All
  18. Hello, try to activate option "use lua to move" in advanced general settings
  19. Hello, blacklist (or disable in NPC DB) this mailbox and add another
  20. In your log you seem to get stuck, WRobot can make path to go to the gate?
  21. Hello, try plugin like: using System.Threading; using robotManager.Products; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; public class Main : wManager.Plugin.IPlugin { public void Initialize() { while (Products.IsStarted) { if (Conditions.ProductInPause && Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAlive && Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore) { Products.InPause = false; } Thread.Sleep(500); } } public void Dispose() { } public void Settings() { } } Main.cs
  22. Hello, you cannot change that, in your profile try to avoid this zone
  23. Hello, yes use fisher bot with underbelly profile, and add guard in your fightclass (or in plugin? macro?)
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