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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, Try it: ShaiMutilateRogue-avoidelite.xml I have added code in "General Settings" > "Additional C#".
  2. Vous pouvez également jouer avec la distance de recherche des PNJ/Objets à tuer/ramasser ("General Settings" > "Advanced" > Tab "Others options" option "Npc/Mailbox Search Radius"). Sans voir la zone et le profil, c'est compliqué de vous aider.
  3. Hello, For the moment WRobot don't support donjon, I'll add this feature with update for WoD.
  4. Hello, Go to tab "Tools", click on button "Black list editor". I have found this objects (id at end of url): http://www.wowhead.com/object=210216 http://www.wowhead.com/object=207724 http://www.wowhead.com/object=214547 http://www.wowhead.com/object=211423 In window add manually in 'blacklist by type' this ids:
  5. Can you donwload and try again please. I have try to fix problem. Thanks
  6. Bonjour, List<WoWUnit> unitTargetMe = new List<WoWUnit>(); var tempsList = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit(); for (int i = 0; i < tempsList.Count; i++) { if (tempsList[i].IsValid && tempsList[i].IsAlive && tempsList[i].IsTargetingMe && tempsList[i].CreatedBy <= 0 && tempsList[i].SummonedBy <= 0 // Is Pet? ) unitTargetMe.Add(tempsList[i]); } La liste des monstres/joueurs qui te cible sont dans la liste "unitTargetMe".
  7. Hello, It is possible than zone has changed since that profile has been created. I have found this profiles for your level: - - And this profile for your zone (but it is skinning profile, try if this works for leveling): - If this profles don't works you can create your own profile (look in tuto forum) or use bot "Automaton" (works without profile).
  8. Hello, Thanks for report. Can you say me if you have file "MemoryRobot.dll" in folder "WRobot\Bin\"? It is normal for update request.
  9. Hello, About beta: I have changed" memory read" library (I have written it in c++, more fast), to avoid problems I need a testers before release this update. If you can tell me if you get problems (or not) with this version (don't forget "log" file if you have problems). You can download beta version here: http://download.mmor.../wrobotbeta.zip Edit August 21: I have added 3D radar (tab "Map"), it is ingame radar, I need review: About schedule: I work currently on your suggestions/bugs proposed on the forum or on the bug tracker. I'll try to finish all before WoD (to start WoD adventure on good bases). I'll start to work on WoD when PTR WoD server will been open (and I'll release quickly WRobot beta version for WoD to allow you/me time to fix problems and start to work on profiles/fightclass before WoD beta end). Best regards, Droidz.
  10. Hello, About beta: I have changed" memory read" library (I have written it in c++, more fast), to avoid problems I need a testers before release this update. If you can tell me if you get problems (or not) with this version (don't forget "log" file if you have problems). You can download beta version here: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/wrobotbeta.zip Edit August 21: I have added 3D radar (tab "Map"), it is ingame radar, I need review: About schedule: I work currently on your suggestions/bugs proposed on the forum or on the bug tracker. I'll try to finish all before WoD (to start WoD adventure on good bases). I'll start to work on WoD when PTR WoD server will been open (and I'll release quickly WRobot beta version for WoD to allow you/me time to fix problems and start to work on profiles/fightclass before WoD beta end). Best regards, Droidz.
  11. Hello, Sorry for the delay. Wait next update and tell me if problem is solved.
  12. Hello, I have created plugin to reply automaticly, this plugin has very basic feature (I have shared sourcecode if anymore want improve it) You can download plugin here:
  13. Version 1.0


    Whisper Reply Reply at the players when you received whisper. Ps: I have added source code of this plugin (WhisperReply_src.zip), it is visual studio 2013 project (in C#).
  14. Hello, You can use lua code for it, sample of lua code: and
  15. Hello, Can you share your log please (you can found it in "Logs" folder).
  16. Hello, What is the zone? Do you have try to change your fightclass and profile?
  17. Hello, If required yes, you can use Map (tab "Map" with Blacklist landmarks activated in "More options") to help you.
  18. Bonjour, Avant de se bloquer, le bot part ramasser une mine/herbe ou tuer un monstre? Si c'est le cas, je vous conseille de baisser la distance de recherche des monstres/mine (allez dans "General Settings" > "Advanced ..." > onglet "Looting and Farming options" > et baissez "Search Radius").
  19. Hello, I cannot help you if you don't share your fightclass. And do you have look what conditions is used on another fightclass for this spells?
  20. Bonjour, Oui: uint potionId = 76097;//Potion de soins de maître http://fr.wowhead.com/item=76097 if (Helpers.ItemsManager.HasItemById(potionId)) // if (Helpers.ItemsManager.GetItemCountById(potionId) >= 1) { Helpers.ItemsManager.UseItem(potionId); }
  21. Essaye ça: Interact.InteractGameObject(wowUnit.GetBaseAddress, !ObjectManager.Me.GetMove);
  22. Bonjour, Je viens de tester et ça ne bug pas, quand l'option "Manage character rotation, ..." et désactivé WRobot ne prend pas le contrôle du personnage. Avez-vous essayé avec un Fightclass normal voir si le problème vient de la la?
  23. You can load normal fightclass. You talk about Fightclass? if yes, yes fightclass is only for manage spells rotation (you can stop fight (FightBG.StopFight() ;) but you are limited (WRobot manage automatically target, if you change target WRobot select again last target). I'll reply here: http://wrobot.eu/page/bug_tracker.html/_/wrotation-le-bouton-de-management-de-distance-nest-pas-pris-en-compte-r241 You can stop fight: "FightBG.StopFight();" Custom class or Custom Profile? if custom profile, I have make it to create quickly small bot (produit) with access at wrobot api without need compilation. If fightclass I have make it to manage spells/items during/out combat. Yes, he has not documentation and I don't think write this soon, few people use wrobot api yet. Merci.
  24. Bonjour, je viens de supprimer le message qui s'affiche au démarrage. Merci d’attendre la prochaine MAJ.
  25. Hello, Use an Fightclass is not a good way to manage target at attack. It is more recommended to make an "Custom Profile" or the best is to make an "Product" (bot) (you can activate option "Dont Start Fighting" in general settings but I recommand to not use Fightclass for this). I have make sample of custom class with your code (if this works like you want say me it I'll give code to join queue and enter in bg) (you can after use this code with small edit to make product dll): using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using robotManager.FiniteStateMachine; using robotManager.Helpful; using robotManager.Products; using wManager; using wManager.Wow.Bot.States; using wManager.Wow.Enums; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; public class CustomProfile : Custom_Profile.ICustomProfile { private static readonly Engine Fsm = new Engine(); // Start custom profile public void Pulse() { try { // Update spell list SpellManager.UpdateSpellBook(); // Load CC: wManager.Wow.Helpers.CustomClass.LoadCustomClass(); // FSM : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite-state_machine Fsm.States.Clear(); Fsm.AddState(new wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Relogger { Priority = 200 }); // Relog if disconnected Fsm.AddState(new wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Pause { Priority = 13 }); // Manage bot pause Fsm.AddState(new wManager.Wow.Bot.States.ResurrectBG { Priority = 12 }); // Resurrect player (bg mode) Fsm.AddState(new wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Resurrect { Priority = 12 }); // Resurrect player (b=normal mode) Fsm.AddState(new wManager.Wow.Bot.States.MyMacro { Priority = 11 }); // Manage MyMacro (user settings in general settings) Fsm.AddState(new wManager.Wow.Bot.States.FarmingBG { Priority = 10 }); // Farm in BG (for flag, door, ...) Fsm.AddState(new ManageTargetBG { Priority = 9, DistanceSearch = 150 }); // Search target at attacked (THIS CLASS IS AT TGE END OF THIS PAGE) //Fsm.AddState(new wManager.Wow.Bot.States.GrindingBG { Priority = 9, DistanceSearch = 150 }); // Search target at attacked Fsm.AddState(new wManager.Wow.Bot.States.IsAttacked { Priority = 8 }); // Launch combat if player attacked //Fsm.AddState(new wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Regeneration {Priority = 8}); // Regen health/mana //Fsm.AddState(new wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Looting { Priority = 7 }); // Loot npc dead //Fsm.AddState(new wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Farming { Priority = 6 }); // farm mines/herbs/... Fsm.AddState(new wManager.Wow.Bot.States.AntiAfk { Priority = 5 }); // Anti AFK Fsm.AddState(new wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Idle { Priority = 0 }); // If not states need to run, wait Fsm.States.Sort(); // Order states by Prority Fsm.StartEngine(10, "_customProfile"); // Launch FSN (with all added states) StopBotIf.LaunchNewThread(); // Launch bot security (tab "security" in general settings) // Attach onlevelup for spell book: EventsLua.AttachEventLua(LuaEventsId.PLAYER_LEVEL_UP, m => OnLevelUp()); // Follow lua event for get when player level up // Move during combat: //FightBG.MoveDuringCombat = true; Logging.Write("Custom Profile Started."); } catch (Exception e) { try { Dispose(); } catch { } Logging.WriteError("Bot > Pulse(): " + e); } } // Stop custom profile public void Dispose() { try { wManager.Wow.Helpers.CustomClass.DisposeCustomClass(); Fsm.StopEngine(); Fight.StopFight(); MovementManager.StopMove(); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteError("Bot > Dispose(): " + e); } } // When player levelup void OnLevelUp() { Logging.Write("Level UP! Reload Fight Class."); // Update spell list SpellManager.UpdateSpellBook(); // Load CC: wManager.Wow.Helpers.CustomClass.ResetCustomClass(); } // Fsm state to manage target at attack public class ManageTargetBG : State { public override string DisplayName { get { return "Manage target BG"; } } public override int Priority { get { return _priority; } set { _priority = value; } } private int _priority; public override List<State> NextStates { get { return new List<State>(); } } public override List<State> BeforeStates { get { return new List<State>(); } } public List<int> EntryTarget = new List<int>(); public List<uint> FactionsTarget = new List<uint>(); public float DistanceSearch = 150; private WoWUnit _unit; // If this method return true, wrobot launch method Run(), if return false wrobot go to next state in FSM public override bool NeedToRun { get { if (wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DontStartFighting) return false; if (!Battleground.IsInBattleground() || !Battleground.BattlegroundIsStarted()) // Not run is not in bg return false; if (!Usefuls.InGame || Usefuls.IsLoadingOrConnecting || ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe || !ObjectManager.Me.IsValid || !Products.IsStarted) return false; // Get unit: _unit = new WoWUnit(0); var enemyPlayerList = new List<WoWUnit>(); if (FactionsTarget.Count > 0) enemyPlayerList.AddRange(ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByFaction(FactionsTarget)); if (EntryTarget.Count > 0) enemyPlayerList.AddRange(ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByEntry(EntryTarget)); if (ObjectManager.Me.PlayerFaction == "Alliance") enemyPlayerList.AddRange(ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitHorde()); if (ObjectManager.Me.PlayerFaction == "Horde") enemyPlayerList.AddRange(ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitAlliance()); // Your code WoWUnit[] cibles = new WoWUnit[enemyPlayerList.Count]; long[] ciblePv = new long[enemyPlayerList.Count]; int offset = 0; foreach (WoWUnit adversaire in enemyPlayerList) { cibles[offset] = adversaire; ciblePv[offset] = adversaire.Health; offset++; } Array.Sort(ciblePv, cibles); // You can replace your code to sort players by: // cibles = enemyPlayerList.OrderBy(p => p.Health).ToArray(); // And I think it is more appropriate to use HealthPercent instead Health for (int x = 0; x < enemyPlayerList.Count; x++) { if (cibles[x].IsValid && cibles[x].GetDistance < DistanceSearch && cibles[x].IsAlive && _unit.SummonedBy <= 0 && // Avoid pet _unit.Guid != ObjectManager.Pet.Guid && !wManagerSetting.IsBlackListedAllConditions(_unit)) // Check if blacklisted { bool result; PathFinder.FindPath(_unit.Position, out result); // Test if wrobot can make path to the target to avoid stuck if (result) { _unit = cibles[x]; return true; } } } _unit = new WoWUnit(0); return false; } } // If NeedToRun() == true public override void Run() { if (!_unit.IsValid) return; Logging.Write("Player Attack " + _unit.Name + " (lvl " + _unit.Level + ")"); FightBG.StartFight(_unit.Guid); // Launch Fight if (_unit.IsDead) { Statistics.Kills++; } FightBG.StopFight(); } } } ps: I haven't time to test it now, tell me if this don't works, save this file in "WRobot\Profiles\Custom Profile\" (.cs file) and use product "Custom Product).
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