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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hi, In your log, some dig sites have wrong positions: Kor'vess Digsite Emperor's Approach Digsite Winterbough Digsite (In next update I have add feature to disactive automatically dig site with bad possition). Just one question, do you have try to disable all wow addon and install bot in new folder to check if problem is resolved (WRobot using wow map, some addon can edit map and cause errors in WRobot). For edit position of dig site just look this tuto: , ignore "Save" button, on the new wrobot interface, settings is automatically saved.
  2. Hello, Plugin is written in C#, no convert tool available for it. But you can convert it manually (you need to know c#.net), you can convert it in wrobot Plugin or make an Custom Profile.
  3. Hello, You cannot ignore when a player attack your character, and I think this can seem suspect (if WRobot try to mount, or try to gather mine or start combat with mob).
  4. Hello, Loot all is better like say king smilie. After you can remove useless items of your bag with wow addon like http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/loot-filter
  5. For deactivate the debug option, in fightclass editor select the spell and in "SPELL SETTINGS" (top/right) put "False" at option "Debug mode" (don't forget to save fightclass after). Can you put big number at option "Max Try By Digsite" (by sample 999) and send me again the log file of bugged session please. Thanks.
  6. Hello, For it you can use "My Macro" in advanced general settings. Or activate option "Auto Make Elemental" (tab "LOOTING AND FARMING OPTIONS") in advanced general settings and add at in the file "WRobot\Data\autoMakeElementalMacro.txt" the line: itemName = GetItemInfo(90407) if GetItemCount(itemName) > 9 then RunMacroText("/use " .. itemName) end
  7. Hello, You cannot use C but you can use C#.net or VB.net for code FightClass. You can found sample here: For use lua, you need to use Lua.LuaDoString("COMMAND", "VAR WITH RETURN VALUE"): string money = Lua.LuaDoString("money = GetMoney()", "money"); For an best sample of fightclass you can look this code: Tnb_CombatClass.zip (it is thenoobbot fightclass, no wrobot, but code is similary).
  8. Hello, You can use spell settings "For friends (party)" (if this option is activate on the spell, all target conditions is for an group members (you need to setting manually spell range(distance) with condition "Target Distance"). In the product "Party" don't forget to activate option "healer".
  9. Hello, If you can look my reply here: If you can give me your log file of bugged WRobot session (you can found it in folder "Logs"), with it I can give you an best reply for resolve your problem.
  10. Hello, Don't forget to disable debug mode of your spell "Faux Heroic Strike" in your fightclass (this can cause performance problems). Check first if dig site is not deactivate (if column "Active" is unchecked in the table, dig site is deactivate (in product settings)). After, I can see in your log than WRobot blacklist some dig site. For avoid this you can try to increment value of option "Max Try By Digsite" (in product settings). Tell me if problem is solved.
  11. Hello, You need to add npc trainer in your profile like an vendor or repair, just don't forget to select associated type (or in "Npc DB" in tab "Tools"). If Npc is not near your profile don't forget to increment option "Npc/Mailbox Search Radius" in "advanced general settings" tab "Others".
  12. Hello, Can you reinstall redistributable Visual C + + 2010 (X86) and SlimDX (4.0 X86). If you can try also another profile or use bot "Automaton" if you don't found profile. What is name of your profile?
  13. He don't has object/npc near position where you need to use item? If yes add this npc/object id (even if you do not use the item on this object). I'll add quest type "UseItemAtPosition" and "UseSpellAtPosition".
  14. Hello, I'll look this, I come back here after.
  15. Hello, The solution is to create one quest with all quests id (without objective, just for pickup), and create one quest by quest (with objective to pusle/turnin). pickup XYZ (wrobot go to next step if your character has one quest of quests id list (X or Y or Z)) pulse X (wrobot skip this quest if he don't have this quest) pulse Y (wrobot skip this quest if he don't have this quest) pulse Z (wrobot skip this quest if he don't have this quest) turnin X (wrobot ignore this if he don't have this quest) turnin Y (wrobot ignore this if he don't have this quest) turnin Z (wrobot ignore this if he don't have this quest)
  16. Ok, please send me your full log file of bugged session, I cannot help you without it.
  17. Droidz

    TOTEM Suggection

    Hello, Thanks, I have noted this suggestion, I come back here when I have added this condition.
  18. Hello, If problem is not resolved please send me your log file (you can found it in "Logs" folder). And, if not done, read this:
  19. Hello, If you don't found a profile for your zone (and you don't want create profile) you can try to use product (bot) "Automaton".
  20. Hello, WRobot works like honorbuddy, WRobot inject codes for call a few wow functions like click to move or lua, and read wow memory for get others informations.
  21. Hello, Thanks for report. If you can share the list of objects near. For this: Go to tab "Tools". Click on button "Development Tools". Launch spell "Survey" and wait than object appear ingame. Click on button "Dump all informations" (in window "Development Tools"). A file "dumpall.html" is created in your WRobot folder, if you can send me it by private message (don't put it in public, this file contain your character name).
  22. Hello, Sorry for the delay. I have reset your key (you can found your new license key here: http://wrobot.eu/index.php?app=nexus&module=clients&section=purchases ) I have also added free days at your subscription. Tell me if problem is not resolved I'll refund your subscription.
  23. Hello, Can you share your log file please (you can found it in "Logs" folder). You can try to resolve problem with this post: (follow all steps).
  24. Ok thanks I'll fix this problem when my holiday is end.
  25. Hello, Can you try to disable your antivirus and firewall (don't forget windows firewall). And are you sure to not launch wrobot several time at the same time with same license key?
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