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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. For it: Lua Script: local nameSpell = GetSpellInfo(114015); local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitBuff("player", nameSpell); ret = 0; if count < 5 then ret = 1 end Return value research: 1 Return value var: ret in lua code replace "if count < 5 then ret = 1 end" ligne by "count <= 3" for smaller or egal at 3, "count < 2" for smaller at 2, "count > 1" for bigger at 1, ...
  2. Hello, I use Windows 8.1 and not problem, the problem is not caused by Windows 8.1. Can you try to reinstall Frameworks 4.0. Can you also send me your logs please.
  3. The problem is that the destination (position) is not correct. Please share your profile (upload xml file, no copy/past xml code).
  4. WRobot clean this variable, and you can use others name (name like "result" used on many addon or macro).
  5. reply here for the moment:
  6. Hello, If you can try this "Lua Script" condition (instead of "buff stack" condition) Lua Script: local nameSpell = GetSpellInfo(114015); local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitBuff("player", nameSpell); ret = count; Return value research: 5 (if you need 5 buffstack) Return value var: ret
  7. There are no voice for multilingual support (and my english is not very good ^^).
  8. Hello, You can use spell option "Not a spell, is lua script" and use timer (all 1000 or 2000 ms for avoid spamming) (or others conditions). But good code, and if this works you can keep your code.
  9. Hello, I think (if you don't need to edit c# code) the best is XML (easy to removes spells or edit, and this can help others users to create fightclass).
  10. This works? I you want I can make custom profile or product of this code.
  11. More info about function unitbuff here.
  12. Try this code lua: timeLeftToCastAgain > max time left before casting again buff in seconds minSpellDuration > To ignore spells like Avenging Wrath (combat spell) in seconds local timeLeftToCastAgain = 10; local minSpellDuration = 60 * 2; for i=1,40 do local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitBuff("player", i); if spellId and unitCaster == "player" then local expireTimeLeft = expirationTime-GetTime(); if (expireTimeLeft >= 0 and duration > minSpellDuration and expireTimeLeft < timeLeftToCastAgain) then CastSpellByName(name); end end end Tell me if don't works or if you don't understand (or if is not what you want).
  13. Hello, I ignore why this happen and WRobot don't block whispers. Others have this problem?
  14. You press "Enter" key after edit Gossip option? And you save profile? (and you clean NPC DB?)
  15. Droidz


    I have added it in last update.
  16. The problem is to get the good position (if position found by WRobot is not exactly good (for the height) wrobot can stuck). After it is good idéa but not very safely for the users (I think more suitably to lost few minute to use profile creator). Use the map to remove point of profile by click or to go to position (if you don't want go to manually) can be useful tools. Or make new bot (product) to farming without profile (just farm nodes near start position).
  17. Hello, I am sorry but I don't understand exactly what you want. You cannot make it with normal fightclass?
  18. Ok, You need to download file, when file is downloaded extract it if compressed and copy it in folder "WRobot\FightClass\".
  19. Hello, If you use ground profile, WRobot go to the profile with ground mount (or flying mount in ground mode (only 3 or 4 yard above ground)). If you use flying profile, WRobot go to the profile with flying mount. But it is very delicate to found good way, I cannot know if ground profile is in house or outdoor, for avoid problem I prefer use ground path. I improve this gradually, but it is long.
  20. Hello, I'll look it, I comeback to you after.
  21. Wait next update, problem fixed
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