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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, Your subscription is activated. You can found your license key here: http://wrobot.eu/index.php?app=nexus&module=clients&section=purchases Copy key and put it in WRobot (second window, replace "TRIAL" by your license key, you can click on button "+" to save key on your computer). Best regards, Droidz.
  2. If you want add all quests in your profile the best way is to use this profile (instead of importing the quests in another profile), this profile is an normal profile, you need to add steps.
  3. Version 1.1


    Quests database This profile contains a lot of quests. To import an quest in your profile, unzip downloaded file in folder "WRobot\Profiles\Quester\", in "Easy Quests Editor" click on menu "Tools" > "Imports quests form other profiles", click on button "Load Profiles" and select "ReBot database.xml" or/and "TrinityCore_database.xml". ps: I do not guarantee than all quests works fine, quests has been converted from ReBot and TrinityCore, I am not the owner of this contant. If you are the owner of an quest and you don't want share it with wrobot.eumunity, thank you to send me a private message and I will remove this quest/file.
  4. Hello, Your IP address appears to change frequently, I have fixed problem on your license key, can try again and tell me if this works. Thanks you. ps: I have added days at your subscription.
  5. Bonjour, Bonjour, le nombre gisements par heure depent surtout du profil utilisé (également de votre niveau et de la qualitée de votre Fightclass), pouvez trouver des profils ici: http://wrobot.eu/files/category/6-gatherer/(et ici: http://wrobot.eu/files/category/38-others-packs-farming/ ). Pour créer votre propre profil jeter un coup d'oeil sur ce guide: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/guides/WRobot%20guide%20FR.pdf
  6. Hello, I cannot make profile for your garrison, because your garrison is custom (the profile change with your cave level, garrison level, herbs location and level, horde or alliance...).
  7. Hello, Can you share your log please. This problem is probably caused by your fightclass or profiles used (or plugin).
  8. Bonjour, Dans les log il n'y a rien?(le bot essaye de lancer le combat ou pas? si oui il y un message qui dit pourquoi le combat à était annulé?)
  9. Hello, 1: Do you have try to deactivate option "Improved combat rotation speed", this option cast the next spell before it can be used (to gain time, but this can skip spells). You can try to increment "Frame per second" in your FightClass settings. 2: You can pause WRobot to avoid it, but WRotation is made to attack your current target, so it's normal (I'll add option to attack target only if auto-attack is activated). 3: Use macro to disable "Click to move" is good solution, you can add the macro at your fightclass to deactivate this option automatically, but I cannot add option to disable "click to move" (all products use this, WRotation also). 4: Look target buff) and (for yourself)
  10. Hello, Some weeks ago bliz have added new detection method (to detect if an wow function for lua is called from DirectX) ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hooking#API.2FFunction_Hooking.2FInterception_Using_JMP_Instruction). For safety, I have quickly changed the method used by WRobot to call Wow functions (to not use directx, I have also added warden protection). After more research, the new detection method does not affect WRobot usage (probably target honorbuddy). I have made new update to add option (Use directx) to give you the possibility to use this method again. Why use DirectX: Hook directx method is used by a lot of authorized softwares like Fraps (Warden cannot detect if directx is hooked by Fraps or an wow bot, for this reason WRobot warden protection is disabled if you use directx). You can get problem if you use software like Fraps when wrobot is launched, if you use custom directx version or if you have low fps, and bliz have try to detect usage. Why not use DirectX: Works on all computers (you don't need to update directx...), even with low FPS. But it is very easy for the warden to detect hook (for this reason, warden protection is activated when you use this hook method).
  11. Hello, if it is like this video, Add http://www.wowhead.com/object=239828and http://www.wowhead.com/object=239901 in objects at harvest (in "advanced general settings" tab "Looting..."): 239828 239901 In "advanced general settings" tab "security..." desactivate option "Close if TP..." Activate this plugin to accept popup message (when you click on portal):
  12. Hello, On the character who will attack: Download AttackPlayer.cs Move "AttackPlayer.cs" file to folder "WRobot\Profiles\Custom Profile\". Open "AttackPlayer.cs" with notepad and edit the line 12 (replace PlayerAtAttackName by the name of second character). In WRobot select product (bot) "Custum Profile" . Select profile "AttackPlayer.cs" in "Product Settings" tab. On the character attacked: Use Grinder product. Create profile without target and add one location (position of first character, when the character is dead he resurrect and go to the profile position). Remove fightclass from your settings.
  13. Hello, Your account informations are not used/send to mmorobot server (WRobot send some information like player name, level, health,... if you activate "Remote" option (disabled by default), and errors logs if "Send error" option is activated tab "Log" (activated by default). And I would have no interest to doing that, I would lose all credibility (I work hard since several years to give you a robust bot). Do you have download fightclasses or profiles shared by users? if yes can you give me name of files. You check before login on bliz website if it is official website? Do you use easy password? Do you use same email/password on several websites? If anyone had this problem do not hesitate to say. Best regards, Droidz.
  14. Hello, It is not normal, in first WRobot window (login window), can you try to activate option "DirectX hook" and tell me if this resolve your problem. Can you send me
  15. This spell summon npc: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=156480/rubble-pile >Effect #1 Summon ( Rubble Pile) Replace "Hostile Unit Near Target" condition by "C Sharp Code" condition and add this code: ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitHostile().Count(u => u.Position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Target.Position) <= 8 && u.Entry != 77405 && u.Guid != ObjectManager.Pet.Guid && wManager.Wow.Helpers.UnitCanAttack.CanAttack(u.GetBaseAddress, ObjectManager.Me.GetBaseAddress)) >= 4 (you can replace 8 by range and 4 by number of npc required, 77405 is entry id of npc Rubble Pile)
  16. De rien, il est possible que cette liste d'id ne soit pas complète selon les zones.
  17. Hello, You can add spell normally (just add "Crusader Strike" and WRobot will launch this spell when you select an enemy in range) Or if you want automatically attack near enemy, in the spell name put: local name = GetSpellInfo(35395); TargetNearestEnemy(); if UnitExists("target") and UnitIsEnemy("player","target") and IsSpellInRange(name, "target") then CastSpellByName(name, "target"); end TargetLastTarget(); In spell settings "Combat only" > False, "Not spell, is lua script" > true, "Timer" > 3000 (for test all 3 secondes).
  18. For AOE spell look this sample: If you want keep control of your character and select manually friends targets use WRotation bot (and don't use spell option "For friends (party)"). If you want than WRobot manage character movement and targets (and if you use fightclass in group) you need to use product "Party" and use spell option "For friends (party)". I think, you want keep caracter control, for it: Select product WRotation. "Manage character roation, range and target" > Off. "Attack all selected targets..." > Off. Now create fightclass and add spell "Flash of Light". In "Spell settings" > "Check if know spell, is usable and good distance" to "False", "Combat only" to "False". Add condition "Know Spell" > "Flash of Light" > True Add condition "Is Spell Usable" > "Flash of Light" > True Add condition "Target Distance" > "Smaller" > 40 Add condition "Target Is Player" > "True" Add condition "Target Health Percent" > "Smaller" > 70 Result: Flash of Light TEST.xml
  19. Droidz

    piège hunt

    Bonjour, En effet WRobot calcul mal la distance d'utilisation des pièges (il utilise la distance à laquel le piege fait des dégat plutot que la distance à laquelle il est possible de le lancer). Pour contourner ce problème mettez l'option du sort "Check if know spell, is usable and good distance" à "False" et faite les vérification manuellement des les conditions du sort comme dans cette exemple: Freezing Trap test.xml (ne pas oublier de configurer la distance général de combat de votre fightclass (Range)).
  20. Do you can interact with the debris? If yes what is the name of debris in game?
  21. Hello, Sorry, the problem is resolved with new WRobot update.
  22. Salut, j'ai testé avec le bot "Automaton" dans la foret d’Elwynn et ca fonctionne bien, il ne semble pas en sauter.
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