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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. 1071 downloads

    [Dungeon] The Temple of Atal'Hakkar This profile works with "Quester" product (copy downloaded file in folder "WRobot\Profiles\Quester\" and use it with product "Quester") (try to start near dungeon portal). ps: It is a dungeon sample profile, to get more informations about how to create dungeon profile, edit this profile with "Easy profile creator" and read step 0 in "Quests order editor".
  2. Bonjour, Oui ce bot fonctionne. Si vous avez un addon Wow qui modifie la map, il est possible que cela cause des problèmes au bot. J'ai besoin du fichier log pour mieux vous aider.
  3. Hello, To use your license key you make this steps?: Launch "WRobot.exe" in administrator mode. Select game process and click on button "Launch Bot". In new window "License Keys Management" replace text "TRIAL" by your license key (you can click on button "+" to save your key) (you can found your license key here). If your problem is not resolved: Can you try to disable your antivirus/firewall. Reinstall Framework 4.0, Redistributable Visual C + + 2010 (X86) and SlimDX (4.0 X86) (more info ). If this don't works, please send me your
  4. Hello, You use an old version of WRobot (and probably cracked when I look your log). I cannot give best support on old version. To fix problem try to reinstall Framework 4.0, Redistributable Visual C + + 2010 (X86) and SlimDX (4.0 X86), if this don't works make all steps of this guide: try to activate "Use Lua to Move" in advanced general settings). Best Regards, Droidz.
  5. Hello, Try tell me if your problem is resolved. Best regards, Droidz.
  6. Tu peux blacklist les pnj par type (généralement c'est les mêmes types de pnj qui bug dans une même zone). Tu peux aussi voir le level des Pnj que le bot essaye d'attaquer, s’ils sont level 10 et que ton profile est fait pour les level 90 tu peux configurer ton profil pour qu'il n'attaque que les pnj entre le level 88-92, du coup il ignorera les autres.
  7. Olá, Você também pode encontrar um novo pacote de FightClasses que parece ser bom: ps: Google Translate
  8. Bonjour, Dans les logs est écrit qui le bot essaye d'attaquer et la raison de son arrêt. À partir de là, si le problème vient bien du bot ajouté à la liste noire (blacklist) la zone et le type de PNJ.
  9. Download error is not important (WRobot loading meshes around current position, it is possible than WRobot try to load an no existing mesh, list of meshes for available for Molten Core is: MoltenCore_29_33.mesh.gz MoltenCore_31_34.mesh.gz MoltenCore_33_31.mesh.gz MoltenCore_30_32.mesh.gz MoltenCore_32_29.mesh.gz MoltenCore_34_30.mesh.gz MoltenCore_30_33.mesh.gz MoltenCore_32_30.mesh.gz MoltenCore_30_34.mesh.gz MoltenCore_33_29.mesh.gz MoltenCore_31_33.mesh.gz MoltenCore_33_30.mesh.gz Your problem is probably caused by your settings, try to: In advanced general settings, activate option "Start fighting with Elite" In advanced general settings tab "Looting and .." increment "Max Units Near"
  10. Your problem is strange. Try to reinstall Visual C + + 2010 and SlimDX . If this don't resolve your problem try to copy all files of the folder "WRobot\Bin\" to base folder ( "WRobot\" ). You can also try to use preinstalled wrobot version: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/tmp/WRobotPack.zip
  11. Can you remove all files in folder "WRobot\Logs\", launch WRobot et go to "WRobot\Logs\", if you have file, please.
  12. Hello, In the last update I have added file "WRobot\Bin\wResources.dll", check if this file is on the folder. If you can also try to disable your antivirus before installing WRobot (to check if your antivirus remove an WRobot file).
  13. Hello, If you can also look on your log (Debug) or of an bugged WRobot session (if all is good in your profile WRobot write why he skip mobs)
  14. Oui il faut mettre retV, je viens de corriger l'erreur sur le post, merci.
  15. Salut, Base toi sur cette condition lua: l'id du sort 1079 par l'id de ton sort (qui semble être d'après wowhead 980 et rempalce <= 7 par <= 3)
  16. Hello, In the fight classes editor you can activate option "Cast spell on self" in "Spell settings".
  17. Ton break; (pour sortir de la boucle for) est au mauvaise endroit tu dois le mettre juste après le interact (sinon la ton script interact avec toute les unité de la liste ) Envoyé de mon iPhone à l'aide de Tapatalk
  18. Tu peux utiliser une de ces conditions: if (!ObjectManager.Target.IsValid || ObjectManager.Target.GetBaseAddress != cibles[i].GetBaseAddress) if (!ObjectManager.Target.IsValid || !ObjectManager.Target.IsTaggedByYou) if (!ObjectManager.Target.IsValid || ObjectManager.Target.Guid != cibles[i].Guid) Mais normalement ton code actuel devrait fonctionner, tu as une message d'erreur? ou juste que le bot spam interact?
  19. Droidz


    Bonjour, Le mieux est de contacter le créateur de la fightclass est lui expliquer les problèmes que tu rencontre.
  20. If you can try again please, normally problem is resolved.
  21. Hello, Where do you have found your profile "skinning_tartarughe.xml" ? Can you try with new update, if problem is not solved can you send me the used profile ("skinning_tartarughe.xml") (you can upload profile like you have upload your log file)
  22. Hello, Update WRobot and tell me if this works (don't forget to make backup of your WRobot folder), tell me if this works.
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