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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, Try this (not tested), for level 97-100 use this H 94- 96 Talador.xml H 90-95 Frostfire Ridge 300k.xml H 90-96 Darkspears edge.xml H 92-94 Gorgrond.xml
  2. Hello, I have just posted "multi pull" plugin here: I'll work on plugin for buy with honor point.
  3. Version 2.0


    Multi Pull Beta Plugin for multiple pulling in combat.
  4. Hello, Wait next update, I have added support.
  5. Droidz

    mine lvl 3

    Je viens d'essayer et ça fonctionne, il faut également dans "advanced general settings" onglet "Others..." désactiver l'option "Use Path Finder".
  6. 397 downloads

    Ashran (Artifact Fragments + Bonus Objective) (Level 100) Recommended Horde ps: You can use
  7. Hello, Can you give wowhead link of targets and the map zone. You can look this video to understand how to create grinder profile (it is old WRobot version but it is same way)
  8. Put at this option: Call Pet 1 And save your fightclass. If this don't works please send me your fightclass (to attach file at your reply look ).
  9. Hello, sorry for the delay. Fightclasses structure is easy. You have the spells list (ordered by priority) and all spells have conditions (if all the conditions are true the spell is launched and WRobot return to the first spell, if any condition are false, WRobot go to the next spell). For Nocombat,Mounted,... just activate/deactivate the spell options. If you have questions do not hesitate, you can also edit existing Fightclasses to give you an idea of how this works. ps: You can use lua code like PQR to check if you need to launch or not the spell.
  10. Hello, WRobot not support Wow fullscreen mode (you need to use window mode when you use WRobot). If you can send me your please. For wait you can try to activate option "Use lua to move" and
  11. Désolé de me répéter mais pouvez vous réinstaller Slimdx: http://slimdx.googlecode.com/files/SlimDX%20Runtime%20.NET%204.0%20x86%20%28January%202012%29.msiet de re télécharger WRobot et de le réinstaller Essayé également de désactiver votre antivirus. Faite moi savoir si votre problème est résolu.
  12. ps: For heal fightclass I recommand to use C# ( ) it is more powerfull.
  13. Hello, Check in your fightclass (Button "Create Fightclass" tab "Tools" and load your fightclass) if the spell name of option "Call pet spell name" is good.
  14. Tu as bien mis public Int128 lastTarget = Int128.Zero(); Et tu utilise bien la dernière version de wManager comme référence?
  15. Hello, If you can try this profile:
  16. 444 downloads

    Ashran (Artifact Fragments + Bonus Objective) (Level 100) Recommended Alliance ps: You can use
  17. 1434 downloads

    Auto Accept Auto accept pop-up window (works to join Ashran)
  18. Bonjour, oui il y a eu des changement dans le code de Wow sur WoD, ce code devrait fonctionner (si vous utilisez Visual studio pour écrire votre code ajouter la référence "WRobot\Bin\MemoryRobot.dll" en plus). using System; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using MemoryRobot; using robotManager.Helpful; using Timer = robotManager.Helpful.Timer; using wManager.Wow.Class; using wManager.Wow.Enums; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; public class Main : ICustomClass { public float Range { get { return 40; } } internal static float InternalRange = 5.0f; private bool _loop; public Int128 lastTarget = Int128.Zero();//Declaration de loop private Timer _Cible = new Timer(0); private Timer _Sappe = new Timer(0); //Zone Sorts #region Spells public readonly Spell ArcaneShot = new Spell("Arcane Shot"); public readonly Spell ArcaneTorrent = new Spell("Arcane Torrent"); public readonly Spell SteadyShot = new Spell("Steady Shot"); public readonly Spell ConcussiveShot = new Spell("Concussive Shot"); public readonly Spell SerpentSting = new Spell("Serpent Sting"); public readonly Spell KillCommand = new Spell("Kill Command"); public readonly Spell HuntersMark = new Spell("Hunter's Mark"); public readonly Spell AspectoftheHawk = new Spell("Aspect of the Hawk"); public readonly Spell CallPet1 = new Spell("Call Pet 1"); public readonly Spell RevivePet = new Spell("Revive Pet"); public readonly Spell ScatterShot = new Spell("Scatter Shot"); #endregion Spells public void Initialize() { Logging.Write("Chargement CHASSEUR MDB PVP"); InternalRange = 5.0f; _loop = true; while (_loop) { try { if (!ObjectManager.Me.IsDead && !Usefuls.IsLoadingOrConnecting && Usefuls.InGame) { Defense(); if (!ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted) { Permanent(); if (ObjectManager.Me.Target.IsNotZero() && ObjectManager.Target.Reaction <= Reaction.Neutral && ObjectManager.Target.IsAlive) Engagement(); } } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteError("CustomClass > Initialize(): " + e); } Thread.Sleep(15); } _loop = false; } public void Defense() { if (ObjectManager.Target.GetDistance < 8 && ObjectManager.Target.IsCast) ArcaneTorrent.Launch(false); if (ObjectManager.Target.IsCast && ScatterShot.IsDistanceGood && ScatterShot.IsSpellUsable) { ScatterShot.Launch(false); return; } } public void Permanent() { if (!AspectoftheHawk.HaveBuff) AspectoftheHawk.Launch(false); if (!ObjectManager.Me.IsCast && (ObjectManager.Pet.Health == 0 || ObjectManager.Pet.Guid.IsZero()) && CallPet1.IsSpellUsable && ObjectManager.Me.InCombat) { CallPet1.Launch(); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (!ObjectManager.Me.IsCast && (!ObjectManager.Pet.IsAlive || ObjectManager.Pet.Guid.IsZero()) && RevivePet.KnownSpell && RevivePet.IsSpellUsable && ObjectManager.Target.HealthPercent > 10 && ObjectManager.Me.InCombat) { RevivePet.Launch(); Thread.Sleep(1000); return; } if (!ObjectManager.Me.IsCast && !ObjectManager.Pet.IsAlive && RevivePet.KnownSpell && RevivePet.IsSpellUsable && !ObjectManager.Me.InCombat) { RevivePet.Launch(); Thread.Sleep(1000); } } public void Engagement() { if (ObjectManager.Me.Target != lastTarget) { Pull(); } else { Attaque(); } } public void Pull() { Lua.RunMacroText("/petattack"); if (ConcussiveShot.IsSpellUsable && !ObjectManager.Target.HaveBuff(5116)) ConcussiveShot.Launch(false); lastTarget = ObjectManager.Me.Target; } public void Attaque() { if (ConcussiveShot.IsSpellUsable && !ObjectManager.Target.HaveBuff(5116)) { ConcussiveShot.Launch(false); return; } if (KillCommand.IsSpellUsable) { KillCommand.Launch(false); return; } if (!ObjectManager.Target.HaveBuff(1978)) SerpentSting.Launch(false); if (SteadyShot.IsSpellUsable && ObjectManager.Me.Focus < 40) SteadyShot.Launch(false); } public void Dispose() { Logging.Write("Dispose Fight Class Hunter MDB"); _loop = false; } public void ShowConfiguration() { MessageBox.Show("Script pour Hunter MDB : Mauvaise classe"); } }
  19. Hello, Do you have activated option "Repair", "Sell", "Send mail" and settings the quality of items at sell, and settings mail (in advanced general settings)?
  20. Hello, Go to: Tab "General Settings". Button "Enter advanced settings...". Tab "Looting and Farming options". Activate option "Harvest Timber".
  21. @Reaper666: I have added screenshot of the path, it cover east of Negrand (you can add hotspot in profile for cover all). @hansungkim: It is quest profile, you need to use Quester bot (and move this profile in the folder "\WRobot\Profiles\Quester\").
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