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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, It is not possible for the moment, you can try to create custom your lua script, but it is no easy.
  2. It is not possible for the moment, I'll add this (for quest and grinder also) but I wait more informations about Warlords of Draenor before adding significant changes (for avoid to work for nothing).
  3. return true or false. Look this. if (ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff(0) == false) { // buff no found } if (!ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff(0)) { // buff no found, like == false } if (ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff(0) == true) { // buff found } if (ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff(0)) { // buff found, like == true }
  4. Hello, Can you share your log please.
  5. Hello, Install slimdx (link: http://slimdx.org/download.php (choose version x86 .net 4.0).
  6. Hello, I have found this id: 116740;Tigereye Brew 125195;Tigereye Brew 125196;+1 Tigereye Brew 123980;Brewing: Tigereye Brew 137591;Tigereye Brew! Try this: In FightClass "General Settings", "Additional C# code" add: public int TigereyeBrewStackCount() { // 116740;Tigereye Brew // 125195;Tigereye Brew // 125196;+1 Tigereye Brew // 137591;Tigereye Brew! int buffStack = 0; buffStack = buffStack + ObjectManager.Me.BuffStack(116740); buffStack = buffStack + ObjectManager.Me.BuffStack(125195); buffStack = buffStack + ObjectManager.Me.BuffStack(125196); buffStack = buffStack + ObjectManager.Me.BuffStack(137591); return buffStack; } To use it, add in the spell condition type "C Sharp Code", > in "Value" put code: TigereyeBrewStackCount() >= 10 (replace 10 by number of stack required) ps: I ignore if this code works but it is good way to calculate stack of several spells. ps 2: You can replace "ObjectManager.Me.BuffStack" by "ObjectManager.Target.BuffStack" to get target stack.
  7. Hello, You cannot use <NameClass= in petbattle profiles. To combine several profiles in one (and changing automaticly the zone by pets level) you need only in the profile editor add zones and configure Min and Max level by zone.
  8. Hello, This condition don't works with all spells. I know this condition works with spell like http://www.wowhead.com/spell=853/hammer-of-justice but for the others spells, you need to check manually the buff (when you are stunned you have buff).
  9. Hello, I am not sure to understand exactly what you want say but for some quests you need to make one quest by objective. Look this for http://www.wowhead.com/quest=3361/a-refugees-quandary and http://www.wowhead.com/quest=24489/trolling-for-information I have used this solution.
  10. Hello, Normally WRobot does not go under the water, he swim on the surface, unless the target it is under water, in the case?
  11. Hello, The only limitation of unlimited version your address IP (public IP). You can run as many WRobot you want to as many computers as you want at the same time if you use same IP address. If you start WRobot on another internet connection (IP), WRobot running on the first IP will be closed.
  12. Add after "<FightClassSpells>" this code: <FightClassSpell> <SpellName>RunMacroText("/cast [target=pettarget,harm,nodead][] Claw")</SpellName> <FightClassConditions> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>LuaScript</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionLua"> <LuaScript>attackStatus = IsPetAttackActive()</LuaScript> <VarRet>attackStatus</VarRet> <ValueRet>true</ValueRet> </Param> </FightClassCondition> </FightClassConditions> <Priority>1</Priority> <Timer>2000</Timer> <NotSpellIsLuaScript>true</NotSpellIsLuaScript> <CanMoveDuringCast>Yes</CanMoveDuringCast> </FightClassSpell>
  13. Hello, select Gatherer product, in product settings select an profile and select again Battlegrounder product.
  14. Hello, Do you have this problem with all profiles? If no if you can give profile name. Can you also send me the log file of bugged session please.
  15. Hello, Thanks for report. You can found another profile for level 85 at jade forest here:
  16. Bonjour, Il n'y a pas de voix dans les videos elles sont multilangues. Vous pouvez trouver le forum Français ici. Egalement le guide d'utilisateur (qui est probablement le guide le plus complet et disponible uniquement en Français pour le moment).
  17. Copy/Past this code in notepad, save the file to XML and you can open it with fightclass editor to look how this works.
  18. Welcome back jaladhjin. Not hesitate to give your suggestions.
  19. I have fixed problem in step "IncriminatingDocuments>TurnIn" for quest http://www.wowhead.com/quest=8482 , I have replaced "Objective count 1" = 1 by "Objective count 1" = 0 For http://www.wowhead.com/quest=8483 , I have replaced "Objective count 2" = 1 by "Objective count 1" = 0 I have added in option "Macro when interact (full lua code, no /run)" : RunMacroText("/click GossipTitleButton1"); RunMacroText("/click GossipTitleButton1"); I have replaced "Gossip option" = -1 by "Gossip option" = 1 (I'll edit this post when I found new problems)
  20. Hello, You can just put your macro RunMacroText("/cast [target=pettarget,harm,nodead][] Claw") in spell name, activate option "Not spell, is lua script" and add "Timer". Or try this sample (I haven't tested) (I have added lua condition IsPetAttackActive()) (I have set up the "Timer" at 2 secondes): http://pastebin.com/stQ3Hkem
  21. Droidz

    Heroic Leap????

    Hello, Do you have activated "Spell settings" > "AOE Spell" ?
  22. ps: You can look tab "Map" to watch what I want say and how wrobot works.
  23. Droidz

    Add Button

    Hello, Nice ideas, I'll add it.
  24. I want say, After killing something or gathering, wrobot go to second (next) closest position of the profile if not obstacle in the path, else (if obstacles in way) wrobot go to closest position.
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