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    gornov.12345 reacted to Droidz in Stop buying low lvl food and drinks   
    Hello, in "script can condition" put code like :
    return wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Level >= 5 && wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Level <= 15; Replace 5 by the minimum level, 15 by the maximum level (in the current code, the bot will buy your item if the level is equal to or bigger than 5 and equal to or lower than 15).
  2. Thanks
    gornov.12345 reacted to Droidz in I need help with my fightclass thought lua code   
    No tested, but you can try this plugin :  CastSpellByName to Cast Macro.cs
    using robotManager.Helpful; public class Main : wManager.Plugin.IPlugin { public void Initialize() { Logging.Write("CastSpellByName to /cast plugin loaded."); robotManager.Events.Events.OnCustomEvent += OnEventsOnOnCustomEvent; } private void OnEventsOnOnCustomEvent(string name, object[] args, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs cancelable) { if (name.StartsWith("SpellManager.CastSpellByName") && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is string) { var spellName = (string)args[0]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(spellName)){ string luaUnit = null; if (args.Length >= 2 && args[1] is string) luaUnit = (string)args[1]; cancelable.Cancel = true; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(luaUnit) && luaUnit != "player") { Logging.WriteDebug("Casting " + spellName + " on " + luaUnit + " with macro /cast"); wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.RunMacroText("/cast [@" + luaUnit + "] " + spellName); } else { Logging.WriteDebug("Casting " + spellName + " with macro /cast"); wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.RunMacroText("/cast " + spellName); } } } } public void Dispose() { robotManager.Events.Events.OnCustomEvent -= OnEventsOnOnCustomEvent; } public void Settings() { } } I haven't tested, but this plugin should enable fight classes that use the bot method "CastSpellByNameOn" (which is the case for most fight classes) to force the bot to use "/cast ..." instead. Therefore, use this plugin with your fight class configured normally (without using "/cast").
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