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Everything posted by rum87mage

  1. its for 6.1/6.2
  2. Version 1


    Ok so this is a simple fight calss for feral druids. It does not use stelth because incarnation in feral make you go stelth when you rake or shred and resets the mob so i took it out. the fight class will rejuive if under 85% only cast healing touch if pred swiftness is up uses beserk incarnation nature's vigal and tigers fury when needed it ferie fires mobs that are a certan range away like flying mobs uses Survival Instincts at 65% wild charges mobs i took it out because flying mobs mess with it making it chase the mob around not casting ffire but tring to wild charge i might try to change it on the priorty list to fix that but for now its good enuff. and mighty bashes also bleeds target I dont have stelth or t3 talents or skull bash or maim in the fight class yet druid kills so fast no real reason to waist combo points on maim. tbh i forgot about skull bash and t3 talent but what ever still have a few things that need added but it gets the job done. talents t1 Wild Charge t2 renew t3 typhoon this dont matter really its not set up in the fight class for now use what you want i might add fswarm later t4 Incarnation: King of the Jungle t5 Mighty Bash t6 Nature's Vigil t7 Claws of Shirvallah Glyphs important because i dont have Savage Roar in the fight class to save on combo points because druid energy regeneration is bad. Glyph of Ferocious bite Savagery so you dont have to waist combo points on on savage roar.and stops the beserk stealth bug from reseting mobs Glyph of faerie fire just to give it extra range for flying mobs if you dont need the range use cat form for extra healing hope this helps feel free to modify and repost. this will kill mobs with ease and keep your health up. sorry if my spelling sucks and Punctuation suck. if it offends you you can always make you own!
  3. Ok so i have a grinder path set up and all that and have the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth. i have it set to sell greys to the vender and repair ever 30 mins. problem is he only targets the npc mojodishu and sells items he wont target Drix and repair and sell to him. I want him to sell and repair to drix and ignore the mojo chick. i tryed black listing mojo and adding drix to the npc db set as vender and repair and its not working he still does the same thing pops the mount targets mojo and sells the greys and sits there for about a min then dismounts and starts farming. How do i fix this issue just want him to pop the mount and sell and repair to drix. what am i doing wrong. i also tried deleteing them from the npc db and the black list to see if that worked but didnt work.
  4. Version 1.2


    up dated the range and a few other things Ok so here it is it works good really uses all the ice lance procs it can. not 100% done yet want to ad a macro to Pom rune of power but ill do that later does alot of damage fast Spec Frost needed glyphs [Glyph of Evocation] [Glyph of Deep Freeze] talents needed [Presence of Mind] [Temporal Shield] [Frostjaw] [Cold Snap] [Frost Bomb] [Rune of Power] the file will cast ice lance when fingers is proced and when deepfreezed rune of power for healing frozen orb to force procs mage bomb temp shield for heals only when u are targeted Mirror image when targeted cone of cold Counter spell when being casted at deep freeze frost nova frost bolt Cold snap when you hit 50k hp... but you wont with rune of power and temp shield frost fire bolt when brain freeze proc is up still need to add a few things not 100% done yet but ill post update later let me know if any thing is wrong I have the range set to 10 you can change it to what ever u want
  5. ok ill make another for long range with rune of power down i like him standing still but i can make fix that in a bit
  6. Version 1.1


    Ok so here it is it works good really uses all the ice lance procs it can. not 100% done yet want to ad a macro to Pom rune of power but ill do that later does alot of damage fast Spec Frost needed glyphs [Glyph of Evocation] [Glyph of Deep Freeze] talents needed [Presence of Mind] [Temporal Shield] [Frostjaw] [Cold Snap] [Frost Bomb] [Rune of Power] the file will cast ice lance when fingers is proced and when deepfreezed rune of power for healing frozen orb to force procs mage bomb temp shield for heals only when u are targeted Mirror image when targeted cone of cold Counter spell when being casted at deep freeze frost nova frost bolt Cold snap when you hit 50k hp... but you wont with rune of power and temp shield frost fire bolt when brain freeze proc is up still need to add a few things not 100% done yet but ill post update later let me know if any thing is wrong I have the range set to 10 you can change it to what ever u want
  7. Ok so here it is it works good really uses all the ice lance procs it can. not 100% done yet want to ad a macro to Pom rune of power but ill do that later does alot of damage fast Spec Frost needed glyphs [Glyph of Evocation] [Glyph of Deep Freeze] talents needed [Presence of Mind] [Temporal Shield] [Frostjaw] [Cold Snap] [Frost Bomb] [Rune of Power] the file will cast ice lance when fingers is proced and when deepfreezed rune of power for healing frozen orb to force procs mage bomb temp shield for heals only when u are targeted Mirror image when targeted cone of cold Counter spell when being casted at deep freeze frost nova frost bolt Cold snap when you hit 50k hp... but you wont with rune of power and temp shield frost fire bolt when brain freeze proc is up still need to add a few things not 100% done yet but ill post update later let me know if any thing is wrong I have the range set to 10 you can change it to what ever u want mage.xml
  8. ok thanks ill try that when i get it done ill post it up
  9. Ok so I have the fightclass almost set up the way i want it i just need a lil help with the procs so what im trying to get it to do is Cast ice lance ONLY when the Frost fingers proc"Buff" is up and cast Frostfirebolt ONLY when Brain freeze proc"Buff" is up I have tried a-lot of things I can get it to cast ice lance no problem and frost firebolt but its not waiting for the procs"Buffs" I want it to cast frostbolt if the 2 procs are not up on my charter. how do i do this so here is what i have the bot set to do in a fight so far in order 1.cast Rune of Power 2.cast Temporal Shield 3.cast Mage Bomb 4.cast Frozen Orb 5.cast Cone of Cold 6.cast Fire Blast 7.Cast Frost Bolt I want it to cast Ice Lance only When the frost fingers procs"buff" is up and I want it to cast Frostfire Bolt only when Brain freeze procs"buff" Is up Feels like i have tried everything but cant seem to get it to cast them 2 spells with the procs up only im stumped I made a new thread because the other issue with the rune of power i got fixed and the name of the topic is wrong. so if u must delete one plz delete the other one not this one. mage.xml
  10. so i got just about everything working learned a little bit about lua last night atleast how to get a lua file to work in wow... But I still have no clue how to set up the bot to only frostfire bolt when brain freeze procs or how to get it to only icelance when frost fingers procs .. everything i have tried has failed i downloaded the mage fighter class files and there not much diffrent then mine seems like it would be easyer to set up. I use to use glider way back in the day. you just customized every spell but about 80% of the spell conditions make no sense to me what so ever. any help would be gratefully appreciated..
  11. nice thanks for making this :D cant wait till its done it will be sweet.
  12. I dont think the other mage files have it eather from what i read any way i can request one or something been looking all day for a way to get it to cast icelance and frost fire bolt only when the procs are up cant seem to find out how to do it
  13. does it ice lance and frost firebolt only when the procs are up?
  14. ok here it is I got rune of power to work but no ideal how to make it only ice lance when the frost fingers proc is up and only frost fire bolt when brain freeze is up. btw thanks for the help mage.xml
  15. this is what i have not sure what to do to make it work right mage.xml
  16. Cant get mage rune of power to cast on me Its a spell you have to target the ground then click to cast it heals me I want it to cast it before anything else so its healing how do i get it to work I put the name of the spell as Evocation and still not working so here is what i want the bot to do in a fight but no ideal how to set it up to do it all in order 1.cast Rune of Power 2.cast Temporal Shield 3.cast Mage Bomb 4.cast Frozen Orb 5.cast Cone of Cold 6.cast Fire Blast 7.Cast Frost Bolt I want it to cast Ice Lance When the frost fingers procs and want it to cast Frostfire Bolt when Brain freeze procs how do i get it to do this all i can get it to do is Temporal Shield Cone of Cold Frozen Orb Fire Blast Frost Bolt Im not sure what to do and dont know any thing about lua
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