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  1. Can someone eddit the AIO code and make this rotation for Unholy DK - SoloUnholy and ReCompile it again? here is the code: using AIO.Combat.Common; using AIO.Framework; using AIO.Settings; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; #nullable disable namespace AIO.Combat.DeathKnight { internal class SoloUnholy : BaseRotation { protected override List<RotationStep> Rotation { get { return new List<RotationStep>() { new RotationStep(new RotationSpell("Auto Attack"), 1f, (s, t) => !Constants.Me.IsCast && !RotationCombatUtil.IsAutoAttacking(), RotationCombatUtil.BotTarget), new RotationStep(new RotationSpell("Mind Freeze"), 3.1f, (s, t) => t.IsCasting(), RotationCombatUtil.BotTarget), new RotationStep(new RotationSpell("Strangulate"), 4f, (s, t) => t.IsCasting() && t.IsTargetingMeOrMyPetOrPartyMember && t.GetDistance < 20, RotationCombatUtil.FindEnemyCasting), // Disease Application new RotationStep(new RotationSpell("Icy Touch"), 5f, (s, t) => !t.HaveMyBuff("Frost Fever"), RotationCombatUtil.BotTarget), new RotationStep(new RotationSpell("Plague Strike"), 6f, (s, t) => !t.HaveMyBuff("Blood Plague"), RotationCombatUtil.BotTarget), // AoE Setup new RotationStep(new RotationSpell("Pestilence"), 7f, (s, t) => t.HaveMyBuff("Blood Plague", "Frost Fever") && RotationFramework.Enemies.Count(o => o.GetDistance < 15 && !o.HaveMyBuff("Blood Plague", "Frost Fever")) >= 2, RotationCombatUtil.BotTarget), new RotationStep(new RotationSpell("Death and Decay"), 8f, (s, t) => RotationFramework.Enemies.Count(o => o.GetDistance < 15) >= BasePersistentSettings<DeathKnightLevelSettings>.Current.SoloUnholyDnD, RotationCombatUtil.BotTarget), // Ghoul Frenzy (If Talented) new RotationStep(new RotationSpell("Ghoul Frenzy"), 8.5f, (s, t) => Constants.Me.Pet != null && !Constants.Me.Pet.HaveBuff("Ghoul Frenzy"), RotationCombatUtil.BotTarget), // Main Attack Ability new RotationStep(new RotationSpell("Scourge Strike"), 9f, (s, t) => t.HaveMyBuff("Blood Plague", "Frost Fever"), RotationCombatUtil.BotTarget), // Blood Strike for Rune Management new RotationStep(new RotationSpell("Blood Strike"), 10f, (s, t) => true, RotationCombatUtil.BotTarget), // Death Coil - Lowered RP Condition new RotationStep(new RotationSpell("Death Coil"), 11f, (s, t) => Constants.Me.RunicPower > 40, RotationCombatUtil.BotTarget), // Rune Strike - Off GCD Runic Dump new RotationStep(new RotationSpell("Rune Strike"), 12f, (s, t) => Constants.Me.RunicPower > 20, RotationCombatUtil.BotTarget), // Summon Gargoyle - Max RP and Cooldowns Active new RotationStep(new RotationSpell("Summon Gargoyle"), 13f, (s, t) => BossList.MyTargetIsBoss && Constants.Me.RunicPower > 80, RotationCombatUtil.BotTarget), // Emergency Healing new RotationStep(new RotationSpell("Death Strike"), 14f, (s, t) => Constants.Me.HealthPercent < 50, RotationCombatUtil.BotTarget) }; } } } }
  2. Can someone create Storm Peeks - Eternal Fire Grinder ? The location is 74.1- 52.1. NPCs are Seething Revenant ?
  3. Hello can someone help me with plugins/products and Fight Class on how to set my profile for Quester for my Human Mage ? I cant figure this out. Thanks allot
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