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About reaper

  • Birthday 04/01/1993

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    California, USA
  • Interests
    Gaming, sleeping, eating, and almost everything in between.

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  1. When setting the bot up on my laptop some of the windows are a little cut off. This happens only on my laptop for some reason, but when I play on my desktop it does not happen. Both have the same resolution of 1920x1080 so I don't know what could be the problem other than screen size. Laptop is 15" screen and desktop is 32" screen. Screenshot is linked here: http://i48.tinypic.com/54zts8.jpg Uploader would not let me attach a file even though it was under 500Kb.
  2. reaper

    Mining bug

    Forgot to add that this is using the Valley of Four Winds mixed gathering route as I have yet to put in enough time to learn how to create one myself.
  3. reaper

    Mining bug

    Occasionally while running the mining bot if a node is below the player and involves a larger than "normal" drop the bot won't drop the player character down or dismount to mine the node. Another one is if the node is on a slant like on the side of a hill or a ledge the bot will go to the top of the ledge go near the slant of the hill and will pause for a bit and then ignore the node and move on. I don't know if this last one is a bug, but sometime the bot will ignore nodes almost right next to the one that was just mined and continue along it's path.
  4. Don't know how to edit the description so I'll add it here: This fight class is meant for level 90 Paladins using any number of the many profiles already provided with the bot or your own custom ones. I guess it can be used while leveling but skills that are used within the fight class that you do not have yet will not be used.
  5. I would like to have the name that I use to log in changed to my current display name.
  6. Don't know of where else to put this so I just put it in the support forum of the product I purchased. Is there anyway to change my login name to what I'm using now instead of my actual name?
  7. They are listed in the description: long arm of the law, fist of justice, selfless healer, clemency, holy avenger, and holy prism
  8. I have no idea how to make them but profiles could be made for 82-85 for Deepholm and killing the troggs on the left side of the map since they spawn in massive waves and give decent experience, and for Krasarang Wilds grinding for 87 - 90 by killing these mobs http://www.wowhead.com/npc=57649 since both areas have such amazing respawn rates. I believe it takes ~1.5 hours per level in Krasarang Wilds grinding in that spot.
  9. Shouldn't there be a board for suggestions and a board for requests? That would probably be very helpful.
  10. Version 1.0


    There wasn't a fight class for retribution paladins so I made one. It works well enough for me, but it might not satisfy you. No matter what it's probably still not gonna kill a person sitting at their computer who decides to attack you. Does not include use of defensive or offensive cool downs, blinding light, any trinkets or tinkers, self cast holy prism. Talents used for this fight class are long arm of the law, fist of justice, selfless healer, clemency, holy avenger, and holy prism
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