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  1. Hey Guys. Found out, tested also. Tried to add objects by id, was not working, so i added by name: Captured Fish ( careful, case sensitive ). What u have to do is: Go to adv setting, looting farming option, and add there the Captured Fish. Have a nice fishing.
  2. Hey Guys. Found out, tested also. Tried to add objects by id, was not working, so i added by name: Captured Fish ( careful, case sensitive ). What u have to do is: Go to adv setting, looting farming option, and add there the Captured Fish. Have a nice fishing.
  3. confirmed, same here. Had to remove weapon name, which makes me very detectable, when the bot hits a mob half hour with the fishing artifakt. This solved the weapon auto switching problem ( and i dont fell underwater anymore). But the bot still intrerupts fishing in every 1 minute , to moove 1 step, then continues fishing ( no route created, tested on open water, no lure, nothing checked, etc ).
  4. same with the dh. same name weps, cant equip both
  5. Hey. Its no problem. Thanks for answer.
  6. Hey guys. I am sorry, but I cant set up Pain criteria for my spells. For example: i want to use Shear below 40 pain, or just use Soul Cleave with more than 40 pain. Howewver I set up the criteria, made lot of profiles for my other chars with rage, runic powa etc, but it seems that pain thing does not working for vengeance dhs. Its just spamming Soul cleave whenever it can, it doesnt looks after criteria. Any solutions? Ty. And soz for my bad english
  7. Please write any feedback for me.:) Want to hear ur opinion. I usually play only healer classes, so i dont know what to fix in the profile.
  8. Using haunt too, just forgot to write in changelog. And sorry for my bad english:)
  9. Version 1.2


    Hey. This is my first profile. This profile goes only for grinding, because its set to full survive. I had downloaded several others to learn from them. Finally I created this. In my opinion this is the most complex profile uploaded for afflies. - Added full dot support - Added dot priority ( Elements -> Corruption -> Unstabble -> Agony -> Fillers ) - Using Healthstone/Drain life/ Death coil to survive - Using Voidlord - Using Malefic and Drain soul ( if lower than 25%) as filler - Using Life tap - Using Health funnel Simple things: Creates healthstone, uses buff, using unending breath. Things to come: - I already made the bot to create SS, but sadly the bot is not using it, it will ress normally. If i figure put how to fix it, I will let u know. - Adding aoe support * Note: I have a very low gear warlock, I talented and gliffed drain life to improove survivability, I talented and gliffed the pets to became more powerfull, and Death coil, for smaller healing bursts, and I minor gliffed health funnel too. The bot will intrerupt Your rotation if falls below 90% health. I will cast drain life. The bot was tested hours of grinding at timeless, only turtles ofc, to big guys in grps are too tuff for my gear. Please feel free to write feedback, I check the site 2-3 times per week, and I give You answers if I can. *** READ THE CHANGELOG ***
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