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  1. Hey, I have been playing around with Dragon Roar and I can't for the life of me get it to cast only if Enrage is up. It will always cast automatically when available no matter what conditions I set It's like it doesn't pick the buff on me up. Could I grab some assistance in this space. C code appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Ok i worked this out For some reason the bot vs real life. You literally have to stand inside the heart for bot to use rotation. Yet i can manually hit from much further away. Why this is I have no idea. But that's how it works. P.S don't stand at the back of the heart it will punt you all the time.
  3. Hello, Could I get any suggestions to how I should set up my rotation to start the execute phase with Juggernaut so stacks never fall off and execute is always used when available. I have tried making it high priority and recasting when juggernaut has 3 seconds left, and making it cast when available, however it gets caught in rotation and usually falls off I can't seem to give it high enough priority. Assistance appreciated. Credit to Anquelica for the 99% of this FClass. I deleted all the condition in Execute spell in frustration I need help! Modified Fury Warrior.xml
  4. OK but ill have to wait until next week reset:(
  5. Hey, Anyone else find that wrotation stops attacking when trying to attack the heart of Ill'grynoth (inside once eye dies) in Emerald Nightmare ? It work perfectly on all other legion content bar this .... Is there something I need to manually add ? Thanks in advance
  6. Where do I and how do I use this dll extension. It seems to lock up when i run it as a fight class.
  7. Ok this one is great !!! I am wondering now how hard is a profile that paths to the end grand mashal for the ashmaul box and sticks with the group at the same time for bones? Im only good at pathing/grinder profiles not much else...
  8. Where do you put this file and how does it interact with being able to play in ashran ? Do you use it with another profile like the other you posted droidz ?
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