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  1. ganolf

    Relogger report bad key

    Talked to VPN provider, they said that their windows client cant select what app to affect and what ignore. Any idea what can i do? (need vpn becuase of wow) And why it worked before reinstall, just 2 days ago? And why i can run wrobot.exe and not wrobot.exe throught relogge.exe? Need relogger, to run long sessions.
  2. ganolf

    Relogger report bad key

    Using VPN, dont have any idea how to say to let vrb connect directly. Plus 2 days ago it worked.
  3. ganolf

    Relogger report bad key

    Hope those ae ight files. Sant use you "how to locate log" because when "running" under relogger bot dont start 22 11 2017 09H57.log.html
  4. Wrobot itself (by hand) run, but with same key written to relogger, it says invalid licence key. (Got key from purchases, ctrlc, ctrlv to both!
  5. just mentioned that each class have its own Q ID
  6. Did something changed? Am trying to do all this as is in video, but my test run ends when bot click npc, accept Q, and than click npc again, again, again, dont go to pulse step.
  7. log from problem. At end it write nothing, but it "try to relolve" 2 minutes, after time i killed game and bot too 1 7 2017 07H41 - FWzCU.log.html
  8. Update. Tried to use 3d radar to determine what happend. Next node runs up, like using flying mount. But bot dont mount. Any adice?
  9. Reporting bot get stuck at least 1x in hour, and than either stand and dont move, or run in loop. (even very stupid player be able to identify its bot) Running default pathfinding options, can somebody help? (yesterdaz it worked well)
  10. Blizzard probably made patch. (Game told me all servers are incorrect game version first). Let droidz repair it.
  11. ganolf

    Relogger bug (s)

    Seems my own installation (of bot) was bad, after reinstall now wokring fime. But still bot "dies" at this screen. Cant simply click "ok" and log back to char.
  12. ganolf

    Relogger bug (s)

    After installing wrobot patch for 7.2 there are 2 problems with relogger A) sometimes it forget fight class. In relogger is written proper class, but it force to run bot with another. Detected with grinder, maybe problem is in grinder. B) sometimes blizz dc char to character select screen and report: You have been disconnected, blz (dont remember code) and relogger dont know what to do with that.
  13. We dont underestimate them, we simply know them :) Its not bout lack of skill, its bout lack of time. GM can check all logs, ban all accounts from same ip, ban everybdoy who withdrawed from guild bank.. But it need long time and theres 500 more reports waiting to be solved. So GM usually ban botting acc and go. Only few of them ban guild bank too. Probability of getting banned another acc whos not running directly under bot isnt high.
  14. Hi guys. Is there any way, how to tell bot to ignore ores, which are under water? Or just forbid mining for that (only 1 session) in relogger?
  15. How to tell bot (in relogger) to go to position xy, and than start next step? Is it possible?
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