My log :
11:48:37 - Launch Fief.
11:48:37 - Fief Position Start 1934,107 ; 345,3732 ; 91,6573 ; "None" ;
[N] 11:49:02 - Path Count: 2
[N] 11:49:09 - Path Count: 14
11:49:10 - Mounting gound mount Mécanotrotteur jaune rapide
[N] 11:49:24 - Think we are stuck
[N] 11:49:24 - Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 11:49:25 - Think we are stuck
[N] 11:49:25 - Trying something funny, hang on
11:49:26 - Dismount
[N] 11:49:27 - Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 11:49:27 - [stuck] Current pos: 1838,563 ; 197,3592 ; 72,75826 ; "None" - Target pos: 1827,746 ; 179,0878 ; 72,38959 ; "None" Continent: SMVAllianceGarrisonLevel2 Tile: 31.62995_28.55269
[D] 11:49:27 - UnStuck() started.
[D] 11:49:30 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 5.
[N] 11:49:30 - Waypoint timed out
[N] 11:49:30 - Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 11:49:30 - Path Count: 8
[N] 11:49:32 - Think we are stuck
[N] 11:49:32 - Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 11:49:33 - Think we are stuck
[N] 11:49:33 - Trying something funny, hang on
[N] 11:49:34 - Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[D] 11:49:34 - [stuck] Current pos: 1838,132 ; 193,246 ; 72,46663 ; "None" - Target pos: 1827,651 ; 179,2098 ; 72,47443 ; "None" Continent: SMVAllianceGarrisonLevel2 Tile: 31.63766_28.5535
[D] 11:49:34 - UnStuck() started.
[D] 11:49:35 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 6.
[N] 11:49:35 - Waypoint timed out
[N] 11:49:35 - Report navmesh poly to avoid it
[N] 11:49:35 - Path Count: 8
11:49:52 - Stop Fief.
11:49:52 - Fief stoped.
My code to test the pathfinder (I'm on a level 3 garisson with mine and garden level 3 too):
var herbShipment = new Vector3(1859.568, 140.8548, 78.29084);
var pathToUnit = new List<Vector3> { };
pathToUnit = PathFinder.FindPath(herbShipment);
I precise that it's my first c# coding so all advices is welcome ;-)