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  1. No I don't think that you can interact with them. See the spell on wowhead: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=156480/rubble-pile
  2. Works now as intended. Thank you.
  3. I added your suggestions, but nothing happens. I get for Flash of Light these debug output: [D] 21:06:07 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Holy Prism, Id found: 114165, Name found: Holy Prism, NameInGame found: Heiliges Prisma, know = True [D] 21:06:07 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Holy Shock, Id found: 20473, Name found: Holy Shock, NameInGame found: Heiliger Schock, know = True [D] 21:06:07 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Eternal Flame, Id found: 114163, Name found: Eternal Flame, NameInGame found: Ewige Flamme, know = True [D] 21:06:07 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Flash of Light, Id found: 19750, Name found: Flash of Light, NameInGame found: Lichtblitz, know = True [D] 21:06:07 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Holy Light, Id found: 82326, Name found: Holy Light, NameInGame found: Heiliges Licht, know = True [D] 21:06:07 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Crusader Strike, Id found: 35395, Name found: Crusader Strike, NameInGame found: Kreuzfahrerstoß, know = True [D] 21:06:07 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Holy Light, Id found: 82326, Name found: Holy Light, NameInGame found: Heiliges Licht, know = True [D] 21:06:07 - Flash of Light - NeedToRun = false - condition [D] 21:06:07 - Flash of Light - NeedToRun time to execute: 0 [D] 21:06:08 - Flash of Light - NeedToRun = false - condition [D] 21:06:08 - Flash of Light - NeedToRun time to execute: 0 [D] 21:06:08 - Flash of Light - NeedToRun = false - condition [D] 21:06:08 - Flash of Light - NeedToRun time to execute: 16 [D] 21:06:08 - Flash of Light - NeedToRun = false - condition [D] 21:06:08 - Flash of Light - NeedToRun time to execute: 16 [D] 21:06:08 - Flash of Light - NeedToRun = false - condition [D] 21:06:08 - Flash of Light - NeedToRun time to execute: 16 [D] 21:06:08 - Flash of Light - NeedToRun = false - condition [D] 21:06:08 - Flash of Light - NeedToRun time to execute: 16 [D] 21:06:08 - Flash of Light - NeedToRun = false - condition [D] 21:06:08 - Flash of Light - NeedToRun time to execute: 0 [D] 21:06:08 - Flash of Light - NeedToRun = false - condition
  4. How can I target an enemy in Range and cast e.g. Crusader Strike on it? I need this for my Paladin healing profile, to improve holy power generation.
  5. There seems to be a problem with hostile Targets calculation. At Blackhand Phase 1 my profile is constantly doing AoE damage, but there is only one target available. Phase 2 and 3 works fine again. I have the option "hostile Unit near target = 4 and Range = 8". Maybe "hostile unit near" reacts on the falling debris from Blackhand's Demolition?
  6. Works now for Kromog. Nice Work.
  7. I will try it later. What shall I put in Target Distance, if it is a AoE Spell without a distance? Which product should I choose to use a healing profile? WRotation or Party? Currently I'm using WRotation. Should I enable the option "Attack all Targets(Friends also)"?
  8. Hi, I tried to develop a Holy Paladin Fight Class. I made at first one which automatically selects injured party/raid members. As this seems not really to work I developed a profile where I target group members by myself. But this does not work either. I tried to heal Proofing Grounds, but my Healer just stands still and does nothing, in each case. Can you help me to setup this healing profile? I also made a switch for Group Healing via macro. But this does not work either. /run if aoeHeal == 1 then aoeHeal = 0; print("AOE-Heal deactivated") else aoeHeal = 1; print("AOE-Heal activated") end See attached my 3 profiles. Thank you in advance. Holy Paladin (Party).xml Holy Paladin (Raid).xml Holy Paladin.xml
  9. Tried my Monk Healing Profile in Proofing Grounds. Either my Healing Profile is buggy or stance is not detected correctly. Same problems like with my holy paladin. No Healing at all. Mistweaver Monk (Party).xml Mistweaver Monk (Raid).xml Mistweaver Monk.xml
  10. Hi, I'm currently developing my Mistweaver Healing Profile and I need to check if I'm in Stance of the Spirited Crane or Stance of the Wise Serpent. How can I do this? Thanks for Help
  11. I tried today Proving Grounds with my warrior. And all AOE Spells were not triggered. When questing or grinding they are triggered. Really strange...
  12. Hi, I made some profiles with the condition "hostile unit near" or "hostile unit near target" for some spells. These spells are never launched. Cann anyone look into my profiles and tell me how to fix this? Thanks V Beastmaster v1.xml V MS Warri v1.xml V Retri v3.xml V Windwalker v1.xml
  13. Hi, is it possible to support Fighting Profiles for pets in a later version of WRobot? Or is it possible to enable an option to prioritize heal spells of pets in pet battle. I use the emerald proto drake for leveling alt pets. Although the heal of the pet is always ready, the pet does not heal itself everytime it could, and dies at some point. Thanks for your answers, BR Vaioui
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