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Posts posted by GTXMike

  1. My main spec is frost that i use for questing and my second spec is arcane for dungeons and raids. If i start bot with when I'm on frost spec with frost fightclass everything is ok BUT when i switch the spec to arcane and fightclass as well to do the dungeon bot have a problem because it can't see the skills that come up with the talents and is simply skipping them in the rotation so for it to work i need to switch to arcane then close the bot, start again and start rotation bot which is a pain, i think it's because the software is READING the spell book skills only when starts and loads the plugins. So I do suggest to set the bot to read the spellbook every time the rotation is restarted.

  2. Hello Droidz. First of all I would like to thank you for our fantastic work with WRobot, it's great and the community here small but help full and great full :) I'm writing this post because i think we could easily upgrade rotation bot and increase DPS for each class. Currently we are only limited to one rotation that is simply based on FightClass and if we want to change it we need to stop the ot choose different and then start again which is ok but not really efficient for complicated rotations and serious DPS. As everybody knows you can't just use one rotation all the time if you want to max out DPS with your character, there are different rotations that need to be performed in order to achieve that. I will explain using my Arcane Mage build. Currently i only have one rotation with few conditions to use all my skills but it would be absolutely AWESOME if we could use more rotations as part of one BIG rotation and easily switch them during a fight, what do I mean? Let's say on my mage, if i play manually have 4 phases that come together into one rotation, there is:


    1. Opening phase

    2. Conserve phase

    3. Burning phase

    4. Cooldown phase


    And currently it's absolutely impossible to program bot that way to achieve that as we only have one big rotation. What I suggest is to create a new let's say Raid / Dungeon Rotation Bot where we can add in order let's say 5 rotations and easily switch them on the go by using key short-cuts or set conditions to more to another rotation step, for example ALT+1, ALT+2, ALT+3, ALT+4, ALT+5. With a bot like that i can simply decide that my opening phase has finished and press ALT+2 to move to conserve rotation and then ALT+3 to do my burning rotation an after it's finished ALT+4 to start my cooldown phase and then back to ALT+2 to repeat or even better simply set conditions like:


    If skill Evocation is on cooldown keep using conserve phase, then Evocations skill is ready so bot is moving to burning phase where is using rotation to max ut dps and burn all mana and when mana is at 10% use Evocation skill and move to cooldown phase.


    I know it sounds complicated but its not all we need is another version of rotation bot, where we can add and easily switch rotations without leaving game and stopping the bot and conditions to use different rotations in order. Please tell me what you think, am sure that people would love that possibility,

  3. Agree there is not to many leveling profiles but leveling in this game is not an issue really cos it goes quick anyway, for me bot is mainly for farming gold. If there would be a simple guide how to make questing profile i could start working on something.

  4. I haven't experienced this, i do not use bot without supervision i do bot but i'm always looking at the second screen what bot is doing etc i think it's just the best way to use it as help getting gold and mats.

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