How can i make the Bot walk to a specific location in the Questeditor using FullCSharpCode.
I tried this. But the Bot then walks to this Position even when This step is not active.
public sealed class TheEmblazonedRunebladeForge : QuestClass
public TheEmblazonedRunebladeForge()
Name = "The Emblazoned Runeblade";
QuestId.Add (12619);
Step.AddRange(new[] { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 });
GoToTask.ToPosition(new robotManager.Helpful.Vector3(2505.567f, -5562.78f, 420.6452f));
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000 * 11);
For example. This Snipped is from the DK starting Zone where the Players has to Pick up a Battle-Worn Sword and then use it at the Runeforge.
My Profile starts at the Lich King but before accepting the Quest the Bot runs to "GoToTask.ToPosition(new robotManager.Helpful.Vector3(2505.567f, -5562.78f, 420.6452f));"
Then returns to the LichKing and accepts the Quest.
The same happens for the Quest "The Emblazoned Runeblade" which will be optained from Instructor Razuvious.
EDIT : I now tried the following.
The Bot now keeps just standing still and seems to skip Step 4
Log & Questprofile attched
8 Nov 2017 16H59.log.html
[A] 55-62 Deathknight-Start.xml