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[DTN] Oratorian

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  1. I already tried that. The Bot then just stand at the Runeforge on my hotspot and does nothing
  2. How can i make the Bot walk to a specific location in the Questeditor using FullCSharpCode. I tried this. But the Bot then walks to this Position even when This step is not active. public sealed class TheEmblazonedRunebladeForge : QuestClass { public TheEmblazonedRunebladeForge() { Name = "The Emblazoned Runeblade"; QuestId.Add (12619); Step.AddRange(new[] { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }); GoToTask.ToPosition(new robotManager.Helpful.Vector3(2505.567f, -5562.78f, 420.6452f)); wManager.Wow.Helpers.ItemsManager.UseItem(38607); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000 * 11); } } For example. This Snipped is from the DK starting Zone where the Players has to Pick up a Battle-Worn Sword and then use it at the Runeforge. My Profile starts at the Lich King but before accepting the Quest the Bot runs to "GoToTask.ToPosition(new robotManager.Helpful.Vector3(2505.567f, -5562.78f, 420.6452f));" Then returns to the LichKing and accepts the Quest. The same happens for the Quest "The Emblazoned Runeblade" which will be optained from Instructor Razuvious. EDIT : I now tried the following. The Bot now keeps just standing still and seems to skip Step 4 Log & Questprofile attched 8 Nov 2017 16H59.log.html [A] 55-62 Deathknight-Start.xml
  3. How does and is the Autotalent setting ment to be used. I haven't found any clues on the forum how to use the <Class>.macro.txt in the Talents folder inside the FightClass folder.
  4. Arf, Sry I did search for anything related but have missed the thread. Problem solved, thx.
  5. I got a problem with WRobot and Automatron. When hitting start the Bot does nothing. So i decied to take a look in the Logsfiles which is attached to the thread. WoW ist started as Admin in 32bit mode so as the Bot. It worked fine in the previous release. 11 Jul 2017 18H58.log.html
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