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Posts posted by iMod

  1. 2 hours ago, sowelu said:

    Another stupid q, i have downloaded FightClass.cs sample, but wrobot>general settings > fight class have .xml format. How can I use sample. Also, I have downloaded plugin sample, and it works. I was able to write a log, lol. Which difference and advantage in these approaches?

    XML is for ppl who have no clue about programming und C#(.cs) is for the advanced ppl. With XML you are forced to the functions droidz implemented and with C# you can create your own functions and stuff like that.

  2.     public class Ninja
            private Spell _vanish = new Spell("Vanish");
            int chestId = 42;
            void LookingForTheChest()
                if (ObjectManager.Me.InCombat && Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("IsShiftKeyDown()"))
                    //use vanish. How can send to game some bind like "shift + V"?
                    //sleep 2000
                    // Cast vanish
                if (ObjectManager.Me.InCombat == false && _vanish.IsSpellUsable && IsAnyoneNearMe() == false && ObjectManager.Me.IsCast == false)
            void LootTheChest()
                //lets check chest, maybe it looted already
                //if no chest i need to go to the next step
            bool IsAnyoneNearMe()
                //get mobs around
                List<WoWUnit> mobsNearMe = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitHostile();
                //anyone near me? 
                foreach (WoWUnit u in mobsNearMe)
                    if (ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(u.Position) < 30)
                        return true;
                // ok, fine, there are no mobs near me, lets check where is patrol
                foreach (WoWUnit u in mobsNearMe)
                    //how to check by id? im using  DisplayID, dont know what is it, but i hope you will help 
                    if (u.DisplayId == 2017 && ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(u.Position) < 100)
                        return true;
                //so cool, patrol are so far and no one near me, time to loot the chest
                return false;


  3. On 10.9.2017 at 4:19 PM, Ordush said:

    I will just make an example of how i'd love for this to work. :)
    SLASH_TOGGLEHUNTERSMARK1 = '/togglehuntersmark'
        if HuntersMarkDisabled then
            HuntersMarkDisabled = false
            HuntersMarkDisabled = true

    Then the condition is set to HuntersMarkDisabled false to use hunters mark.

    Works very well without any problems. Now the problem is i relog the game HuntersMarkDisabled is reset (due to the variable no longer being true/false).
    So camelot10 came up with the code above, so that my HuntersMarkDisabled would be stored with the Fight Class settings. Here the problem is that when it does

    Lua.LuaDoString("HuntersMarkDisabled = " + HuntersMark);

    it doesn't turn HuntersMarkDisabled into what HuntersMark is, but it just sets it to nil.

    Hope someone can help with this problem. :)

    Never worked with ingame variables but give this a try:

    CVar.SetCVar("HuntersMarkDisabled", HuntersMark);

    instead of the Lua.DoString();

    If you want to read out your variable try:

    bool test = CVar.GetCVar<bool>("HuntersMarkDisabled");

    Hope that helps.

  4. 50 minutes ago, Galexyman said:


    1.Gibt es eine Möglichkeit eine Trainingspuppe mit WRotation angreifen zu lassen ?

    2.Muß ich WOW im 32 bit modus starten oder kann ich auch auf nein klicken und den bot in 64 bit laufen zu lassen ?

    3. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit bei einer Rotation die unterbrechungszauber auf eine Taste zu legen also das er sie automatisch ausführt wen ich die Taste gedrückt halte.(zb ist bei Dämonenjäger es echt nerfig das er Metamorphose bei trash mobs aktiviert und beim Bos es auf Cooldown ist.

    Danke für eure Antworten.


    1. Unter Einstellungen kannst du festlegen ob der Bot die Puppen ignorieren soll oder nicht.
    2. Ja du musst es in 32 Bit starten.
    3. Ja z.B mit Lua "IsShiftKeyDown()" oder C# und der KeyboardHook Klasse von WRobot.

  5. 1 hour ago, PainTheMultiboxer said:

    That's pretty great. But how does it work? Does it use /follow command in game or does it scan pixels/read memory to see the location of main and "follow it" without using the /follow command in game? 

    It simply reads the target object out of the memory and its last position, calculates the path and walks to the position.

  6. 1 hour ago, Findeh said:

    If i get it right, in your example

    double cooldownTimer

    Will be a constant, right?

    But the problem is, it may be different, it's not a constant for the same spell. Spell may be different level (lvl 1 heal may be 1,5s cast and the same lvl 6 spell may be 3,5s cast). Spell cast time may be buffed by talants, or may be not buffed, depending on character. Cast time may be hited back by incoming damage or kicked. If it was hitted back, delay should be longer, if it was kicked, it should be shorter. In a word, it's complicated.


    sure it was just a sample how it could be done not a copy paste solution :) And normaly it should be just used if you want to manipulate the known cooldown of each spell.

  7. The easier way

        public class WoWSpell : Spell
            private Timer _timer;
            #region Constructor
            /// <summary>
            /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="WoWSpell"/> class.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="spellNameEnglish">The spell name.</param>
            /// <param name="cooldownTimer">The cooldown time.</param>
            public WoWSpell(string spellNameEnglish, double cooldownTimer)
                : base(spellNameEnglish)
                // Set timer
                this._timer = new Timer(cooldownTimer);
            #region Public
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets the flag if the timer is ready or not.
            /// </summary>
            public bool IsReady
                    return this._timer.IsReady;
            /// <summary>
            /// Casts the spell if it is ready.
            /// </summary>
            public new void Launch()
                // Is ready?
                if (!this.IsReady)
                    // Return
                // Call launch
                // Reset timer

    Just a sample how it could be done. Hope it helps some people.

  8. 37 minutes ago, plaetzchen said:



    den Beitrag habe ich gesehen. Wenn ich allerdings auf Download oben rechts klicke, lade ich nur ein Bild herunter und keine .cs Datei.


    Steh ich gerade auf dem Schlauch ? :-(

    Ja, du musst es bei dem Entwickler kaufen, deshalb auch das [PAID] davor ;)

  9. 3 minutes ago, plaetzchen said:



    gibt es eine neue Version von ServerHop? Die alte Funktioniert nicht mehr.


    Da steht immer:


    Next:anmelden, dann passiert nix mehr und der bot steht einfach herum...


    Jemand einen Tipp?



    Wenn du das Plugin(oben) nicht meinst dann gibt es ein Update, wenn nicht dann solltest du dich an den Ersteller wenden.

  10. 21 minutes ago, mariothegoat said:

    sorry to bother you

    can you please explain it to me since i am very new :D


    Please use the search function next time. Happy botting.

  11. 1 hour ago, Findeh said:

    Okay, it's not working. Not the code itself, it works perfectly. But not the events. They are not what i expected.
    PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED happens after every combat, even if you don't need to regen, so it's not like "Am i need to regen?" more like "Lets check do i ned it or not"
    So any action that happenf with condition id==PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED will happen after every combat. But will not happen after resurection or bot satart.

    The problem is, you may need regen not only after combat. For example after you have buffed or healed or casted something while run. That's what i'd like to chek. The only solution that i can imagine right now is to check in a loop is your current mana less then you regenerate mana setting. And same for health.

    And if it's true, force-regen somehow. Don't know how.


    There is no wow event that will tell you what you have to do. Those events have nothing todo with the bot it self, that a raw wow events.
    You can't reg if you are infight if i'm not wrong o.O just take a look at the event list at the site above and i bet you will find some that will match your needs.

    Edit: Make sure you use the website with archive.org together to get valid outputs for your game version.

  12. 5 minutes ago, PainTheMultiboxer said:

    No I  have not. I may aswell tho. Can you just tell me how does it work and what exactly does it do?

    Its just a small product that will follow your toon and executes the rotation if it will go under the health number you entered int the settings, nothing special. If you leave the fight class clean it will just follow your toon that you entered in the config, nothing else.

    Edit: it also checks if your "leader" is mounted or not and will use a mount aswell.

  13. On 2.9.2017 at 7:31 PM, PainTheMultiboxer said:

    It's fine. So Droidz, or anyone else, there's no way to use it as JUST a follow bot and not anything else? Like, oFollow software, something similar, but used inside a bot. If not, I'd suggest adding it.

    Thank you for your time.

    Do you tried iSupport?

  14. 19 hours ago, PainTheMultiboxer said:

    Is there any way to use Wrobot as just a follow bot for BGs? Ie. for multiboxing, when running multiple toons in BGs but still want to be in control, is there a way to make them just follow with wrobot, and the player is in control of everything else? Answer would be highly appreciated.

    Give iSupport a try. Its a old product i wrote for leveling my toons semi afk. Settings should be self explained. If you don't want that your char does anything, just don't choose a fight class. Its mainly made for healing and supporting a lowbie played by hand.


  15. 22 hours ago, Ordush said:

    After hours and hours of doing this and that, i finally figured the error lies within wrobot. Apparently it dones't translate \\ into /
    So as soon as i changed

    StatusFrame:SetBackdrop({bgFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8X8",});


    StatusFrame:SetBackdrop({bgFile = "Interface/Buttons/WHITE8X8",});

    Everything worked.

    Why should wrobot translate \\ to / ? :blink:

  16. 4 hours ago, tobiasdead2 said:

    Er soll bG machen habe alles eingestellt aber wenn ich start drücke passiert nix selbst der Start Knopf ändert sich nicht er reagiert nicht 

    Ich gehe mal davon aus das du auch das Produkt ausgewählt hast. Die Log-Datei wäre eine gute Anlaufstelle um zu sehen was los ist.

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