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Everything posted by camelot10

  1. by name is not a option
  2. is there analog in wrobot ? or can i get subzoneid with lua ?
  3. main problem: character is not casting. but wrobot report Me.IsCast = true UPDATE #1 wrobot restarted. this wont help. Me.IsCast return true UPDATE #2 casting other spells wont break this. equiping items, using consumables items - wont break this. only one thing what i found that break isCast, its a using items whats add artifact powers. how it looks: character go to objective npc, start use item and wait long cast. when cast is done - wrobot hung until i use any item what add artifact power. after using such item, wrobot start run to next objective
  4. sometime wrobot stuck with "ObjectManager.Me.IsCast = true" even if nothing casing, character just stay in place and stop responding to attacks and others actions. this happens sometimes on other classes/fightclasses/quests. but i found quest when this happend often. this quest have 4 objectives, http://www.wowhead.com/quest=38015/on-the-brink each objective to cast long spell from item http://www.wowhead.com/item=138146/radiant-ley-crystal its 50% of time wrobot stuck on cast. after stuck, "stop" button not responding. only closing wrobot helps. attached log and screenshot. dev tool code Logging.Write("## TEST " + wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsCast ); // wManager.DevelopmentTools.OutPutCSharp= // Execute time: 547 just in case, quest code: #if VISUAL_STUDIO using robotManager.Helpful; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks; using wManager.Wow.Class; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; using wManager.Wow.Enums; #endif public class OntheBrink : QuestClass { uint _itemID = 138146; float _minDist = 9; List<Vector3> _hotspots = new List<Vector3>() { new Vector3(), new Vector3(580.2465, 6624.608, 57.83238), new Vector3(648.5121, 6717.858, 57.89808), new Vector3(614.2483, 6668.945, 60.23647), new Vector3(708.4583, 6554.415, 63.7892), }; List<int> _mobs = new List<int>() { 0, 107962, 107963, 107961, 107964, }; public OntheBrink() { Name = "On the Brink"; QuestId.Add(38015); Step.AddRange(new[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 }); } public override bool Pulse() { //4-1-3-2 RunObjective(4); RunObjective(1); RunObjective(3); RunObjective(2); return true; } void RunObjective(int num) { if (Questing.ObjectiveComplete(this, num)) return; if (GoToTask.ToPosition(_hotspots[num], _minDist)) { var mob = ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWUnit(ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByEntry( _mobs[num])); if (mob != null && mob.IsValid) { Interact.InteractGameObject(mob.GetBaseAddress); MovementManager.Face(mob); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency); ItemsManager.UseItem(_itemID); Usefuls.WaitIsCasting(); } } } }
  5. судя по твоей картинке ты сделал 3 условия для каста http://www.wowhead.com/spell=44614/flurry одно из условий ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff(44614) означает что на твоем персе должен быть бафф flurry что начать кастовать flurry. я фрост мага трогал аж в пандарии. хз че там и как надо кастовать. C# для чайников прочитай. а то я так буду тебе по каждой строчке твоего класса расписывать что куда и как.
  6. поверь мне. не стоит писать класс на C#, убьешь в 5 раз больше времени
  7. Version 12.15


    You can set any talents. Tryed to use all spells / talents / artifact ability. Based on https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/blood-death-knight-pve-tank-rotation-cooldowns-abilities. My profiles
  8. got your point. i just have tons of profiles. i just want to avoid puting at end of each profile code to stop threads and unsubscribe events. there more simple way to do that. public static class ProfileUnload { public static Event OnProfileUnload; public static void FireEvent() { if (OnProfileUnload != null) OnProfileUnload(): } } and insert RunCode at end of each profile "ProfileUnload.FireEvent();" and after that i can subscribe on profile end event and stop thread and unsubscribe from other wrobot events. i just want to avoid mass profile editing
  9. индгда поиск бафа по анг имени тупит. используй поиск по id для себя будет ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff
  10. i have some external script code that launch new Thread() or subscribe on wrobot events (Fight events or MoveEvents as example) and i need it to run during whole profle. that profile loads next profile and next profile use same script code that launch new Thread() or subscribe events. i cannot stop threads/unsubscribe events from previous profile and loadeded profile run new one. i know new profile loaded and compiled at runtime when loaded. thats why i have two questions: 1. previous profile compiled code unloaded? what happend to event subscribers/threads i need to stop/unsubscribe or when old profile code unloaded event listeners/thread destroyed too? 2. if previous profile code still run, is there wrobot events that fires before profile unloaded to allow me stop threads and unsubscribe events ? @Droidz
  11. you can't just quit botting
  12. for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) Lua.DoString("print('go ducks')");
  13. i just write this tutorial from wrobot perspective. wrobot client side protection seems fine. only reason for bans right now, is server side detection.
  14. Seems like blizzard avoid/fear to scan hardware ids or ip. There are huge amount of proofs that each WoW instalation have unique ID, and if one account catched in botting (see algorythm below) others account used in same wow instalation in danger. This mean: all accounts who interact (trade, mails, guild banking, leveling) with catched account and have same WoW ID goes to ban with catched account. RULE #1: DIFFERENT WOW INSTALLATION FOR EACH ACCOUNT. IF ACCOUNT COMPROMISED REMOVE THAT WOW FOLDER AND INSTALL NEW FROM FRESH How they catch botting? 1. Client Side Detection. If bot doesnt have enought protection then wow/blizzard detect it. Nothing you can do about it. Account flagged, all linked account flagged too (see rule #1) 2. Server Side Detection Everyone should google about AI and heatmaps. Here brief example: youtube blizzard doesnt ban/catch/watch by ip or hardware id. when you have millions of users, you can get heatmaps of users interactions. and when some part of your userbase start acting like on alghorythm, and you can predict what and when they do and what they gonna do next. this is main problem with popular bots/profiles: 100 000 users go to X,Y get quest AA or gather node BB, then all of them go to X2,Y2 and get quest CC or node DD and so on. after few hours/days/weeks blizzard have heatmap algorythm. and if someone: even if that player login for 20min, but in this 20min that player do same steps/action that other botts do -> blizzard mark your character for banwave and all linked accounts (see rule #1). that why banwaves apprear once per 6-12 months. Its a gigantic job to calculcate bots heatmaps, its like a trump ace on your hands, you gonna rise till max and only then reveal it. RULE #2: AVOID PUBLIC GATHER/GRINDER PROFILES no public profiles -> even if someone posted good profile -> mimic it: download profile, run for 1 secs, make screenshot from radar, delete profile, make own profile according to screenshot. event that method i would't suggest. make all profiles by hands. its a 2-5min to make good route never make profiles with one lap (loop/circle): made something like olympic rings, 2-5 circles grinding only on "hotspots" - > no path Each time you got banned-> remove and forget profiles used RULE #3: RUN DIFFERENT TASKS/PROFILES especialy actual content. i mean do: reputations, daily, dungeons, timewalking, lfr, mythics, darkmoon. everything that breaks your farm heatmaps routine (grind/gather) TINFOIL HAT RULE: Differect PC/Virtual PC + IP/Provider/VPN that doesnt help much. but! BUT!
  15. var lootables = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Where(u => u != null && u.IsValid && u.IsLootable).ToList(); if (lootables != null && lootables.Count > 0) { LootingTask.Pulse(lootables); }
  16. включи дебаг и посмотри что блокирует каст спелла. обычно это check distance или know spell
  17. forum use terrible compression for images, its squeeze images to ugly condition. i use old internet lifehack for this, use images twice large and reduce size by half, this allows me use images in perfect quality view but requires tons of clicking. that why i trying to figure out valid bbcode for image sizes.
  18. i can make. pm me price
  19. for my profiles links
  20. no need for video. i get it from first time (even more, i know how to resize attached images before posting). all i whant to know is what bbcode used by ckeditor, coz i need raw text bbcodes for images. cant found that myself. seems like i need to dig in wrobot/ckeditor javascritpt
  21. i know about that. i need direct width/height bbcode. something like [img width=X height=Y]imgur.com[/img] tryed everything [img size=x,y] [img width=x height=y] http://i.imgur.com/7mHYLEF.jpg[/img] this not work https://www.bbcode.org/examples/?id=10 code from http://sdk.ckeditor.com/samples/sourcearea.html not work <img alt="" src="http://i.imgur.com/7mHYLEF.jpg" style="width:150px; height: auto" />
  22. can someone help with bbcodes? how i can insert image in post with width and height? also how i can insert image from my attachments ?
  23. Logging.Write("player_race_draenei = " + (ObjectManager.Me.PlayerRace == PlayerFactions.Draenei) + " wowrace_draenei=" + (ObjectManager.Me.WowRace == WoWRace.Draenei) ); returns 05:04:05 - player_race_draenei = True wowrace_draenei=False something wrong?
  24. at this moment wrobot use offmesh connection only once. if there is 2 or more mesh holes and offmesh connections for this holes only one connection used. would be great if wrobot use all offmesh connections to find path to destination
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