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Posts posted by camelot10

  1. не могу прикладывать к постам картинки из внешних источников. тут будет тема где я буду складировать картинки для этого сайта


    150x150_worldquests.jpgdemonhunter_start.jpg150x150_blacktemple.jpg150x150_whitepolarbear.jpg150x150_hellbane.jpg150x150_hallowsend_garrisondailies.jpg150x150_nat_pagle_daily.jpgnat_pagle_150x150.jpg.89c390bc5342a3090623058041210a11.jpg white_polar_bear_150x150.jpg.9fca5541c1269849d2e30a4428783eaf.jpg hellbane_150x150.jpg.6ef61badbeed48f574f552e499562c80.jpg blacktemple_150x150.jpg.98aeb45276b84394414b21906da68971.jpghallowsend_garrisondailies_150x150.jpg.f0f4f8dde50ef4a99ea7d4f95c2927d9.jpg demonhunter_start_150x150.jpg.bb4525ea11baae0df5d6378ddd6c26a2.jpg worldquests_150x150.jpg.ac2db72ac2d346a3075fe35317325812.jpg

    nat_pagle_300x300.jpg.33efdc1297265affca51d09c5e7676ec.jpg white_polar_bear_300x300.jpg.99d7a62b237d822841355ea71af1447e.jpg hellbane_300x300.jpg.858aed06ec586a6a53c9bb734bd7290a.jpg blacktemple_300x300.jpg.c6a7b903f63bbef027b4eb0faf4bfdb7.jpg hallowsend_garrisondailies_300x300.jpg.d48ef986a4152236912fdbbad3caf898.jpg demonhunter_start_300x300.jpg.8edac417d93f782a3ec9a6ef64ba2482.jpg worldquests_300x300.jpg.64c97184a4ffce102c9be27d5fa54420.jpgazsuna_300x300.jpg.f0ac2fd1c2c5d07069dd4024bcafa402.jpgpandaria_bosses_300x300.jpg.5c9b93455f7d666dcecb382ee1ed321f.jpgdeathknight_start_300x300.jpg

    get_profiles.png button.png


  2. maded dirty hook


    	public static bool ClearKaynIfAltriusChoosed()
    		if (ChoosedKayn)
    			return false;
    		var kayn = new List<int>(){
    			//DH class hall
    			//DH vengeance artifact
    			//DH havoc artifact
    			//DH azsuna
    		foreach (var npc in Quest.NPCList)
    			if (kayn.Contains(npc.Id))
    				Log(" (Hook) Clear NPC='" + npc.Name + "' PickUp and TurnIn quests, because player choosed Altrius.");
    		return true;


  3. This question connected mostly to Kayn and Altrius for Demon hunters.

    Quest description have all quest ids, example:

    39261 //http://www.wowhead.com/quest=39261/call-of-the-illidari
    39047 //http://www.wowhead.com/quest=39047/call-of-the-illidari

    in NPC list i have both npcs. Kayn first in list, and have Turn In ids: 39261

    Altrius second in list and have Turn In ids: 39047

    When i choosed Kayn quest turnin successfully.

    But when i choose Altrius, its dont.

    I suppose Quester search first npc in list who have in Turn In any of QuestId related to that quest. But i need to get First NPC with exact turn-in id equal to current active quest ID, not WHOLE list of QuestId


    any tips? what i can do ?




  4.   <OffMeshConnections>
            <Vector3 X="82.54731" Y="6328.554" Z="12.91586" />
            <Vector3 X="81.07138" Y="6321.648" Z="12.33982" />
            <Vector3 X="81.40395" Y="6316.572" Z="10.57484" />
            <Vector3 X="72.69096" Y="6316.937" Z="8.352345" />
            <Vector3 X="67.7528" Y="6311.971" Z="4.914262" />
            <Vector3 X="64.84033" Y="6300.508" Z="-4.702368" />
            <Vector3 X="63.3671" Y="6292.952" Z="-9.926853" />
            <Vector3 X="62.11694" Y="6287.175" Z="-13.16042" />
            <Vector3 X="59.60135" Y="6280.523" Z="-15.45998" />
          <Name>Nar'thalas Academy (Inside)</Name>
            <Vector3 X="64.61892" Y="6280.565" Z="-15.28693" />
            <Vector3 X="65.07072" Y="6290.283" Z="-10.97174" />
            <Vector3 X="66.88626" Y="6304.091" Z="-0.872109" />
            <Vector3 X="69.11488" Y="6311.245" Z="5.450499" />
            <Vector3 X="72.61546" Y="6316.599" Z="8.33297" />
            <Vector3 X="81.16038" Y="6317.677" Z="10.89087" />
            <Vector3 X="80.67827" Y="6324.435" Z="13.5541" />
            <Vector3 X="82.03206" Y="6330.474" Z="12.91695" />
          <Name>Nar'thalas Academy (Outside)</Name>


  5. On 04.03.2017 at 1:18 AM, Droidz said:

    No sorry

    made some testing. you need to make two offmesh connection: INSIDE and OUTSIDE when meshes not connected.

    here example: Azsuna, Nar'thalas Academy in center. underground rooms. you can go inside and outside only thru broken pillar.

    first: i spend 30min to find break point. recorded path from inside to outside and run GoToTask.ToPosition to each point of path, everytime from outside. each vector one by one. after that i made offmesh connect inside.

    after that GoToTask.ToPosition from inside to outside didnt work. maded second offmesh connection to go from inside to outide. after that bot start navigating in academy successfully.

    thanks for great feature. now we can make navigation everywhere. but this take tons of time. i begging you to make option in dev tools to draw/trace path to find bad places





  6. 3 minutes ago, supersurfer said:

    seems you dont understand the system, it is the path between two meshes and of course this is not limited to two points. if the bot gets into water in booty bay under the houses it would be impossible to get back to land.

    did you opened link for pathengine or unity explaining offmesh connection? 

    place one point on stairs lead to water, and one point near stairs in water. this should work, but im not sure, navigator sometimes work odd in water

  7. 3 minutes ago, supersurfer said:

    it would be nice if you could add a function for automatic vector3 adding, like with the easyquest followpath, the manual adding is pretty anoying for a longer path :)

    whole idea is to add two points to connect non connected meshes,  1 point on mesh #1, 2 point on mesh #2, when navigator unable to find path. but problem here is locate bad point.

    main hedache is to find where pathfinder unable findpath. i think we should move to this coords and add offmesh connect

    [N] 15:26:34 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: Kalimdor - 4934,198;22,95623;808,3904 - 4927,946;20,01975;824,7886


  8. 2 hours ago, Droidz said:

    This tool is not available on WRobot for the private servers for now, you need to wait next update of your WRobot version.

    its possible to add to radar option to show meshes borders or maybe points where path breaks or interrupt ?


  9. 31 minutes ago, Droidz said:

    Hello, try 

    var barrel = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().FirstOrDefault(u => u.IsValid && u.Entry == 115947 && u.GetDescriptorStartAddress > 0 && wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.ReadUInt32(u.GetDescriptorStartAddress + (uint)wManager.Wow.Patchables.Descriptors.UnitFields.DisplayID) == 230877);


    nope. dont work


    	public override bool Pulse()
    		var startPosition = new Vector3(3247.771, 1683.865, 179.7584, "None");
    		var questId = 45072;
    		if (!Quest.HasQuest(questId) || ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(startPosition) > 50)
    			Logging.Write("no quest or too far, go to quest area");
    			return true;
    		if (Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return ExtraActionButton1:IsVisible();"))
    			Logging.Write("extra button click");
    			Thread.Sleep(Others.Random(300, 600));
    		//var barrel = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Where(u => u.IsValid && u.Entry == 115947 && u.CastingSpellId == 230877).FirstOrDefault();
    		var barrel = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().FirstOrDefault(u => u.IsValid && u.Entry == 115947
    			&& u.GetDescriptorStartAddress > 0 && wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.ReadUInt32(u.GetDescriptorStartAddress + (uint)wManager.Wow.Patchables.Descriptors.UnitFields.DisplayID) == 230877);
    		if (barrel == null)
    			Logging.Write("no barrel. wait");
    			return true;
    		while (!barrel.IsGoodInteractDistance)
    			Logging.Write("move barrel");
    			Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000);
    		Logging.Write("interact barrel");
    		Thread.Sleep(3 * 1000);
    		return true;



    00:18:03 - extra button click
    00:18:03 - no barrel. wait
    00:18:03 - no barrel. wait
    00:18:03 - no barrel. wait
    00:18:03 - no barrel. wait
    00:18:04 - no barrel. wait
    00:18:04 - no barrel. wait
    00:18:04 - no barrel. wait
    00:18:04 - no barrel. wait
    00:18:05 - no barrel. wait
    00:18:05 - no barrel. wait
    00:18:05 - no barrel. wait
    00:18:05 - no barrel. wait
    00:18:05 - no barrel. wait
    00:18:05 - no barrel. wait
    00:18:05 - no barrel. wait
    00:18:05 - no barrel. wait
    00:18:05 - no barrel. wait
    00:18:05 - no barrel. wait
    00:18:06 - no barrel. wait
    00:18:06 - no barrel. wait
    00:18:06 - no barrel. wait


  10. ok. here some discovered information

    • you can attach only one external .cs file (see below)
    • path relative to WRobot\Profiles\Quester\
    • you cannot use code/classes/methods from Script in profile Steps (see test.xml). Only in Quests Editor: inside pulse, or full C# or conditions
    • static constructor started before product start, this mean you can adjust currentSettings to avoid some strange behaviours. example: http://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/no-gather-skill-or-skinning-in-mass-battle-areas-r634/




    camelot10\Libs\Tester.cs, camelot10\Libs\Camper.cs




    Constructor starts before product

    17:18:22 - [TESTER] contstructor
    17:18:23 - [Quester] Started


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