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Posts posted by camelot10

  1. nope. its not working. summoning Driodz


    i need to convert C# from HB

    public WoWUnit Barrel => ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>().FirstOrDefault(u => u.IsValid && u.Entry == 115947 && u.InteractSpellId == 230877);

    to wrobot

    var barrel = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Where(u => u.IsValid && u.Entry == 115947 && u.CastingSpellId == 230877).FirstOrDefault();

    this is not working. need more info

  2. @Droidz

    this doesnt work. maded plugin, maded lib.

    if i use in quests editor, in any quest details complete or can condition return QuestHelper.SOMETHING();

    on quester start, when profiles compiles in *.cs, this throw error, becouse plugin not inited and lib not loaded. i can use lib code in steps. but not in quests directly.

    anything like "wrobot/SharedLibs/" possible? i mean without plugins and direct in quest profiles code. something like static class and nothing more

  3. в сборке дело, я думаю. никто просто так сборки не делает. делают с вшитим malware (вирус, ячейка ботнета, биткоин майнер, воровство частной инфы а может всё вместе взятое).

    этот малвар видимо не дает вроботу подцепится. надо было перед покупкой скачать вробот и попробовать запустить, по-моему триал дает просто wrotation запускать. 

    поставь нормальную винду, я тут такое первый раз вижу.

  4. винда официальная? апдейты все стоят?

    если крякнутая или без апдейтов или сборка какая-нибудь то скорее всего у тебя там malware который мешает wrobotу подключится через буфер directxh

  5. again. its "yesterday" to track botter by ip, even hardware id dont help too much. 

    you should google about AI and heatmaps. Here brief example: youtube

    blizzard doesnt ban/catch/watch by ip or hardware id, when you have millions of users, you can get heatmaps of users interactions. and when some part of your userbase start acting like on alghorythm, and you can predict what and when they do and what they gonna do next.

    this is main problem with popular bots/profiles: 100 000 users go to X,Y get quest AA or gather node BB, then all of them go to X2,Y2 and get quest CC or node DD and so on.

    after few hours/days/weeks blizzard have heatmap algorythm. and if someone: even if that player login for 20min, but in this 20min that player do same steps/action that other botts do -> blizzard mark your character for banwave.


    that why banwaves apprear once per 6-12 months. Its a gigantic job to calculcate bots heatmaps, its like a trump ace on your hands, you gonna rise till max and only then reveal it.

    this is my top 5 antiban suggestions:

    1. no public profiles -> even if someone posted good profile -> mimic it: download profile, run for 1 secs, make screenshot from radar, delete profile, make own profile according to screenshot. event that method i would suggest. make all profiles by hands. its a 2-5min to make good route.

    2. never make profiles with one lap (loop/circle): made something like olympic rings, 2-5 circles

    3. grinding only on "hotspots" - > no path

    4. Each time you got banned-> remove and forget profiles folder

    5. run different tasks. especialy actual content. i mean do: reputations, daily, dungeons, timewalking, lfr, mythics, darkmoon. everything that breaks your farm heatmaps routine (grind/gather)

  6. you know what mean hardware id? do you know what mean NAT ? its 20th century to trackdown by ip.

    today only venerans of vietnam war use IP to find/stop botters/hackers.

    worked in game developer company, they ban new accounts of banned botter by HDD identifier everytime user start new account +2-3 days.

    1. That victim use new ip each time (dont know if he buy vpn service or not)

    2. then he start new account, spend some time and energy on new account, after that admins found him by hdd id and ban

    3. victim tryed to avoid ban, change ip alot of time, but always get banned.


    Today is so many way to identify/mark your computer. if you execute developer ".exe" then only one way to avoid connection between banned account and "fresh" - its a new computer

    so. my advice: dont bother with vpn.

  7. In stormheim, small spot, where wrobot cant get trought. its always fall from cliff, and start running to wall, start unstick sequence and get fall even bellow

    My Position: 2696.583, 2495.553, 217.3592, "None"
    My Position Vector: new Vector3(2696.583, 2495.553, 217.3592, "None")
    My Position XML: <Vector3 X="2696.583" Y="2495.553" Z="217.3592" Type="None" />
    My Rotation: 2,256195

    addin that spot in profile blacklist DOESNT NOTHING.  bot still try to run thru this point and fall. this point split stormheim on 2 parts, second bridge near but i cannot make bot run thru it.

    even standing near bridge #2, bot still trying to get thru bridge#1 + fall point.

    what wrong? me? wrobot setting? mesh? why blacklisted areas dont count on that? my quester profile use GotoTask.ToPosition





  8. Ты мои профили купил? Если что, я русский. В приват  спрашивай.

    Свисток не используется. В будущем сделаю поддержку может быть. Квесты рассортированы по областям. Свисток после каждого квеста может только усложнить навигацию. вробот дико тупит с поисками путей

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