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Posts posted by camelot10

  1. Var.SetVar


    its a internal wrobot dictionary, no relation to toc or blizzard. its used as wrobot cache, you can save, modify and delete this variables while wrobot run. if wrobot closed -> all var data lost/cleared. OR when wrobot starts, its create this cache/dictionary from scratch.

    dunno what variable you talking about

  2. 16 minutes ago, Droidz said:

    If you can try with this file (move and replace this file in "Bin" folder), and use this file some time to check if this fix don't add new bugs.


    yes. its working now. attacked that mob from range and melee. tested with frost mage and vengeance demon hunter. can record video if you wish. also i can run for some time my world quests with that dll and i will report 


  3. 1 hour ago, Droidz said:

    I cannot reach this mob quickly, can you target this mob and run this code (give me result):


    here you go:

    20:22:19 - t = Аггонар (Unit) : 0x60EA9AEC : 00261B00002FF669203AE8D0A0749940 : Creature-0-3770-1669-9755-119397-00002FF669
    20:22:19 - r1 = True
    20:22:19 - r2 = True
    20:22:19 - r3 = True
    20:22:19 - r4 = True
    20:22:19 - r5 = True
    20:22:20 - r6 = False
    20:22:20 - r7 = False
    20:22:20 - r8 = False
    20:22:20 - r9 = False
    20:22:20 - r10 = False
    20:22:20 - r11 = False
    20:22:20 - r12 = False

    was standing right in front on mob and hiting with autoattack 

  4. @Droidz

    do you fix this type of mobs hitbox bug or can we hook/handle TraceLine.TraceLineGo(from, to, CGWorldFrameHitFlags.HitTestAllWhitoutLiquid) or maybe possibility for default setting CGWorldFrameHitFlags for TraceLine

    or hook/handle for Fightclass Distance/range check?

    before movement in vehicle and this bug i was wrobot evangelist i think everything is possible with wrobot :biggrin:

  5. 16 minutes ago, Droidz said:
    InteractDistance = 32,7
    CombatReach = 30

    Seem good, try to use https://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/sizerange-calculation-is-broken-r497/?do=findComment&comment=3338 or https://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/sizerange-calculation-is-broken-r497/?do=findComment&comment=3329 in one of you spell to check if problem is not caused by your fightclass

    problem not with fightclass at all. problem is - fightclass rotation not started, character stuck on trying to get in range to mob. that position inside lava and even if its reached - fightclass not started, its blacklist mob after few seconds

    attached log and video how quest bugged when used as regular kill and loot for that mob

    log: 2 сен 2017 15H32.log.html



    update: character tryed to swimm underground underlava, i think coz boss actual position there

  6. Just now, Droidz said:

    In your figthclass, do you use static distance (to check if target is in spell range)? Wath is the combatrange of this mob (you can get it in memory info)

    regular xml fightclass Warlock Affliction (camelot10).xml

    GetUnitDynamicFlags = None
    WowClass = Warrior
    IsLocalPlayer = False
    Position = 1361,313 ; 1834,2 ; 538,1584 ; "None"
    PositionWithoutType = 1361,313 ; 1834,2 ; 538,1584 ; "None"
    PositionRelativeWithoutType = 1361,313 ; 1834,2 ; 538,1584 ; "None"
    Health = 31065132
    MaxHealth = 31178010
    MyCharacterInFrontHim = True
    HealthPercent = 99
    HealthRatio = 0,99
    IsGoodInteractDistance = True
    InteractDistance = 32,7
    CombatReach = 30
    IsSwimming = False
    IsFlying = False
    IsMovingForward = False
    IsMovingBackwards = False
    IsStrafingLeft = False
    IsStrafingRight = False
    IsTurningLeft = False
    IsTurningRight = False
    IsStunned = False
    IsFalling = False
    IsFallingFar = False
    AggroDistance = 21
    Rotation = 2,114788
    CreatureTypeTarget = Демон
    FactionTemplate = wManager.Wow.Helpers.WoWFactionTemplate
    Mana = 0
    MaxMana = 0
    ManaPercentage = 100
    Rage = 0
    MaxRage = 0
    RagePercentage = 0
    Fury = 0
    MaxFury = 0
    FuryPercentage = 0
    Pain = 0
    MaxPain = 0
    PainPercentage = 0
    Focus = 0
    MaxFocus = 0
    FocusPercentage = 0
    Energy = 0
    MaxEnergy = 0
    EnergyPercentage = 0
    Chi = 0
    MaxChi = 0
    ChiPercentage = 0
    Runes = 0
    MaxRunes = 6
    RunesPercentage = 0
    RunicPower = 0
    MaxRunicPower = 0
    RunicPowerPercentage = 0
    SoulShards = 0
    MaxSoulShards = 0
    SoulShardsPercentage = 0
    AstralPower = 0
    MaxAstralPower = 0
    AstralPowerPercentage = 0
    UnitClassification = elite
    IsElite = True
    IsWorldBoss = False
    HolyPower = 0
    MaxHolyPower = 0
    HolyPowerPercentage = 0
    Alternate = 0
    MaxAlternate = 0
    AlternatePercentage = 0
    Maelstrom = 0
    MaxMaelstrom = 0
    MaelstromPercentage = 0
    Insanity = 0
    MaxInsanity = 0
    InsanityPercentage = 0
    ArcaneCharges = 0
    MaxArcaneCharges = 0
    ArcaneChargesPercentage = 0
    Faction = 2502
    DisplayId = 76028
    GetMove = False
    SpeedMoving = 0
    GetDistance = 27,80023
    GetDistance2D = 26,00065
    GetDistanceZ = 9,839661
    IsAlive = True
    IsDead = False
    IsLootable = False
    IsMyPet = False
    HasTarget = True
    IsTargetingMe = False
    IsTargetingMyPet = True
    IsTargetingPartyMember = False
    IsTargetingMeOrMyPet = True
    IsTargetingMeOrMyPetOrPartyMember = True
    IsMyTarget = True
    IsMyPetTarget = True
    IsPartyMemberTarget = False
    IsMeOrMyPetTarget = True
    IsMeOrMyPetOrPartyMemberTarget = True
    Target = 0043EE01022B0BF5283CE0D0A04C6240
    TargetObject = Инфернал (Unit) : 0x54E9233C : 0043EE01022B0BF5283CE0D0A04C6240 : Pet-0-3896-1669-17390-78217-01022B0BF5
    Level = 110
    EffectiveLevel = 0
    IsBoss = False
    PetNumber = 0
    Name = Аггонар
    DBCacheRow = 274813236
    UnitFlags = PetInCombat, Combat
    UnitNPCFlags = None
    Skinnable = False
    IsNpcSpiritHealer = False
    IsNpcRepair = False
    IsNpcVendor = False
    IsFlightMaster = False
    IsNpcInnkeeper = False
    IsNpcVendorFood = False
    IsAuctioneer = False
    IsNpcTrainer = False
    IsNpcWildPets = False
    Summon = 00000000000000000000000000000000
    CreatedBy = 00000000000000000000000000000000
    CreatedBySpell = 0
    SummonedBy = 00000000000000000000000000000000
    IsPet = False
    PetOwnerGuid = 00000000000000000000000000000000
    InCombat = True
    InCombatFlagOnly = True
    InCombatWithMe = False
    CastingSpellId = 0
    CastingSpell =  (Id found: 0, Name found: , NameInGame found: , Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
    CastingTimeLeft = 0
    CastingTimeStartSince = 0
    IsCast = False
    CanInterruptCasting = False
    IsMounted = False
    MountDisplayId = 0
    TransportGuid = 00000000000000000000000000000000
    InTransport = False
    Reaction = Hostile
    IsTracked = False
    IsOnTaxi = False
    NotSelectable = False
    IsAttackable = True
    PlayerControlled = False
    Silenced = False
    Rooted = False
    Root = True
    Influenced = False
    Confused = False
    Pacified = False
    Fleeing = False
    Possessed = False
    NpcMarkerId = 0
    NpcMarker = None
    IsOutdoors = True
    IsIndoors = False
    IsPartyMember = False
    IsPartyLeader = False
    GetBaseAddress = 1299998692
    IsValid = True
    GetDescriptorStartAddress = 1300006524
    Guid = 0043EE00002A6CE1203CE0D0A0749940
    Guid128 = Creature-0-3896-1669-17390-119397-00002A6CE1
    Type = Unit
    GetDynamicFlags = 0
    IsInvisible = False
    Entry = 119397
    Scale = 1
    BuffStack("Ghost") = 0
    HaveBuff("Ghost") = False
    BuffCastedBy("Ghost") = 00000000000000000000000000000000
     -  Agony: ID=980, Stack=3, TimeLeft=13338 ms, Owner=00000000097359320819100000000000, Flag=Active, Negative, CasterLevel=110, Mask=469762052
     -  Souls of the Damned Driver: ID=199378, Stack=0, TimeLeft=175394 ms, Owner=00000000097359320819100000000000, Flag=None, CasterLevel=86, Mask=335544320


  7. this quest http://www.wowhead.com/quest=46842

    video: 2017-09-02_03-20-39.mp4

    using robotManager.Helpful;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks;
    using wManager.Wow.Class;
    using wManager.Wow.Helpers;
    using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager;
    using wManager.Wow.Enums;
    public class AStrikeattheHeart : QuestClass
    	static Vector3 _fightPosition = new Vector3(1348.383, 1842.261, 547.1295, "None");
    	static int _bossID = 119397;
    	// Continent (item1), DefaultPosition (item2), DefaultPositionSearchRange (item3), NewPosition (item4)
    	static List<System.Tuple<ContinentId, Vector3, float, Vector3>> positionChange = new List<System.Tuple<ContinentId, Vector3, float, Vector3>>
    		new System.Tuple<ContinentId, Vector3, float, Vector3>(ContinentId.Argus_1, new Vector3(1361.313, 1834.2, 537.9584, "None"), 10f, _fightPosition),
    	public AStrikeattheHeart()
    		Name = "A Strike at the Heart";
    		Step.AddRange(new[] { 1, 1 });
    	public override bool Pulse()
    		if (!Questing.ObjectiveComplete(this, 1))
    			var p = new Vector3(1325.474, 1902.862, 549.4163, "None");
    			GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(p, 120738, 1);
    			return true;
    		if (Questing.Attack(_bossID))
    			return true;
    		return true;
    	public override bool PickUp()
    		return base.PickUp();
    	public override bool TurnIn()
    		return base.TurnIn();
    	public static void FixFightStart()
    		Logging.Write("fix fight start");
    		wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.CalcuCombatRange = true;
    		wManager.Events.MovementEvents.OnMovementPulse -= OnMovePulse;
    		wManager.Events.MovementEvents.OnMovementPulse += OnMovePulse;
    		//wManager.Events.FightEvents.OnFightLoop -= FightLoop;
    		//wManager.Events.FightEvents.OnFightLoop += FightLoop;
    	public static void FixFightStop()
    		Logging.Write("fix fight stop");
    		wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.CalcuCombatRange = false;
    		wManager.Events.MovementEvents.OnMovementPulse -= OnMovePulse;
    		//wManager.Events.FightEvents.OnFightLoop -= FightLoop;
    	static void OnMovePulse(List<Vector3> points, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs cancelable)
    		var continent = (ContinentId)Usefuls.ContinentId;
    		foreach (var p in points)
    			foreach (var pchange in positionChange)
    				if (p != null && pchange.Item1 == continent && p.DistanceTo(pchange.Item2) <= pchange.Item3)
    					Logging.WriteDebug("Change path position of " + p + " to " + pchange.Item4);
    					p.X = pchange.Item4.X;
    					p.Y = pchange.Item4.Y;
    					p.Z = pchange.Item4.Z;
    					p.Type = pchange.Item4.Type;
    					p.Action = pchange.Item4.Action;
    	static void FightLoop(WoWUnit unit, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs cancelable)
    		if (unit.IsValid && unit.Entry == _bossID)


    if use fightevent - its not work

    if use movepulse - its not work

    no mesh holes, navigator found path to boss without problem but inside lava

    always tryed to move into lava and after some time blacklist boss

    any tips ?

  8. use search wisely

    	/// <summary>
    	/// </summary>
    	/// <param name="file"></param>
    	public static void LoadProfile(string file)
    		Quester.Bot.QuesterSetting.CurrentSetting.ProfileName = file;


  9. 21 hours ago, Droidz said:

    Hello, Can you share your log file please (



    from any point in Wardens Isle to any point in Azsuna, character move like this, and reversed if you move from any point in azsuna to wardens isle

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