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Posts posted by Runaro

  1. 1 hour ago, SnowDragon said:

    So; I just pulled Wrobot yesterday and so far i love it! Being physically disabled, the games mechanics on mobility, and keeping rotations going at the same time don't fly for me. 

    just 2 things remain using the inprogram fight class creator, is there a way to give some aoe functionality to my Hunter some way to make it read something like if target >3 cast Explosive Trap and if target >3 focus equal or bigger than 55 cast Barage

    And for rogue make it only refresh rupture at <7 seconds otherwise cast envenom at 5 combo points, and use blindside on proc? 

    Ya'll help me sort those 2 out, I'll have 2 beautiful WoD rotations to post


    This guide could help you http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/9-tutorial-create-a-sucessfully-fightclass-profile/

  2. 24 minutes ago, Nisar said:

    example  ;  need to cast paralisys on my focus  i turne cast spell on focus ok

    but if i dont have focus  the robot try to casting .... its a problem for my rotation

    Now i understand you. :wink:

    I've tested it by myself and i was able to reproduce this problem.

    The bot just try over and over again to cast on the "focus" target, even if there's no focus set.

    You can create a Bug Report for that, if you want. :biggrin:

  3. 10 minutes ago, Nisar said:

    How can i do for not casting a spell if i havent focus    .... i can cast  spell on focus ok but if i dont have ? in condition there are just " have target"  not have focus.....


    TY for your help

    Sry, i don't understand.

  4. 26 minutes ago, BetterSister said:

    Most likely they use a ptr version which has same content but version number is different. Nothing we can do without Droidz 

    If droidz would release a wow.exe patching software for every single expansion, so we can enter the realm information in the patching software and patch the wow.exe by our self.. then this problem would be solved. :biggrin:

  5. Just now, eeny said:

    /run print(GetMouseFocus():GetName())

    .. could have just helped the guy?

    If i don't understand the sentence, how could i?

  6. 42 minutes ago, Zwox said:

    Hey, i search for the Script macro where you go with the mouse over a thing in wow and press this macro. Then normaly there should be a command in the Chat.


  7. 31 minutes ago, PanCar said:

    Okay, thanks for letting me know! =) Do you know any Alliance quest profile? 1-60 or 1-100? I can't find any, have searched the forum

    It doesn't exist a public 1-100 alliance questing profile.

  8. Just now, BetterSister said:

    It won't attack mobs that are in the blacklisted area. If you start walking through the area that has alot of mobs and you blacklisted them and you're without self heals you're most likely dead 

    lul, i thought "blacklisting zone" is for avoiding a area.. damn though learned something new.

    Now i understand, why my bot keeps running off a cliff and ignores my blacklisted zones. :biggrin:

  9. 14 minutes ago, BetterSister said:

    Currently blacklisting doesn't prevent bot from walking through the blacklisted zone. It's suggested and will be eventually implemented

    Huh? For what is then the blacklisting function? :blink:

  10. 3 minutes ago, BetterSister said:

    The only way you can use private server version 6.2.4 is use older versions of bot with full subscription NOT private server subscription. You can find old versions around the forums if not try asking Droidz directly if he has 1 for your version saved around. If you get problems with it you can't expect official help because older versions (exept tbc, wotlk, cata, mop versions that have their own forum category) aren't supported 

    I wasn't able to find a version for 6.2.4 (21355) in the forum, only person which could have access to it would be Droidz.

    At least i was able to find the x86 Wow.exe for Farahlon, but old bot versions isn't a thing i can get.

    Only those: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2018-wrobot-old-versions/

  11. 14 minutes ago, Aminah said:

    Danke schon mal für die Antwort, 

    ich habe vorher einen anderen Bot genutzt und wollte den einfach mal austesten. Ist auf alle Fälle sehr einfach zu handhaben, kompliment! Auf der anderen seite gibt es so ein paar dinge die mir nicht ganz so gut gefallen. Ich probiere gerade die 3. BM Hunter CR aus und bei allen fällt mir auf, dass da das Pet nicht geheilt wird, der Zuverlässige Schuss wird nicht genutzt (Level 15 Char). Ich finde auch nicht wo ich wählen kann, welches Pet gerufen werden soll. 

    Sicher nur Anfängerproblem oder ?

    Schreib einfach deine eigenen Fight Classes, dann kannst du sicher sein, dass gewisse Spells benutzt werden.


  12. 7 hours ago, knights said:

    May I ask how does the blacklist logic work? For example, if I want to prevent the movement manager to walk off a cliff or go into an area, where should I be blacklisting?

    Should I blacklist all the spots that marked X?



    Let's say you have a sea which you want to avoid, simply set a blacklist coordinate at the middle of it and increase the radius of the blacklisted coordinate.

    Since the blacklist zone is a circle, it is going to look like this:


    And here's an example for a cliff:



    I hope this answered your question. :biggrin:

  13. 2 hours ago, iMod said:

    Die meisten hier benutzen ein InGame Addon (TopFit), der Bot selber hat die Funktionalität leider nicht. Du koenntest dir sonst selber noch ein Plugin in C# schreiben als alternative.

    TopFit ist aber leider nicht so "Top". :biggrin:

    Vielleicht möchte sich ein Hobby Dev um ein Plugin kümmern, sodass wir endlich für jede WoW Version eine "Top" Lösung haben. :wink:


    Post #100 :laugh:

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