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[Tutorial] - Create a Sucessfully FightClass Profile


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On this tutorial we will cover all the major aspect of:
-General Settings
-Pet's (for classes with pet's)
-Spells, Spell Settings, Spell Conditions
P.S - If you cant see the full picture, click on it.
General Settings:
Heres an explanation of what to use:
Heres an explanation of how to use it:
Spell Settings:
After you select the spell you want to add to the rotation we have to configure it!
Spell Conditions:
P.S - Out of time atm to explain all conditions, will do it as soon as i have time.
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  • 2 months later...

Condition Number:
Pet Health Percent -> Percent health of your pet (0 to 100)
Target Health Percent -> Percent health of your current target (0 to 100)
Health Percent -> Your Percent health (0 to 100)
Combo Point -> Your combo point
Mana -> Your mana
Rage -> Your Rage
Focus -> Your Focus
Energy -> Your Energy
Chi -> Your Chi
Runes -> Your Runes
Runic Power -> Your Runic Power
Soul Shards -> Your Soul Shards
Eclipse -> Your Eclipse
Holy Power -> Your Holy Power
Alternate -> Your Alternate
Dark Force -> Your Dark Force
Light Force -> Your Light Force
Shadow Orbs -> Your Shadow Orbs
Burning Embers -> Your Burning Embers
Demonic Fury -> Your Demonic Fury
Arcane Charges -> Your Arcane Charges
Target Distance -> Distance between your character and your current target
Distance Pet To Target -> Distance between your pet and your current target
Distance Me To Pet -> Distance between your character and your pet
Me Level -> Your level
Target Level -> The level of your current target

Condition Unit Near:
Hostile Unit Near -> Number of npc hostiles in the radius selected (radius starting at the position of your character)
Unit Attack Player Near -> Number of npc attacking your character in the radius selected (radius starting at the position of your character)
Hostile Unit Near Target -> Number of npc hostiles in the radius selected (radius starting at the position of your current target)
Unit Attack Player Near Target -> Number of npc attacking your character in the radius selected (radius starting at the position of your current target)

Condition String Bool:
Buff -> Check if your character has buff (buff name in english, case sensitive)
Target Buff -> Check if your target has buff (debuff) (buff name in english, case sensitive)

Pet Buff -> Check if your pet has buff (debuff) (buff name in english, case sensitive)
Know Spell -> Check if your know selected spell (spell name in english, case sensitive)
Is Spell Usable -> Check if your selected spell is usable (spell name in english, case sensitive)

Condition Bool:
In Battleground -> True if the current map is an Battleground
Have Target -> True if your character has currently an target
Have Pet -> True if your character has an pet
Me In Combat -> True if your character is in fight
Me In Move -> True if your character moving
Target In Move -> True if your target moving
Pet In Move -> True if your pet moving
Target In Cast -> True if your target casting spell or using item
Pet In Cast -> True if your pet casting spell or using item
Me In Cast -> True if your character casting spell or using item
Target Is Player -> True if your current target is an player
Target Is Summoned -> True if your current target is summoned (sample: pet)
Target Pet Is My Target -> True if your character and your pet have same target
Target Targeting Me -> True if your current target has for target your character
Target Targeting Me Or My Pet -> True if your current target has for target your character or your pet
Target Targeting My Pet -> True if your current target has for target your pet
Target Is Elite -> True if your current target is an npc elite
Target Is World Boss -> True if your current target is an npc world boss
Me Is Stunned -> True if your character is stunned
Target Is Stunned -> True if your current target is stunned
Pet Is Stunned -> True if your pet is stunned
Me Is Swimming -> True if your character is swimming
Target Is Swimming -> True if your current target is swimming
Pet Is Swimming -> True if your pet is swimming
Me Is Flying -> True if your character is flying
Target Is Flying -> True if your current target is flying
Pet Is Flying -> True if your pet is flying

Condition String:
C Sharp Code -> C#.net code with acces at wManager.dll and robotManager.dll (sample: ObjectManager.Me.HealthPercent < 70 && ObjectManager.Me.HealthPercent > 50)

Condition Item Number:
Item Count -> Number of items (by item id)

Condition Lua:
Lua Script -> Lua script (with wow lua API) (sample: post-1-0-78545800-1360322607_thumb.png post-1-0-81085000-1360322597_thumb.jpg post-1-0-39856600-1361876845_thumb.png)

Condition Buff Stack:
Buff Stack -> Number of stack by buff of your character (buff name in english, case sensitive)
Buff Stack Target -> Number of stack by buff of your target (buff name in english, case sensitive)
Buff Stack Pet -> Number of stack by buff of your pet (buff name in english, case sensitive)

Samples conditions type here



Spell no found / don't works, reply here

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I have updated my last post (not completely finished).
If an moderator can correct my orthographe please.
ps: I have deleted your posts in this thread for put my post after the first tutorial.
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Can you change "Target Buff" to "Target Debuff".  Makes a big difference.  as in if I cast a fireball and it ignites,  The ignite is a debuff.  Or rogue poisons.  The poison is a debuff on the target..  Will help with procs.  Unless there is something else I am missing as to writing a fight profile.

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Can you change "Target Buff" to "Target Debuff".  Makes a big difference.  as in if I cast a fireball and it ignites,  The ignite is a debuff.  Or rogue poisons.  The poison is a debuff on the target..  Will help with procs.  Unless there is something else I am missing as to writing a fight profile.


Yeah I was confused by this too, being new in the bot coding industry.

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is there a way to have it scan and target friendly targets? I was thinking about making a druid healing profile, but i can't figure a way for it to look at all the people in the group for who has what percent life. i have a process in mind, just need to be able to target friendly in range. this way, i can have it healing with complete efficiency while i only need to control movement. would maximize my healing hehe.

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  • 3 weeks later...


comment utiliser [Médaillon de ténacité du gladiateur malveillant] sur un Stunned (translate: When I can use Dreadful Gladiator's Medallion of Tenacity when my character is stunned?)




(remplace à gauche l'id de l'item, j'ai utilisé cette item: http://fr.wowhead.com/item=84453/medaillon-de-tenacite-du-gladiateur-effroyable )

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Lichborne Instant 2 min cooldown Requires Death Knight
Requires level 57 Draw upon unholy energy to become undead for 10 sec. While undead, you are immune to Charm, Fear, and Sleep effects, and Death Coil will heal you.

Desecrated Ground Instant 2 min cooldown Requires Death Knight
Requires level 90 Corrupts the ground in a 8 yard radius beneath the Death Knight for 10 sec. While standing in this corruption, the Death Knight is immune to effects that cause loss of control. This ability instantly removes such effects when activated.

how can I do " no Stunned " charm, fear and sleep?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to say thank you Ohren for your above post, as I had not found this thread until it was bumped back to the top. [edit]  Please forgive me.  Thank you greatly to the OP grb for the detailed explanation!


To be honest, I am a bit surprised that this wasn't a sticky at the top of this category.




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