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Posts posted by Runaro

  1. 10 minutes ago, ZackSuzies42 said:

    Yes, it's good idea, i will try this i think


    7 minutes ago, ZackSuzies42 said:

    i tried and.. he start in 64bit too.. i dont understand.


    6 minutes ago, ZackSuzies42 said:

    Droidz Can't do his Bot for 64 :'( <3

    Please calm done.. you have a "edit" button.

    Ain't gonna happen, that the bot just gets released for 32 & 64 bit, cuz it needs a lot of rewrite to make it 32 & 64 bit compatible.

    Can't find a solution for this kind of problem, since i don't have the launcher from Farahlon. ( not going to download it, sry )

    Only way would be, i gonna take a look over the Farahlon launcher via teamviewer, but i can't promise that is going to work after it, but worth a try.


  2. 17 minutes ago, ZackSuzies42 said:

    Hi guys, today i will post my problems (sorry for the bad english) 

    but today i downloaded a new Private Server "Farahlon 6.2.4"

    i will try to start the bot, but.. impossible because farahlon have his launcher and he detect my 64bit... So... i can't use it

    Can we have a WRBOT run with wow 64 bit ? or someone can help me..?

    I have no idea about this "Farahlon launcher"...

    Are you maybe able to remove the Wow-64.exe out of the World of Warcraft folder?

    So the launcher can only start the Wow.exe ( 32 bit ).

  3. 9 minutes ago, djheffa said:

    dude lol u paid for this fuck and its not even have quest profiles or something ?


    You've not paid for this bot and already complaining?

    Get the fuck out of here and shut up!

    I have my private quest profile and cuz of such people like YOU, i would never share it..

  4. 31 minutes ago, skatebourddd said:

    Nothing moved it to my (c) aka hardrive and disabled antivirus still wont load, would you be willing to teamview?

    Just msg me with your teamviewer details, i can take a look over it if you want.

  5. 1 hour ago, Kazansky said:

    So I bought the bot yesterday to skin mobs as a Guardian Druid. I use the Automaton tab and I feel disappointed at the moment.

    - The mobs I want to skin stand in pack: but the bot kill and skin 1 by 1 (It stopped at the first mobs and uses Thrash - which is the only AOE skill I set for it to use) with a fairly slow skin speed per corpses. 

    - If there is already corpses (killed and looted by other player), the bot doesn't skin the nearest corpses. It keep flying backward and skinning between corpses that faraway from each others.

    - It usually run as bear to kill single mob that faraway.

    - Even if I set only one name, it still run and kill other mobs (if the they near and doesn't attack the bot)

    I know I am new to this bot, and have no idea bout lua file, or some deep setting on this bot. So i need your help:

    Here is what I want it to be:

    - Only kill and skin specified mobs that stay in pack (ignore mobs that stay alone).

    - Only use Bird form to travel from pack to pack (no running around as a Bear).

    - Thrash (AOE skill) from zero distance or at the mob that stands in the middle so it could kill many as once. Or at least kill all the specified mobs in a set distance before start looting and skinning.

    - Is there a way to make it skin faster? Like click on corpse faster?

    If possible please help me how to set the bot. Like private profile or something like that?

    Many thank for your help!!

    Okay, since you write down really specific what you want to do, i gonna help you.

    If you want, i can send you my skype details via pm.

  6. 13 minutes ago, testender said:

    Aber leider erkennen auch nicht botter den Bot sofort, wenn er so rumläuft.

    hier mal meine Datei vielleicht könnt ihr mir weiter helfen sodass er wenigstens ab und zu heilt :)

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
    <FightClass xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
        <FightClassName>Fight config name</FightClassName>
              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionNumber">
          <SpellName>Flash of Light</SpellName>
              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionNumber">
          <SpellName>Holy Light</SpellName>


    Ähm, diese FightClass kann nicht funktionieren...

    Um in Battlegrounds ( Raids ) mit dem Bot heilen zu können, musst du eine complexe FightClass in C# schreiben.

    Xml reicht für sowas einfach nicht aus, aber für 5 Personen Gruppen kannst du auch eine xml FightClass nutzen.

    Hier ist ein Beispiel für eine complexe C# Healer FightClass: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/611-druid-healer-aio/

    Und hier ist noch eine simple xml FightClass für wod: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/569-holy-paladin/

  7. 21 hours ago, arsart said:

    how can i teach bot to use frost move while fishing?

    I hope your talking about the Death Knight spell "Path of Frost", simply add this into your FightClass:

              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool">
                <Name>Path of Frost</Name>
          <SpellName>Path of Frost</SpellName>


  8. 7 minutes ago, anathos86 said:

    I don't understand,

    I have de game with the official launcher of Firestorm !

    for the bot i can play only with the extension Mist Of Pandaria and the realmlist changed ? 

    The FIrestorm launcher modifies files of wow, so the bot won't recognize the wow version.

    Just download the original files & client.. and modify the realmlist by yourself, instead of using the FIrestorm launcher... :rolleyes:

  9. 3 minutes ago, anathos86 said:

    No i use the basic Firestorm launcher and i don't have modified the client, no addons, etc..

    But i think if i download full Mist of pandaria its the solution ?


    There's your problem, you use a modified version from Firestrom.

    Just download the original version and only modify the realmlist.

  10. 3 minutes ago, KnightRyder said:

    Sorry to necro, but I think this bug is back.


    I have several profiles that worked just fine, but now it will find a target to attack, walk/run to it and aggro things on the way. It will ignore those adds until done with the first target. Sometimes even attacking a 2nd mob, while having mobs attacking me already. 


    I have a video of this happening, but not sure how to black out my name.

    It never got fixed. :biggrin:

    Here's the Bug Tracker entry: http://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/attacked-before-attacking-bug-r364/

  11. 1 hour ago, Fyuri13 said:

     I tried making a kill and loot step that had the last hotspot at the entrance and complete condition at continent change but the bot doesnt do the hotspots is the order they were added so it just turns around and leaves

    Instead of hotspots, record paths for a dungeon.

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