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Posts posted by Runaro

  1. On 6/9/2016 at 3:05 AM, ildoctore said:

    can you use 3 pets and make and example? thanks

    3 hours ago, ildoctore said:

    MODERATOR: can you move this to lua programing? i hope to have help there. thanks


    I don't think, someone is going to create for you the code.

    dida1990 provided you the information, simply start working with it... trial and error.

  2. 10 hours ago, Hatmud said:
    In the place of sale of keys, only specifies that it is for private servers. The server game is private . The keys deverian be valid for all versions of old Wrobot . So I ask you to send me a key for wow version 6.2.3 . Thank you.



    Do you read stuff, before you buy it?

     - Before purchase, please test if one of the available versions of WRobot work on your Wow Server (a trial version is available), no refund will be accepted.


    Btw, you can download the old bot version for 6.2.3 here: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/oldversion/WRobot_6.2.3_20886_FINAL.zip ( you won't get any kind of support in this forum, for this version )

    But for this you need a normal bot license and not a private server license.

  3. 31 minutes ago, Hatmud said:
    Greetings. I bought key wow private server version 6.2.3 , but it does not work devido telling me that does not correspond to a correct version Wrobot . They could solve that ?, because qeu version 6.2.3 corresponds to the private server. Thank you.

    First of all, "WRobot for Wow The Burning Crusade - Help and support" isn't the right section for these kind of questions.

    Now to your question, legion gets only supported on the current retail patch 6.2.4

    The following private server version gets supported by wrobot:

    2.4.3 ( tbc )

    3.3.5a ( wotlk)

    4.3.4 ( cata )

    5.4.8 ( mop )

  4. 2 minutes ago, skatebourddd said:

    didnt seem to help

    I could help you via teamviewer, but then i see your license and i don't think that is something you want.

    Better is, if you wait for a response of a staff member.

  5. 2 minutes ago, skatebourddd said:

    After i click okay on my product key (bought a lifetime membership along time ago) it says in progress and never logs me on it just stays their. Can anyone help? I have updated everything and everything but the logging in when i click okay with my product key seems to work.

    Maybe your Firewall / Antivirus Software blocks the connection, try to disable it.

  6. 11 hours ago, coincoin said:


    i want the bot get a human near movement ... i want he didn t go in wall and make me over looked by other guy wgo can report my acc, i want a path find corectly worked

    i just get of bed, the bot is block in a tree for 6 hours, he make ZERO DIG site loose TIME OF MY MONEY CARD WITH IS PAY


    i have PAY for look a bot crash and wall in wall for get banned soon cause pathfinder maker are crappy

    If you don't like the automated BG System, where the Bot follows other players.. then write your own profiles for PvP. ( ofc, with a good blacklist, so the bot won't get stucked )

    Here's a example for a BG Profile: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/136-temple-of-kotmogu/

    It's possible to make it more complex, like tapping flags and stuff.



  7. On 2/21/2016 at 4:54 PM, xNomad said:

    is there any way to disable this auto shutdown after being stuck a while? The attachment is an example from AV, but this happens in almost EVERY BG. Please help.

    You want to disable a safety feature, which helps not getting banned?

    Okay.. Just click on "General Settings" - "Enter advanced settings..." - "Stop game / bot / Security" and then simply uncheck "Close game: After 25 blockages in last 10 minutes"


    Btw, If your playing on retail, stop using the bot for PvP, or you'll get banned soon from blizzard.

  8. 12 hours ago, dabossman123 said:

    I tried reading the changelog but i didnt see any info regarding the 2.4.3 bot, so you released an update for the bot yet half of the functions still do not work? The gatherer still only taps mineral nodes once and the relogger still does not relog properly... so what did this update even do? and when are those pretty important things going to be fixxed?

    First of all, it is a beta version of the bot, so don't expect much about it. ( report everything which isn't reported in the bug tracker )

    Second... your not a paying users, so please behave and let Droidz do his job, which has also a life beside writing this bot.


  9. Just now, tjuggebab said:

    Hey there, so I stumbled across a problem with lvling hunters with the combat profiles and questing profiles on here. Im currently only at lvl 6 and whenever it pulls a mob it just got time to shoot for once and then stands using raptor strike and meele wich makes it fail the fight. Is there any way to add like kiting or whatever to make it trought the fight? Thanks!

    What would kiting help?

    Your still not faster then a unit, that's why you have no other choice to use meele attacks at that level.

    At level 10+, you have your pet and it can tank for you, so you can stay in range.

    Plus you can later add disengage to your FightClass.

  10. 13 hours ago, pwagon said:

    That's a very fair point, which is why i'm suggesting some kind of incentive, would you be more inclined to share with everyone if you were compensated in some way?


    It would be fine, if the permission for the download section get changed, to strict only users with a paid bot sub. ( visible for everyone, but not able to download stuff without a paid sub )

    But this won't help with questing profiles & co, cuz it's alot of time and effort needed to realize that and most people doesn't want to do this for free. ( 1-100 needs months of work )


  11. Let's say, you create a decent FightClass / Profile for the Bot and think about uploading it to the site, but then you realize, that every single person can download it. ( even the users without a paid bot sub )

    Then you'll change your mind and gonna keep the FightClass / Profile private, cuz why you wanna share work with ungrateful leechers?

    Example.. I made for TBC and Wotlk FightClasses for every class and i'm not really playing TBC... but with the current download permissions, i'm simply not interested in releasing my stuff.

    The people i share my Profiles with, gonna give me suggestions, are thankful and going to share with me too their private profiles.

    And much people don't want to share their stuff, cuz they want to be the only one using it, what i totally understand.

    Why are not that much questing profiles on here?

    Cuz it takes alot of time ( i hate the quest editor tool... ) and after you've put weeks / months into it, you won't share it with other people.. Why should you?

    Just my opinion why are not that much decent profiles on here.

  12. 12 minutes ago, rafterchile said:


    wrobot not always atack i have to select the enemy multiple times to  make it work if it work

    an the mage in party mode only follow me around

    both fight clases are good in batlegrounder

    somethimes everything is allright


    I really hope, your not playing on retail like this...

    If so, then you'll get banned very soon. :rolleyes:

  13. 15 minutes ago, cephius said:

    Nearest? nah. I do know that it targets a random friendly player and starts to "follow" it. But I dont think it is a very good when my bot starts to follow someone who is afking on the starting cave in AV. Then again, it wouldnt be a good idea to follow the exact same waypoints to the same location over and over again

    There's nothing we can do about it, since the Bot doesn't have the option to add random variables to the generated path.

    Something like WP( 1287.191 + Random(-1, 1), 1285.234 + Random(-1, 1), 3, 1 ) would be great, but right now not a option.

    Maybe Droidz is going to add it into the bot, so every generated path gets added + - wp and that means, no other bot is going to walk the exact same path.

  14. 14 hours ago, cephius said:


    As most of us here play on Lordaeron, and this bot has become quite known and widely used, It's not a surprise that the amount of bots running BG has increased too. I myself am playing on the horde side, so I'm not quite sure how it is on alliance. But anyway, there are now 3-4 bots on every BG I'm playing, and they are all quite running the same waypoints - you know what i mean.

    In AV, the bots run to the starting cave - very suspicious. WSg they get stuck into a wall  etc etc. What I'm saying is that it is VERY easy to see who is botting, if you know what you are looking for. I think Malaco and his minions are also noticing this, since there have been quite a few bans lately for BG botting.

    What I'm trying to say here is that it is not very safe to bot BGs if you aren ot constantly looking at the screen incase a GM whispers to you.

    Is there a possibility to improve the BG bots somehow? like more randomized moving behaviour, and that the bot would not go back in to the starting cave etc.


    TL;DR: Warmane is banning BG bots - be careful


    Just create your own BG Profile, instead of the "Free mode" function?

  15. 25 minutes ago, bael666 said:

    Cool that sorted it! Thanks!

    Last one now haha! I've made a profile in STV, though when my bags are full and the GoToTown function starts, it tries each of the vendors I've setup (there's 3), says they're all unreachable and goes back to killing stuff.

    I'm thinking this maybe something to do with the vendors being in booty Bay (guess all those ramps aren't good for the bot).

    That means, he can't generate a path to the vendor, there's no other solution, then adding another reachable vendor to the profile.

    I'm not a Staff member, that's why can't provide you any solution for that kind of problem.

    From my side, i really want the possibility to record my own meshes, so the bot gets usable for dungeons and stuff..

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